Luca Cagliero


Keyword-based Annotation of Visually-Rich Document Content for Trend and Risk Analysis Using Large Language Models
Giuseppe Gallipoli | Simone Papicchio | Lorenzo Vaiani | Luca Cagliero | Arianna Miola | Daniele Borghi
Proceedings of the Joint Workshop of the 7th Financial Technology and Natural Language Processing, the 5th Knowledge Discovery from Unstructured Data in Financial Services, and the 4th Workshop on Economics and Natural Language Processing @ LREC-COLING 2024

In the banking and finance sectors, members of the business units focused on Trend and Risk Analysis daily process internal and external visually-rich documents including text, images, and tables. Given a facet (i.e., topic) of interest, they are particularly interested in retrieving the top trending keywords related to it and then use them to annotate the most relevant document elements (e.g., text paragraphs, images or tables). In this paper, we explore the use of both open-source and proprietary Large Language Models to automatically generate lists of facet-relevant keywords, automatically produce free-text descriptions of both keywords and multimedia document content, and then annotate documents by leveraging textual similarity approaches. The preliminary results, achieved on English and Italian documents, show that OpenAI GPT-4 achieves superior performance in keyword description generation and multimedia content annotation, while the open-source Meta AI Llama2 model turns out to be highly competitive in generating additional keywords.

MAINDZ at SemEval-2024 Task 5: CLUEDO - Choosing Legal oUtcome by Explaining Decision through Oversight
Irene Benedetto | Alkis Koudounas | Lorenzo Vaiani | Eliana Pastor | Luca Cagliero | Francesco Tarasconi
Proceedings of the 18th International Workshop on Semantic Evaluation (SemEval-2024)

Large language models (LLMs) have recently obtained strong performance on complex reasoning tasks. However, their capabilities in specialized domains like law remain relatively unexplored. We present CLUEDO, a system to tackle a novel legal reasoning task that involves determining if a provided answer correctly addresses a legal question derived from U.S. civil procedure cases. CLUEDO utilizes multiple collaborator models that are trained using multiple-choice prompting to choose the right label and generate explanations. These collaborators are overseen by a final “detective” model that identifies the most accurate answer in a zero-shot manner. Our approach achieves an F1 macro score of 0.74 on the development set and 0.76 on the test set, outperforming individual models. Unlike the powerful GPT-4, CLUEDO provides more stable predictions thanks to the ensemble approach. Our results showcase the promise of tailored frameworks to enhance legal reasoning capabilities in LLMs.


Transformer-based Prediction of Emotional Reactions to Online Social Network Posts
Irene Benedetto | Moreno La Quatra | Luca Cagliero | Luca Vassio | Martino Trevisan
Proceedings of the 13th Workshop on Computational Approaches to Subjectivity, Sentiment, & Social Media Analysis

Emotional reactions to Online Social Network posts have recently gained importance in the study of the online ecosystem. Prior to post publication, the number of received reactions can be predicted based on either the textual content of the post or the related metadata. However, existing approaches suffer from both the lack of semantic-aware language understanding models and the limited explainability of the prediction models. To overcome these issues, we present a new transformer-based method to predict the number of emotional reactions of different types to social posts. It leverages the attention mechanism to capture arbitrary semantic textual relations neglected by prior works. Furthermore, it also provides end-users with textual explanations of the predictions. The results achieved on a large collection of Facebook posts confirm the applicability of the presented methodology.

PoliToHFI at SemEval-2023 Task 6: Leveraging Entity-Aware and Hierarchical Transformers For Legal Entity Recognition and Court Judgment Prediction
Irene Benedetto | Alkis Koudounas | Lorenzo Vaiani | Eliana Pastor | Elena Baralis | Luca Cagliero | Francesco Tarasconi
Proceedings of the 17th International Workshop on Semantic Evaluation (SemEval-2023)

The use of Natural Language Processing techniques in the legal domain has become established for supporting attorneys and domain experts in content retrieval and decision-making. However, understanding the legal text poses relevant challenges in the recognition of domain-specific entities and the adaptation and explanation of predictive models. This paper addresses the Legal Entity Name Recognition (L-NER) and Court judgment Prediction (CPJ) and Explanation (CJPE) tasks. The L-NER solution explores the use of various transformer-based models, including an entity-aware method attending domain-specific entities. The CJPE proposed method relies on hierarchical BERT-based classifiers combined with local input attribution explainers. We propose a broad comparison of eXplainable AI methodologies along with a novel approach based on NER. For the L-NER task, the experimental results remark on the importance of domain-specific pre-training. For CJP our lightweight solution shows performance in line with existing approaches, and our NER-boosted explanations show promising CJPE results in terms of the conciseness of the prediction explanations.

PoliTo at SemEval-2023 Task 1: CLIP-based Visual-Word Sense Disambiguation Based on Back-Translation
Lorenzo Vaiani | Luca Cagliero | Paolo Garza
Proceedings of the 17th International Workshop on Semantic Evaluation (SemEval-2023)

Visual-Word Sense Disambiguation (V-WSD) entails resolving the linguistic ambiguity in a text by selecting a clarifying image from a set of (potentially misleading) candidates. In this paper, we address V-WSD using a state-of-the-art Image-Text Retrieval system, namely CLIP. We propose to alleviate the linguistic ambiguity across multiple domains and languages via text and image augmentation. To augment the textual content we rely on back-translation with the aid of a variety of auxiliary languages. The approach based on finetuning CLIP on the full phrases is effective in accurately disambiguating words and incorporating back-translation enhance the system’s robustness and performance on the test samples written in Indo-European languages.


End-to-end Training For Financial Report Summarization
Moreno La Quatra | Luca Cagliero
Proceedings of the 1st Joint Workshop on Financial Narrative Processing and MultiLing Financial Summarisation

Quoted companies are requested to periodically publish financial reports in textual form. The annual financial reports typically include detailed financial and business information, thus giving relevant insights into company outlooks. However, a manual exploration of these financial reports could be very time consuming since most of the available information can be deemed as non-informative or redundant by expert readers. Hence, an increasing research interest has been devoted to automatically extracting domain-specific summaries, which include only the most relevant information. This paper describes the SumTO system architecture, which addresses the Shared Task of the Financial Narrative Summarisation (FNS) 2020 contest. The main task objective is to automatically extract the most informative, domain-specific textual content from financial, English-written documents. The aim is to create a summary of each company report covering all the business-relevant key points. To address the above-mentioned goal, we propose an end-to-end training method relying on Deep NLP techniques. The idea behind the system is to exploit the syntactic overlap between input sentences and ground-truth summaries to fine-tune pre-trained BERT embedding models, thus making such models tailored to the specific context. The achieved results confirm the effectiveness of the proposed method, especially when the goal is to select relatively long text snippets.