Weiting Tan


Narrowing the Gap between Zero- and Few-shot Machine Translation by Matching Styles
Weiting Tan | Haoran Xu | Lingfeng Shen | Shuyue Stella Li | Kenton Murray | Philipp Koehn | Benjamin Van Durme | Yunmo Chen
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: NAACL 2024

Large language models trained primarily in a monolingual setting have demonstrated their ability to generalize to machine translation using zero- and few-shot examples with in-context learning. However, even though zero-shot translations are relatively good, there remains a discernible gap comparing their performance with the few-shot setting. In this paper, we investigate the factors contributing to this gap and find that this gap can largely be closed (for about 70%) by matching the writing styles of the target corpus. Additionally, we explore potential approaches to enhance zero-shot baselines without the need for parallel demonstration examples, providing valuable insights into how these methods contribute to improving translation metrics.


Flatness-Aware Prompt Selection Improves Accuracy and Sample Efficiency
Lingfeng Shen | Weiting Tan | Boyuan Zheng | Daniel Khashabi
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: EMNLP 2023

With growing capabilities of large language models, prompting them has become the dominant way to access them. This has motivated the development of strategies for automatically selecting effective language prompts. In this paper, we introduce **pFlat** (prompt flatness), a new metric to quantify the expected utility of a language prompt. This metric is inspired by *flatness* regularization in statistical learning that quantifies the robustness of the model towards its parameter perturbations. We provide theoretical foundations for this metric and its relationship with other prompt selection metrics, providing a comprehensive understanding of existing methods. Empirically, we show that combining **pFlat** with existing metrics improves both performance and sample efficiency. Our metric outperforms the previous prompt selection metrics with an average increase of 10% in Pearson correlation across 6 classification benchmarks, and the prompt selected by our metric gains 5% higher accuracy than previous metrics across the benchmarks.

Multilingual Representation Distillation with Contrastive Learning
Weiting Tan | Kevin Heffernan | Holger Schwenk | Philipp Koehn
Proceedings of the 17th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics

Multilingual sentence representations from large models encode semantic information from two or more languages and can be used for different cross-lingual information retrieval and matching tasks. In this paper, we integrate contrastive learning into multilingual representation distillation and use it for quality estimation of parallel sentences (i.e., find semantically similar sentences that can be used as translations of each other). We validate our approach with multilingual similarity search and corpus filtering tasks. Experiments across different low-resource languages show that our method greatly outperforms previous sentence encoders such as LASER, LASER3, and LaBSE.

Condensing Multilingual Knowledge with Lightweight Language-Specific Modules
Haoran Xu | Weiting Tan | Shuyue Li | Yunmo Chen | Benjamin Van Durme | Philipp Koehn | Kenton Murray
Proceedings of the 2023 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing

Incorporating language-specific (LS) modules or Mixture-of-Experts (MoE) are proven methods to boost performance in multilingual model performance, but the scalability of these approaches to hundreds of languages or experts tends to be hard to manage. We present Language-specific Matrix Synthesis (LMS), a novel method that addresses the issue. LMS utilizes parameter-efficient and lightweight modules, reducing the number of parameters while outperforming existing methods, e.g., +1.73 BLEU over Switch Transformer on OPUS-100 multilingual translation. Additionally, we introduce Fuse Distillation (FD) to condense multilingual knowledge from multiple LS modules into a single shared module, improving model inference and storage efficiency. Our approach demonstrates superior scalability and performance compared to state-of-the-art methods.


Doubly-Trained Adversarial Data Augmentation for Neural Machine Translation
Weiting Tan | Shuoyang Ding | Huda Khayrallah | Philipp Koehn
Proceedings of the 15th biennial conference of the Association for Machine Translation in the Americas (Volume 1: Research Track)

Neural Machine Translation (NMT) models are known to suffer from noisy inputs. To make models robust, we generate adversarial augmentation samples that attack the model and preserve the source-side meaning at the same time. To generate such samples, we propose a doubly-trained architecture that pairs two NMT models of opposite translation directions with a joint loss function, which combines the target-side attack and the source-side semantic similarity constraint. The results from our experiments across three different language pairs and two evaluation metrics show that these adversarial samples improve model robustness.