Proceedings of the Australasian Language Technology Workshop 2004
Ash Asudeh, Cecile Paris, Stephen Wan (Editors)
- Anthology ID:
- U04-1
- Month:
- December
- Year:
- 2004
- Address:
- Sydney, Australia
- Venue:
- SIG:
- Publisher:
- URL:
- DOI:
- PDF:
Proceedings of the Australasian Language Technology Workshop 2004
Ash Asudeh
Cecile Paris
Stephen Wan
Complex, Corpus-Driven, Syntactic Features for Word Sense Disambiguation
Ari Chanen
Jon Patrick
Answerfinder: Question Answering by Combining Lexical, Syntactic and Semantic Information
Diego Molla
Mary Gardiner
Using WordNet Domains In A Supervised Learning Word Sense Disambiguation System
David Bell
Jon Patrick
Using a Trie-based Structure for Question Analysis
Luiz Augusto Sangoi Pizzato
An Evaluation on Query-biased Summarisation for the Question Answering Task
Mingfang Wu
Ross Wilkinson
Cecile Paris
Thin Parsing: A Balance between Wide Scale Parsing and Chunking
Jon Patrick
Pham Hong Nguyen
Implementing a lexicalised statistical parser
Corrin Lakeland
Alistair Knott
Controlled Natural Language meets the SemanticWeb
Rolf Schwitter
Marc Tilbrook
Information Assembly for Automatic Content Adaptation
Andrew Lampert
Cecile Paris
Referring Expression Generation as a Search Problem
Bernd Bohnet
Robert Dale
A Meta-grammar for CCG
Mark Foreman
Daniel McMichael
Intelligent Multi Media Presentation of information in a semi-immersive Command and Control environment
Cecile Paris
Nathalie Colineau
Dominique Estival
Selecting Systemic Features for Text Classification
Casey Whitelaw
Jon Patrick
A framework for utterance disambiguation in dialogue
Pont Lurcock
Peter Vlugter
Alistair Knott
Maximum Entropy Markov Models for Semantic Role Labelling
Phil Blunsom
A New Measure for Extracting Semantically Related Words
Yuanyong Wang
Achim Hoffmann
Representing and Rendering Linguistic Paradigms
David Penton
Steven Bird
Tauira: A tool for acquiring unknown words in a dialogue context
Maarten van Schagen
Alistair Knott
Querying and Updating Treebanks: A Critical Survey and Requirements Analysis
Catherine Lai
Steven Bird
Converting the Penn Treebank to Systemic Functional Grammar
Matthew Honnibal
Selection Preference Basede Verb Sense Disambiguation Using WordNet
Patrick Ye
Differentiating Types of Verb Particle Constructions
Jon Patrick
Jeremy Fletcher