Yan Xia


Scene-robust Natural Language Video Localization via Learning Domain-invariant Representations
Zehan Wang | Yang Zhao | Haifeng Huang | Yan Xia | Zhou Zhao
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: ACL 2023

Natural language video localization(NLVL) task involves the semantic matching of a text query with a moment from an untrimmed video. Previous methods primarily focus on improving performance with the assumption of independently identical data distribution while ignoring the out-of-distribution data. Therefore, these approaches often fail when handling the videos and queries in novel scenes, which is inevitable in real-world scenarios. In this paper, we, for the first time, formulate the scene-robust NLVL problem and propose a novel generalizable NLVL framework utilizing data in multiple available scenes to learn a robust model. Specifically, our model learns a group of generalizable domain-invariant representations by alignment and decomposition. First, we propose a comprehensive intra- and inter-sample distance metric for complex multi-modal feature space, and an asymmetric multi-modal alignment loss for different information densities of text and vision. Further, to alleviate the conflict between domain-invariant features for generalization and domain-specific information for reasoning, we introduce domain-specific and domain-agnostic predictors to decompose and refine the learned features by dynamically adjusting the weights of samples. Based on the original video tags, we conduct extensive experiments on three NLVL datasets with different-grained scene shifts to show the effectiveness of our proposed methods.

Smart Word Suggestions for Writing Assistance
Chenshuo Wang | Shaoguang Mao | Tao Ge | Wenshan Wu | Xun Wang | Yan Xia | Jonathan Tien | Dongyan Zhao
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: ACL 2023

Enhancing word usage is a desired feature for writing assistance. To further advance research in this area, this paper introduces “Smart Word Suggestions” (SWS) task and benchmark. Unlike other works, SWS emphasizes end-to-end evaluation and presents a more realistic writing assistance scenario. This task involves identifying words or phrases that require improvement and providing substitution suggestions. The benchmark includes human-labeled data for testing, a large distantly supervised dataset for training, and the framework for evaluation. The test data includes 1,000 sentences written by English learners, accompanied by over 16,000 substitution suggestions annotated by 10 native speakers. The training dataset comprises over 3.7 million sentences and 12.7 million suggestions generated through rules. Our experiments with seven baselines demonstrate that SWS is a challenging task. Based on experimental analysis, we suggest potential directions for future research on SWS. The dataset and related codes will be available for research purposes.

Overview of CCL23-Eval Task 8: Chinese Essay Fluency Evaluation (CEFE) Task
Xinshu Shen | Hongyi Wu | Xiaopeng Bai | Yuanbin Wu | Aimin Zhou | Shaoguang Mao | Tao Ge | Yan Xia
Proceedings of the 22nd Chinese National Conference on Computational Linguistics (Volume 3: Evaluations)

“This paper provides a comprehensive review of the CCL23-Eval Task 8, i.e., Chinese EssayFluency Evaluation (CEFE). The primary aim of this task is to systematically identify the typesof grammatical fine-grained errors that affect the readability and coherence of essays writtenby Chinese primary and secondary school students, and then to suggest suitable corrections toenhance the fluidity of their written expression. This task consists of three distinct tracks: (1)Coarse-grained and fine-grained error identification; (2) Character-level error identification andcorrection; (3) Error sentence rewriting. In the end, we received 44 completed registration forms,leading to a total of 130 submissions from 11 dedicated participating teams. We present theresults of all participants and our analysis of these results. Both the dataset and evaluation toolused in this task are available1.”