Soumitra Ghosh


EM-PERSONA: EMotion-assisted Deep Neural Framework for PERSONAlity Subtyping from Suicide Notes
Soumitra Ghosh | Dhirendra Kumar Maurya | Asif Ekbal | Pushpak Bhattacharyya
Proceedings of the 29th International Conference on Computational Linguistics

The World Health Organization has emphasised the need of stepping up suicide prevention efforts to meet the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goal target of 2030 (Goal 3: Good health and well-being). We address the challenging task of personality subtyping from suicide notes. Most research on personality subtyping has relied on statistical analysis and feature engineering. Moreover, state-of-the-art transformer models in the automated personality subtyping problem have received relatively less attention. We develop a novel EMotion-assisted PERSONAlity Detection Framework (EM-PERSONA). We annotate the benchmark CEASE-v2.0 suicide notes dataset with personality traits across four dichotomies: Introversion (I)-Extraversion (E), Intuition (N)-Sensing (S), Thinking (T)-Feeling (F), Judging (J)–Perceiving (P). Our proposed method outperforms all baselines on comprehensive evaluation using multiple state-of-the-art systems. Across the four dichotomies, EM-PERSONA improved accuracy by 2.04%, 3.69%, 4.52%, and 3.42%, respectively, over the highest-performing single-task systems.

COMMA-DEER: COmmon-sense Aware Multimodal Multitask Approach for Detection of Emotion and Emotional Reasoning in Conversations
Soumitra Ghosh | Gopendra Vikram Singh | Asif Ekbal | Pushpak Bhattacharyya
Proceedings of the 29th International Conference on Computational Linguistics

Mental health is a critical component of the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), particularly Goal 3, which aims to provide “good health and well-being”. The present mental health treatment gap is exacerbated by stigma, lack of human resources, and lack of research capability for implementation and policy reform. We present and discuss a novel task of detecting emotional reasoning (ER) and accompanying emotions in conversations. In particular, we create a first-of-its-kind multimodal mental health conversational corpus that is manually annotated at the utterance level with emotional reasoning and related emotion. We develop a multimodal multitask framework with a novel multimodal feature fusion technique and a contextuality learning module to handle the two tasks. Leveraging multimodal sources of information, commonsense reasoning, and through a multitask framework, our proposed model produces strong results. We achieve performance gains of 6% accuracy and 4.62% F1 on the emotion detection task and 3.56% accuracy and 3.31% F1 on the ER detection task, when compared to the existing state-of-the-art model.

Team IITP-AINLPML at WASSA 2022: Empathy Detection, Emotion Classification and Personality Detection
Soumitra Ghosh | Dhirendra Maurya | Asif Ekbal | Pushpak Bhattacharyya
Proceedings of the 12th Workshop on Computational Approaches to Subjectivity, Sentiment & Social Media Analysis

Computational comprehension and identifying emotional components in language have been critical in enhancing human-computer connection in recent years. The WASSA 2022 Shared Task introduced four tracks and released a dataset of news stories: Track-1 for Empathy and Distress Prediction, Track-2 for Emotion classification, Track-3 for Personality prediction, and Track-4 for Interpersonal Reactivity Index prediction at the essay level. This paper describes our participation in the WASSA 2022 shared task on the tasks mentioned above. We developed multi-task deep learning methods to address Tracks 1 and 2 and machine learning models for Track 3 and 4. Our developed systems achieved average Pearson scores of 0.483, 0.05, and 0.08 for Track 1, 3, and 4, respectively, and a macro F1 score of 0.524 for Track 2 on the test set. We ranked 8th, 11th, 2nd and 2nd for tracks 1, 2, 3, and 4 respectively.


CEASE, a Corpus of Emotion Annotated Suicide notes in English
Soumitra Ghosh | Asif Ekbal | Pushpak Bhattacharyya
Proceedings of the Twelfth Language Resources and Evaluation Conference

A suicide note is usually written shortly before the suicide and it provides a chance to comprehend the self-destructive state of mind of the deceased. From a psychological point of view, suicide notes have been utilized for recognizing the motive behind the suicide. To the best of our knowledge, there is no openly accessible suicide note corpus at present, making it challenging for the researchers and developers to deep dive into the area of mental health assessment and suicide prevention. In this paper, we create a fine-grained emotion annotated corpus (CEASE) of suicide notes in English and develop various deep learning models to perform emotion detection on the curated dataset. The corpus consists of 2393 sentences from around 205 suicide notes collected from various sources. Each sentence is annotated with a particular emotion class from a set of 15 fine-grained emotion labels, namely (forgiveness, happiness_peacefulness, love, pride, hopefulness, thankfulness, blame, anger, fear, abuse, sorrow, hopelessness, guilt, information, instructions). For the evaluation, we develop an ensemble architecture, where the base models correspond to three supervised deep learning models, namely Convolutional Neural Network (CNN), Gated Recurrent Unit (GRU) and Long Short Term Memory (LSTM). We obtain the highest test accuracy of 60.17% and cross-validation accuracy of 60.32%

Annotated Corpus of Tweets in English from Various Domains for Emotion Detection
Soumitra Ghosh | Asif Ekbal | Pushpak Bhattacharyya | Sriparna Saha | Vipin Tyagi | Alka Kumar | Shikha Srivastava | Nitish Kumar
Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Natural Language Processing (ICON)

Emotion recognition is a very well-attended problem in Natural Language Processing (NLP). Most of the existing works on emotion recognition focus on the general domain and in some cases to specific domains like fairy tales, blogs, weather, Twitter etc. But emotion analysis systems in the domains of security, social issues, technology, politics, sports, etc. are very rare. In this paper, we create a benchmark setup for emotion recognition in these specialised domains. First, we construct a corpus of 18,921 tweets in English annotated with Paul Ekman’s six basic emotions (Anger, Disgust, Fear, Happiness, Sadness, Surprise) and a non-emotive class Others. Thereafter, we propose a deep neural framework to perform emotion recognition in an end-to-end setting. We build various models based on Convolutional Neural Network (CNN), Bi-directional Long Short Term Memory (Bi-LSTM), Bi-directional Gated Recurrent Unit (Bi-GRU). We propose a Hierarchical Attention-based deep neural network for Emotion Detection (HAtED). We also develop multiple systems by considering different sets of emotion classes for each system and report the detailed comparative analysis of the results. Experiments show the hierarchical attention-based model achieves best results among the considered baselines with accuracy of 69%.

IITP-AINLPML at SemEval-2020 Task 12: Offensive Tweet Identification and Target Categorization in a Multitask Environment
Soumitra Ghosh | Asif Ekbal | Pushpak Bhattacharyya
Proceedings of the Fourteenth Workshop on Semantic Evaluation

In this paper, we describe the participation of IITP-AINLPML team in the SemEval-2020 SharedTask 12 on Offensive Language Identification and Target Categorization in English Twitter data. Our proposed model learns to extract textual features using a BiGRU-based deep neural network supported by a Hierarchical Attention architecture to focus on the most relevant areas in the text. We leverage the effectiveness of multitask learning while building our models for sub-task A and B. We do necessary undersampling of the over-represented classes in the sub-tasks A and C.During training, we consider a threshold of 0.5 as the separation margin between the instances belonging to classes OFF and NOT in sub-task A and UNT and TIN in sub-task B. For sub-task C, the class corresponding to the maximum score among the given confidence scores of the classes(IND, GRP and OTH) is considered as the final label for an instance. Our proposed model obtains the macro F1-scores of 90.95%, 55.69% and 63.88% in sub-task A, B and C, respectively.