Shengping Liu


Large Language Models are Better Reasoners with Self-Verification
Yixuan Weng | Minjun Zhu | Fei Xia | Bin Li | Shizhu He | Shengping Liu | Bin Sun | Kang Liu | Jun Zhao
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: EMNLP 2023

Recently, with the chain of thought (CoT) prompting, large language models (LLMs), e.g., GPT-3, have shown strong reasoning ability in several natural language processing tasks such as arithmetic, commonsense, and logical reasoning. However, LLMs with CoT require multi-step prompting and multi-token prediction, which is highly sensitive to individual mistakes and vulnerable to error accumulation. The above issues make the LLMs need the ability to verify the answers. In fact, after inferring conclusions in some thinking decision tasks, people often check them by re-verifying steps to avoid some mistakes. In this paper, we propose and prove that LLMs also have similar self-verification abilities. We take the conclusion obtained by CoT as one of the conditions for solving the original problem. By performing a backward verification of the answers that LLM deduced for itself, we can obtain interpretable answer validation scores to select the candidate answer with the highest score. Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed method can improve the reasoning performance on various arithmetic, commonsense, and logical reasoning datasets. Our code is publicly available at:

ZhuJiu: A Multi-dimensional, Multi-faceted Chinese Benchmark for Large Language Models
Baoli Zhang | Haining Xie | Pengfan Du | Junhao Chen | Pengfei Cao | Yubo Chen | Shengping Liu | Kang Liu | Jun Zhao
Proceedings of the 2023 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing: System Demonstrations

The unprecedented performance of LLMs requires comprehensive and accurate evaluation. We argue that for LLMs evaluation, benchmarks need to be comprehensive and systematic. To this end, we propose the Zhujiu benchmark, which has the following strengths: (1) Multi-dimensional ability coverage: We comprehensively evaluate LLMs across 7 ability dimensions covering 51 tasks. Especially, we also propose a new benchmark that focus on knowledge ability of LLMs. (2) Multi-faceted evaluation methods collaboration: We use 3 different yet complementary evaluation methods to comprehensively evaluate LLMs, which can ensure the authority and accuracy of the evaluation results. (3) Comprehensive Chinese benchmark: ZhuJiu is the pioneering benchmark that fully assesses LLMs in Chinese, while also providing equally robust evaluation abilities in English. (4) Avoiding potential data leakage: To avoid data leakage, we construct evaluation data specifically for 37 tasks. We evaluate 10 current mainstream LLMs, and conduct an in-depth discussion and analysis of their results. The ZhuJiu benchmark and open-participation leaderboard are publicly released at and we also provide a demo video at


CASIA@SMM4H’22: A Uniform Health Information Mining System for Multilingual Social Media Texts
Jia Fu | Sirui Li | Hui Ming Yuan | Zhucong Li | Zhen Gan | Yubo Chen | Kang Liu | Jun Zhao | Shengping Liu
Proceedings of The Seventh Workshop on Social Media Mining for Health Applications, Workshop & Shared Task

This paper presents a description of our system in SMM4H-2022, where we participated in task 1a,task 4, and task 6 to task 10. There are three main challenges in SMM4H-2022, namely the domain shift problem, the prediction bias due to category imbalance, and the noise in informal text. In this paper, we propose a unified framework for the classification and named entity recognition tasks to solve the challenges, and it can be applied to both English and Spanish scenarios. The results of our system are higher than the median F1-scores for 7 tasks and significantly exceed the F1-scores for 6 tasks. The experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of our system.


Classification, Extraction, and Normalization : CASIA_Unisound Team at the Social Media Mining for Health 2021 Shared Tasks
Tong Zhou | Zhucong Li | Zhen Gan | Baoli Zhang | Yubo Chen | Kun Niu | Jing Wan | Kang Liu | Jun Zhao | Yafei Shi | Weifeng Chong | Shengping Liu
Proceedings of the Sixth Social Media Mining for Health (#SMM4H) Workshop and Shared Task

This is the system description of the CASIA_Unisound team for Task 1, Task 7b, and Task 8 of the sixth Social Media Mining for Health Applications (SMM4H) shared task in 2021. Targeting on deal with two shared challenges, the colloquial text and the imbalance annotation, among those tasks, we apply a customized pre-trained language model and propose various training strategies. Experimental results show the effectiveness of our system. Moreover, we got an F1-score of 0.87 in task 8, which is the highest among all participates.

Automatic ICD Coding via Interactive Shared Representation Networks with Self-distillation Mechanism
Tong Zhou | Pengfei Cao | Yubo Chen | Kang Liu | Jun Zhao | Kun Niu | Weifeng Chong | Shengping Liu
Proceedings of the 59th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics and the 11th International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing (Volume 1: Long Papers)

The ICD coding task aims at assigning codes of the International Classification of Diseases in clinical notes. Since manual coding is very laborious and prone to errors, many methods have been proposed for the automatic ICD coding task. However, existing works either ignore the long-tail of code frequency or the noisy clinical notes. To address the above issues, we propose an Interactive Shared Representation Network with Self-Distillation Mechanism. Specifically, an interactive shared representation network targets building connections among codes while modeling the co-occurrence, consequently alleviating the long-tail problem. Moreover, to cope with the noisy text issue, we encourage the model to focus on the clinical note’s noteworthy part and extract valuable information through a self-distillation learning mechanism. Experimental results on two MIMIC datasets demonstrate the effectiveness of our method.

Biomedical Concept Normalization by Leveraging Hypernyms
Cheng Yan | Yuanzhe Zhang | Kang Liu | Jun Zhao | Yafei Shi | Shengping Liu
Proceedings of the 2021 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing

Biomedical Concept Normalization (BCN) is widely used in biomedical text processing as a fundamental module. Owing to numerous surface variants of biomedical concepts, BCN still remains challenging and unsolved. In this paper, we exploit biomedical concept hypernyms to facilitate BCN. We propose Biomedical Concept Normalizer with Hypernyms (BCNH), a novel framework that adopts list-wise training to make use of both hypernyms and synonyms, and also employs norm constraint on the representation of hypernym-hyponym entity pairs. The experimental results show that BCNH outperforms the previous state-of-the-art model on the NCBI dataset.

CroAno : A Crowd Annotation Platform for Improving Label Consistency of Chinese NER Dataset
Baoli Zhang | Zhucong Li | Zhen Gan | Yubo Chen | Jing Wan | Kang Liu | Jun Zhao | Shengping Liu | Yafei Shi
Proceedings of the 2021 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing: System Demonstrations

In this paper, we introduce CroAno, a web-based crowd annotation platform for the Chinese named entity recognition (NER). Besides some basic features for crowd annotation like fast tagging and data management, CroAno provides a systematic solution for improving label consistency of Chinese NER dataset. 1) Disagreement Adjudicator: CroAno uses a multi-dimensional highlight mode to visualize instance-level inconsistent entities and makes the revision process user-friendly. 2) Inconsistency Detector: CroAno employs a detector to locate corpus-level label inconsistency and provides users an interface to correct inconsistent entities in batches. 3) Prediction Error Analyzer: We deconstruct the entity prediction error of the model to six fine-grained entity error types. Users can employ this error system to detect corpus-level inconsistency from a model perspective. To validate the effectiveness of our platform, we use CroAno to revise two public datasets. In the two revised datasets, we get an improvement of +1.96% and +2.57% F1 respectively in model performance.


HyperCore: Hyperbolic and Co-graph Representation for Automatic ICD Coding
Pengfei Cao | Yubo Chen | Kang Liu | Jun Zhao | Shengping Liu | Weifeng Chong
Proceedings of the 58th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics

The International Classification of Diseases (ICD) provides a standardized way for classifying diseases, which endows each disease with a unique code. ICD coding aims to assign proper ICD codes to a medical record. Since manual coding is very laborious and prone to errors, many methods have been proposed for the automatic ICD coding task. However, most of existing methods independently predict each code, ignoring two important characteristics: Code Hierarchy and Code Co-occurrence. In this paper, we propose a Hyperbolic and Co-graph Representation method (HyperCore) to address the above problem. Specifically, we propose a hyperbolic representation method to leverage the code hierarchy. Moreover, we propose a graph convolutional network to utilize the code co-occurrence. Experimental results on two widely used datasets demonstrate that our proposed model outperforms previous state-of-the-art methods.

MIE: A Medical Information Extractor towards Medical Dialogues
Yuanzhe Zhang | Zhongtao Jiang | Tao Zhang | Shiwan Liu | Jiarun Cao | Kang Liu | Shengping Liu | Jun Zhao
Proceedings of the 58th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics

Electronic Medical Records (EMRs) have become key components of modern medical care systems. Despite the merits of EMRs, many doctors suffer from writing them, which is time-consuming and tedious. We believe that automatically converting medical dialogues to EMRs can greatly reduce the burdens of doctors, and extracting information from medical dialogues is an essential step. To this end, we annotate online medical consultation dialogues in a window-sliding style, which is much easier than the sequential labeling annotation. We then propose a Medical Information Extractor (MIE) towards medical dialogues. MIE is able to extract mentioned symptoms, surgeries, tests, other information and their corresponding status. To tackle the particular challenges of the task, MIE uses a deep matching architecture, taking dialogue turn-interaction into account. The experimental results demonstrate MIE is a promising solution to extract medical information from doctor-patient dialogues.

Clinical-Coder: Assigning Interpretable ICD-10 Codes to Chinese Clinical Notes
Pengfei Cao | Chenwei Yan | Xiangling Fu | Yubo Chen | Kang Liu | Jun Zhao | Shengping Liu | Weifeng Chong
Proceedings of the 58th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics: System Demonstrations

In this paper, we introduce Clinical-Coder, an online system aiming to assign ICD codes to Chinese clinical notes. ICD coding has been a research hotspot of clinical medicine, but the interpretability of prediction hinders its practical application. We exploit a Dilated Convolutional Attention network with N-gram Matching mechanism (DCANM) to capture semantic features for non-continuous words and continuous n-gram words, concentrating on explaining the reason why each ICD code to be predicted. The experiments demonstrate that our approach is effective and that our system is able to provide supporting information in clinical decision making.


Learning the Extraction Order of Multiple Relational Facts in a Sentence with Reinforcement Learning
Xiangrong Zeng | Shizhu He | Daojian Zeng | Kang Liu | Shengping Liu | Jun Zhao
Proceedings of the 2019 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing and the 9th International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing (EMNLP-IJCNLP)

The multiple relation extraction task tries to extract all relational facts from a sentence. Existing works didn’t consider the extraction order of relational facts in a sentence. In this paper we argue that the extraction order is important in this task. To take the extraction order into consideration, we apply the reinforcement learning into a sequence-to-sequence model. The proposed model could generate relational facts freely. Widely conducted experiments on two public datasets demonstrate the efficacy of the proposed method.

Leverage Lexical Knowledge for Chinese Named Entity Recognition via Collaborative Graph Network
Dianbo Sui | Yubo Chen | Kang Liu | Jun Zhao | Shengping Liu
Proceedings of the 2019 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing and the 9th International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing (EMNLP-IJCNLP)

The lack of word boundaries information has been seen as one of the main obstacles to develop a high performance Chinese named entity recognition (NER) system. Fortunately, the automatically constructed lexicon contains rich word boundaries information and word semantic information. However, integrating lexical knowledge in Chinese NER tasks still faces challenges when it comes to self-matched lexical words as well as the nearest contextual lexical words. We present a Collaborative Graph Network to solve these challenges. Experiments on various datasets show that our model not only outperforms the state-of-the-art (SOTA) results, but also achieves a speed that is six to fifteen times faster than that of the SOTA model.


Adversarial Transfer Learning for Chinese Named Entity Recognition with Self-Attention Mechanism
Pengfei Cao | Yubo Chen | Kang Liu | Jun Zhao | Shengping Liu
Proceedings of the 2018 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing

Named entity recognition (NER) is an important task in natural language processing area, which needs to determine entities boundaries and classify them into pre-defined categories. For Chinese NER task, there is only a very small amount of annotated data available. Chinese NER task and Chinese word segmentation (CWS) task have many similar word boundaries. There are also specificities in each task. However, existing methods for Chinese NER either do not exploit word boundary information from CWS or cannot filter the specific information of CWS. In this paper, we propose a novel adversarial transfer learning framework to make full use of task-shared boundaries information and prevent the task-specific features of CWS. Besides, since arbitrary character can provide important cues when predicting entity type, we exploit self-attention to explicitly capture long range dependencies between two tokens. Experimental results on two different widely used datasets show that our proposed model significantly and consistently outperforms other state-of-the-art methods.