Siyu Tang


HITSZQ at SemEval-2023 Task 10: Category-aware Sexism Detection Model with Self-training Strategy
Ziyi Yao | Heyan Chai | Jinhao Cui | Siyu Tang | Qing Liao
Proceedings of the 17th International Workshop on Semantic Evaluation (SemEval-2023)

This paper describes our system used in the SemEval-2023 \textit{Task 10 Explainable Detection of Online Sexism (EDOS)}. Specifically, we participated in subtask B: a 4-class sexism classification task, and subtask C: a more fine-grained (11-class) sexism classification task, where it is necessary to predict the category of sexism. We treat these two subtasks as one multi-label hierarchical text classification problem, and propose an integrated sexism detection model for improving the performance of the sexism detection task. More concretely, we use the pre-trained BERT model to encode the text and class label and a hierarchy-relevant structure encoder is employed to model the relationship between classes of subtasks B and C. Additionally, a self-training strategy is designed to alleviate the imbalanced problem of distribution classes. Extensive experiments on subtasks B and C demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposed approach.


Improving Multi-task Stance Detection with Multi-task Interaction Network
Heyan Chai | Siyu Tang | Jinhao Cui | Ye Ding | Binxing Fang | Qing Liao
Proceedings of the 2022 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing

Stance detection aims to identify people’s standpoints expressed in the text towards a target, which can provide powerful information for various downstream tasks.Recent studies have proposed multi-task learning models that introduce sentiment information to boost stance detection.However, they neglect to explore capturing the fine-grained task-specific interaction between stance detection and sentiment tasks, thus degrading performance.To address this issue, this paper proposes a novel multi-task interaction network (MTIN) for improving the performance of stance detection and sentiment analysis tasks simultaneously.Specifically, we construct heterogeneous task-related graphs to automatically identify and adapt the roles that a word plays with respect to a specific task. Also, a multi-task interaction module is designed to capture the word-level interaction between tasks, so as to obtain richer task representations.Extensive experiments on two real-world datasets show that our proposed approach outperforms state-of-the-art methods in both stance detection and sentiment analysis tasks.

Affective Knowledge Enhanced Multiple-Graph Fusion Networks for Aspect-based Sentiment Analysis
Siyu Tang | Heyan Chai | Ziyi Yao | Ye Ding | Cuiyun Gao | Binxing Fang | Qing Liao
Proceedings of the 2022 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing

Aspect-based sentiment analysis aims to identify sentiment polarity of social media users toward different aspects. Most recent methods adopt the aspect-centric latent tree to connect aspects and their corresponding opinion words, thinking that would facilitate establishing the relationship between aspects and opinion words.However, these methods ignore the roles of syntax dependency relation labels and affective semantic information in determining the sentiment polarity, resulting in the wrong prediction.In this paper, we propose a novel multi-graph fusion network (MGFN) based on latent graph to leverage the richer syntax dependency relation label information and affective semantic information of words.Specifically, we construct a novel syntax-aware latent graph (SaLG) to fully leverage the syntax dependency relation label information to facilitate the learning of sentiment representations. Subsequently, a multi-graph fusion module is proposed to fuse semantic information of surrounding contexts of aspects adaptively. Furthermore, we design an affective refinement strategy to guide the MGFN to capture significant affective clues. Extensive experiments on three datasets demonstrate that our MGFN model outperforms all state-of-the-art methods and verify the effectiveness of our model.