Deepak Kumar


pdf at SemEval-2024 Task 7: RAG-based end-to-end training to generate headlines and numbers
Jianglong He | Saiteja Tallam | Srirama Nakshathri | Navaneeth Amarnath | Pratiba Kr | Deepak Kumar
Proceedings of the 18th International Workshop on Semantic Evaluation (SemEval-2024)

We propose a training algorithm based on retrieval-augmented generation (RAG) to obtain the most similar training samples. The training samples obtained are used as a reference to perform contextual learning-based fine-tuning of large language models (LLMs). We use the proposed method to generate headlines and extract numerical values from unstructured text. Models are made aware of the presence of numbers in the unstructured text with extended markup language (XML) tags specifically designed to capture the numbers. The headlines of unstructured text are preprocessed to wrap the number and then presented to the model. A number of mathematical operations are also passed as references to cover the chain-of-thought (COT) approach. Therefore, the model can calculate the final value passed to a mathematical operation. We perform the validation of numbers as a post-processing step to verify whether the numerical value calculated by the model is correct or not. The automatic validation of numbers in the generated headline helped the model achieve the best results in human evaluation among the methods involved.


DivHSK: Diverse Headline Generation using Self-Attention based Keyword Selection
Venkatesh E | Kaushal Maurya | Deepak Kumar | Maunendra Sankar Desarkar
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: ACL 2023

Diverse headline generation is an NLP task where given a news article, the goal is to generate multiple headlines that are true to the content of the article but are different among themselves. This task aims to exhibit and exploit semantically similar one-to-many relationships between a source news article and multiple target headlines. Toward this, we propose a novel model called DIVHSK. It has two components:KEYSELECT for selecting the important keywords, and SEQGEN, for finally generating the multiple diverse headlines. In KEYSELECT, we cluster the self-attention heads of the last layer of the pre-trained encoder and select the most-attentive theme and general keywords from the source article. Then, cluster-specific keyword sets guide the SEQGEN, a pre-trained encoder-decoder model, to generate diverse yet semantically similar headlines. The proposed model consistently outperformed existing literature and our strong baselines and emerged as a state-of-the-art model. We have also created a high-quality multi-reference headline dataset from news articles.

Modular and On-demand Bias Mitigation with Attribute-Removal Subnetworks
Lukas Hauzenberger | Shahed Masoudian | Deepak Kumar | Markus Schedl | Navid Rekabsaz
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: ACL 2023

Societal biases are reflected in large pre-trained language models and their fine-tuned versions on downstream tasks. Common in-processing bias mitigation approaches, such as adversarial training and mutual information removal, introduce additional optimization criteria, and update the model to reach a new debiased state. However, in practice, end-users and practitioners might prefer to switch back to the original model, or apply debiasing only on a specific subset of protected attributes. To enable this, we propose a novel modular bias mitigation approach, consisting of stand-alone highly sparse debiasing subnetworks, where each debiasing module can be integrated into the core model on-demand at inference time. Our approach draws from the concept of diff pruning, and proposes a novel training regime adaptable to various representation disentanglement optimizations. We conduct experiments on three classification tasks with gender, race, and age as protected attributes. The results show that our modular approach, while maintaining task performance, improves (or at least remains on-par with) the effectiveness of bias mitigation in comparison with baseline finetuning. Particularly on a two-attribute dataset, our approach with separately learned debiasing subnetworks shows effective utilization of either or both the subnetworks for selective bias mitigation.

Parameter-efficient Modularised Bias Mitigation via AdapterFusion
Deepak Kumar | Oleg Lesota | George Zerveas | Daniel Cohen | Carsten Eickhoff | Markus Schedl | Navid Rekabsaz
Proceedings of the 17th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics

Large pre-trained language models contain societal biases and carry along these biases to downstream tasks. Current in-processing bias mitigation approaches (like adversarial training) impose debiasing by updating a model’s parameters, effectively transferring the model to a new, irreversible debiased state. In this work, we propose a novel approach to develop stand-alone debiasing functionalities separate from the model, which can be integrated into the model on-demand, while keeping the core model untouched. Drawing from the concept of AdapterFusion in multi-task learning, we introduce DAM (Debiasing with Adapter Modules) – a debiasing approach to first encapsulate arbitrary bias mitigation functionalities into separate adapters, and then add them to the model on-demand in order to deliver fairness qualities. We conduct a large set of experiments on three classification tasks with gender, race, and age as protected attributes. Our results show that DAM improves or maintains the effectiveness of bias mitigation, avoids catastrophic forgetting in a multi-attribute scenario, and maintains on-par task performance, while granting parameter-efficiency and easy switching between the original and debiased models.


pdf at SemEval-2022 Task 11: A system for named entity recognition using data augmentation, transformer-based sequence labeling model, and EnsembleCRF
Jianglong He | Akshay Uppal | Mamatha N | Shiv Vignesh | Deepak Kumar | Aditya Kumar Sarda
Proceedings of the 16th International Workshop on Semantic Evaluation (SemEval-2022)

In low-resource languages, the amount of training data is limited. Hence, the model has to perform well in unseen sentences and syntax on which the model has not trained. We propose a method that addresses the problem through an encoder and an ensemble of language models. A language-specific language model performed poorly when compared to a multilingual language model. So, the multilingual language model checkpoint is fine-tuned to a specific language. A novel approach of one hot encoder is introduced between the model outputs and the CRF to combine the results in an ensemble format. Our team,, competed in the MultiCoNER competition. The results are encouraging where the team is positioned within the top 10 positions. There is less than a 4% percent difference from the third position in most of the tracks that we participated in. The proposed method shows that the ensemble of models with a multilingual language model as the base with the help of an encoder performs better than a single language-specific model.


NLP@NISER: Classification of COVID19 tweets containing symptoms
Deepak Kumar | Nalin Kumar | Subhankar Mishra
Proceedings of the Sixth Social Media Mining for Health (#SMM4H) Workshop and Shared Task

In this paper, we describe our approaches for task six of Social Media Mining for Health Applications (SMM4H) shared task in 2021. The task is to classify twitter tweets containing COVID-19 symptoms in three classes (self-reports, non-personal reports & literature/news mentions). We implemented BERT and XLNet for this text classification task. Best result was achieved by XLNet approach, which is F1 score 0.94, precision 0.9448 and recall 0.94448. This is slightly better than the average score, i.e. F1 score 0.93, precision 0.93235 and recall 0.93235.