Qian Lou


TrojFSP: Trojan Insertion in Few-shot Prompt Tuning
Mengxin Zheng | Jiaqi Xue | Xun Chen | Yanshan Wang | Qian Lou | Lei Jiang
Proceedings of the 2024 Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies (Volume 1: Long Papers)

Prompt tuning is one of the most effective solutions to adapting a fixed pre-trained language model (PLM) for various downstream tasks, especially with only a few input samples. However, the security issues, e.g., Trojan attacks, of prompt tuning on a few data samples are not well-studied. Transferring established data poisoning attacks directly to few-shot prompt tuning presents multiple challenges. One significant issue is the _poisoned imbalance issue_, where non-target class samples are added to the target class, resulting in a greater number of target-class samples compared to non-target class. While this issue is not critical in regular tuning, it significantly hampers the few-shot prompt tuning, making it difficult to simultaneously achieve a high attack success rate (ASR) and maintain clean data accuracy (CDA). Additionally, few-shot prompting is prone to overfitting in terms of both ASR and CDA. In this paper, we introduce _TrojFSP_, a method designed to address the challenges. To solve the poisoned imbalance issue, we develop a _Target-Class Shrink (TC-Shrink)_ technique, which aims to equalize the number of poisoning samples. To combat overfitting, we employ a _Selective Token Poisoning_ technique to boost attack performance. Furthermore, we introduce a _Trojan-Trigger Attention_ objective function to amplify the attention of the poisoned trojan prompt on triggers. Experiments show that our TrojFSP achieves an ASR of over 99% while maintaining negligible decreases in CDA across various PLMs and datasets. The source code of TrojFSP is available at _https://github.com/UCF-ML-Research/TrojFSP_.


Numerical Optimizations for Weighted Low-rank Estimation on Language Models
Ting Hua | Yen-Chang Hsu | Felicity Wang | Qian Lou | Yilin Shen | Hongxia Jin
Proceedings of the 2022 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing

Singular value decomposition (SVD) is one of the most popular compression methods that approximate a target matrix with smaller matrices. However, standard SVD treats the parameters within the matrix with equal importance, which is a simple but unrealistic assumption. The parameters of a trained neural network model may affect the task performance unevenly, which suggests non-equal importance among the parameters. Compared to SVD, the decomposition method aware of parameter importance is the more practical choice in real cases. Unlike standard SVD, weighed value decomposition is a non-convex optimization problem that lacks a closed-form solution. We systematically investigated multiple optimization strategies to tackle the problem and examined our method by compressing Transformer-based language models.Further, we designed a metric to predict when the SVD may introduce a significant performance drop, for which our method can be a rescue strategy.The extensive evaluations demonstrate that our method can perform better than current SOTA methods in compressing Transformer-based language models.


CRYPTOGRU: Low Latency Privacy-Preserving Text Analysis With GRU
Bo Feng | Qian Lou | Lei Jiang | Geoffrey Fox
Proceedings of the 2021 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing

Homomorphic encryption (HE) and garbled circuit (GC) provide the protection for users’ privacy. However, simply mixing the HE and GC in RNN models suffer from long inference latency due to slow activation functions. In this paper, we present a novel hybrid structure of HE and GC gated recurrent unit (GRU) network, , for low-latency secure inferences. replaces computationally expensive GC-based tanh with fast GC-based ReLU, and then quantizes sigmoid and ReLU to smaller bit-length to accelerate activations in a GRU. We evaluate with multiple GRU models trained on 4 public datasets. Experimental results show achieves top-notch accuracy and improves the secure inference latency by up to 138× over one of the state-of-the-art secure networks on the Penn Treebank dataset.