Simona Leonardi


Dates and places as points of attachment for memorial contents in the ISW corpus: 1938 as a turning point
Carolina Flinz | Simona Leonardi
Proceedings of the First Workshop on Holocaust Testimonies as Language Resources (HTRes) @ LREC-COLING 2024

Aim of the paper is the identification and subsequent analysis of crisis years in the narrative biographical interviews with German speaking Jews from the corpus ISW (Emigrantendeutsch in Israel: Wiener in Jerusalem/ Migrant German in Israel: Viennese in Jerusalem); also the possible “chronological landmarks” within a year will be tackled, investigating how a certain year – 1938 – represents in the life story of the narrators a turning point, as it clusters most traumatic events linked to the Shoah. The transcripts were analysed using the tool Sketch Engine. An alternation of corpus-driven and corpus-based steps characterizes this study, which uses a quantitative-qualitative approach (see Lemnitzer and Zinsmeister, 2015) and integrates also approaches from narrative analysis. The research questions that guide our investigation are as follows: Are there any special dates that recur as chronological landmarks of crisis situations (Leonardi 2023a)? Which are they? Do they recur in connection with special places? which ones?