Petter Mæhlum


EDEN: A Dataset for Event Detection in Norwegian News
Samia Touileb | Jeanett Murstad | Petter Mæhlum | Lubos Steskal | Lilja Charlotte Storset | Huiling You | Lilja Øvrelid
Proceedings of the 2024 Joint International Conference on Computational Linguistics, Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC-COLING 2024)

We present EDEN, the first Norwegian dataset annotated with event information at the sentence level, adapting the widely used ACE event schema to Norwegian. The paper describes the manual annotation of Norwegian text as well as transcribed speech in the news domain, together with inter-annotator agreement and discussions of relevant dataset statistics. We also present preliminary modeling results using a graph-based event parser. The resulting dataset will be freely available for download and use.

Estimating Lexical Complexity from Document-Level Distributions
Sondre Wold | Petter Mæhlum | Oddbjørn Hove
Proceedings of the 2024 Joint International Conference on Computational Linguistics, Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC-COLING 2024)

Existing methods for complexity estimation are typically developed for entire documents. This limitation in scope makes them inapplicable for shorter pieces of text, such as health assessment tools. These typically consist of lists of independent sentences, all of which are too short for existing methods to apply. The choice of wording in these assessment tools is crucial, as both the cognitive capacity and the linguistic competency of the intended patient groups could vary substantially. As a first step towards creating better tools for supporting health practitioners, we develop a two-step approach for estimating lexical complexity that does not rely on any pre-annotated data. We implement our approach for the Norwegian language and verify its effectiveness using statistical testing and a qualitative evaluation of samples from real assessment tools. We also investigate the relationship between our complexity measure and certain features typically associated with complexity in the literature, such as word length, frequency, and the number of syllables.

NoMusic - The Norwegian Multi-Dialectal Slot and Intent Detection Corpus
Petter Mæhlum | Yves Scherrer
Proceedings of the Eleventh Workshop on NLP for Similar Languages, Varieties, and Dialects (VarDial 2024)

This paper presents a new textual resource for Norwegian and its dialects. The NoMusic corpus contains Norwegian translations of the xSID dataset, an evaluation dataset for spoken language understanding (slot and intent detection). The translations cover Norwegian Bokmål, as well as eight dialects from three of the four major Norwegian dialect areas. To our knowledge, this is the first multi-parallel resource for written Norwegian dialects, and the first evaluation dataset for slot and intent detection focusing on non-standard Norwegian varieties. In this paper, we describe the annotation process and provide some analyses on the types of linguistic variation that can be found in the dataset.

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It’s Difficult to Be Neutral – Human and LLM-based Sentiment Annotation of Patient Comments
Petter Mæhlum | David Samuel | Rebecka Maria Norman | Elma Jelin | Øyvind Andresen Bjertnæs | Lilja Øvrelid | Erik Velldal
Proceedings of the First Workshop on Patient-Oriented Language Processing (CL4Health) @ LREC-COLING 2024

Sentiment analysis is an important tool for aggregating patient voices, in order to provide targeted improvements in healthcare services. A prerequisite for this is the availability of in-domain data annotated for sentiment. This article documents an effort to add sentiment annotations to free-text comments in patient surveys collected by the Norwegian Institute of Public Health (NIPH). However, annotation can be a time-consuming and resource-intensive process, particularly when it requires domain expertise. We therefore also evaluate a possible alternative to human annotation, using large language models (LLMs) as annotators. We perform an extensive evaluation of the approach for two openly available pretrained LLMs for Norwegian, experimenting with different configurations of prompts and in-context learning, comparing their performance to human annotators. We find that even for zero-shot runs, models perform well above the baseline for binary sentiment, but still cannot compete with human annotators on the full dataset.


Identifying Token-Level Dialectal Features in Social Media
Jeremy Barnes | Samia Touileb | Petter Mæhlum | Pierre Lison
Proceedings of the 24th Nordic Conference on Computational Linguistics (NoDaLiDa)

Dialectal variation is present in many human languages and is attracting a growing interest in NLP. Most previous work concentrated on either (1) classifying dialectal varieties at the document or sentence level or (2) performing standard NLP tasks on dialectal data. In this paper, we propose the novel task of token-level dialectal feature prediction. We present a set of fine-grained annotation guidelines for Norwegian dialects, expand a corpus of dialectal tweets, and manually annotate them using the introduced guidelines. Furthermore, to evaluate the learnability of our task, we conduct labeling experiments using a collection of baselines, weakly supervised and supervised sequence labeling models. The obtained results show that, despite the difficulty of the task and the scarcity of training data, many dialectal features can be predicted with reasonably high accuracy.

A Diagnostic Dataset for Sentiment and Negation Modeling for Norwegian
Petter Mæhlum | Erik Velldal | Lilja Øvrelid
Proceedings of the Second Workshop on Resources and Representations for Under-Resourced Languages and Domains (RESOURCEFUL-2023)

Negation constitutes a challenging phenomenon for many natural language processing tasks, such as sentiment analysis (SA). In this paper we investigate the relationship between negation and sentiment in the context of Norwegian professional reviews. The first part of this paper includes a corpus study which investigates how negation is tied to sentiment in this domain, based on existing annotations. In the second part, we introduce NoReC-NegSynt, a synthetically augmented test set for negation and sentiment, to allow for a more detailed analysis of the role of negation in current neural SA models. This diagnostic test set, containing both clausal and non-clausal negation, allows for analyzing and comparing models’ abilities to treat several different types of negation. We also present a case-study, applying several neural SA models to the diagnostic data.

Phonotactics as an Aid in Low Resource Loan Word Detection and Morphological Analysis in Sakha
Petter Mæhlum | Sardana Ivanova
Proceedings of the Second Workshop on Resources and Representations for Under-Resourced Languages and Domains (RESOURCEFUL-2023)

Obtaining information about loan words and irregular morphological patterns can be difficult for low-resource languages. Using Sakha as an example, we show that it is possible to exploit known phonemic regularities such as vowel harmony and consonant distributions to identify loan words and irregular patterns, which can be helpful in rule-based downstream tasks such as parsing and POS-tagging. We evaluate phonemically inspired methods for loanword detection, combined with bi-gram vowel transition probabilities to inspect irregularities in the morphology of loanwords. We show that both these techniques can be useful for the detection of such patterns. Finally, we inspect the plural suffix -ЛАр [-LAr] to observe some of the variation in morphology between native and foreign words.


NorDiaChange: Diachronic Semantic Change Dataset for Norwegian
Andrey Kutuzov | Samia Touileb | Petter Mæhlum | Tita Enstad | Alexandra Wittemann
Proceedings of the Thirteenth Language Resources and Evaluation Conference

We describe NorDiaChange: the first diachronic semantic change dataset for Norwegian. NorDiaChange comprises two novel subsets, covering about 80 Norwegian nouns manually annotated with graded semantic change over time. Both datasets follow the same annotation procedure and can be used interchangeably as train and test splits for each other. NorDiaChange covers the time periods related to pre- and post-war events, oil and gas discovery in Norway, and technological developments. The annotation was done using the DURel framework and two large historical Norwegian corpora. NorDiaChange is published in full under a permissive licence, complete with raw annotation data and inferred diachronic word usage graphs (DWUGs).

Annotating Norwegian language varieties on Twitter for Part-of-speech
Petter Mæhlum | Andre Kåsen | Samia Touileb | Jeremy Barnes
Proceedings of the Ninth Workshop on NLP for Similar Languages, Varieties and Dialects

Norwegian Twitter data poses an interesting challenge for Natural Language Processing (NLP) tasks. These texts are difficult for models trained on standardized text in one of the two Norwegian written forms (Bokmål and Nynorsk), as they contain both the typical variation of social media text, as well as a large amount of dialectal variety. In this paper we present a novel Norwegian Twitter dataset annotated with POS-tags. We show that models trained on Universal Dependency (UD) data perform worse when evaluated against this dataset, and that models trained on Bokmål generally perform better than those trained on Nynorsk. We also see that performance on dialectal tweets is comparable to the written standards for some models. Finally we perform a detailed analysis of the errors that models commonly make on this data.

NARCNorwegian Anaphora Resolution Corpus
Petter Mæhlum | Dag Haug | Tollef Jørgensen | Andre Kåsen | Anders Nøklestad | Egil Rønningstad | Per Erik Solberg | Erik Velldal | Lilja Øvrelid
Proceedings of the Fifth Workshop on Computational Models of Reference, Anaphora and Coreference

We present the Norwegian Anaphora Resolution Corpus (NARC), the first publicly available corpus annotated with anaphoric relations between noun phrases for Norwegian. The paper describes the annotated data for 326 documents in Norwegian Bokmål, together with inter-annotator agreement and discussions of relevant statistics. We also present preliminary modelling results which are comparable to existing corpora for other languages, and discuss relevant problems in relation to both modelling and the annotations themselves.


Negation in Norwegian: an annotated dataset
Petter Mæhlum | Jeremy Barnes | Robin Kurtz | Lilja Øvrelid | Erik Velldal
Proceedings of the 23rd Nordic Conference on Computational Linguistics (NoDaLiDa)

This paper introduces NorecNeg – the first annotated dataset of negation for Norwegian. Negation cues and their in-sentence scopes have been annotated across more than 11K sentences spanning more than 400 documents for a subset of the Norwegian Review Corpus (NoReC). In addition to providing in-depth discussion of the annotation guidelines, we also present a first set of benchmark results based on a graph-parsing approach.

NorDial: A Preliminary Corpus of Written Norwegian Dialect Use
Jeremy Barnes | Petter Mæhlum | Samia Touileb
Proceedings of the 23rd Nordic Conference on Computational Linguistics (NoDaLiDa)

Norway has a large amount of dialectal variation, as well as a general tolerance to its use in the public sphere. There are, however, few available resources to study this variation and its change over time and in more informal areas, on social media. In this paper, we propose a first step to creating a corpus of dialectal variation of written Norwegian. We collect a small corpus of tweets and manually annotate them as Bokmål, Nynorsk, any dialect, or a mix. We further perform preliminary experiments with state-of-the-art models, as well as an analysis of the data to expand this corpus in the future. Finally, we make the annotations available for future work.


A Fine-grained Sentiment Dataset for Norwegian
Lilja Øvrelid | Petter Mæhlum | Jeremy Barnes | Erik Velldal
Proceedings of the Twelfth Language Resources and Evaluation Conference

We here introduce NoReC_fine, a dataset for fine-grained sentiment analysis in Norwegian, annotated with respect to polar expressions, targets and holders of opinion. The underlying texts are taken from a corpus of professionally authored reviews from multiple news-sources and across a wide variety of domains, including literature, games, music, products, movies and more. We here present a detailed description of this annotation effort. We provide an overview of the developed annotation guidelines, illustrated with examples and present an analysis of inter-annotator agreement. We also report the first experimental results on the dataset, intended as a preliminary benchmark for further experiments.


Annotating evaluative sentences for sentiment analysis: a dataset for Norwegian
Petter Mæhlum | Jeremy Barnes | Lilja Øvrelid | Erik Velldal
Proceedings of the 22nd Nordic Conference on Computational Linguistics

This paper documents the creation of a large-scale dataset of evaluative sentences – i.e. both subjective and objective sentences that are found to be sentiment-bearing – based on mixed-domain professional reviews from various news-sources. We present both the annotation scheme and first results for classification experiments. The effort represents a step toward creating a Norwegian dataset for fine-grained sentiment analysis.