Shaoxiong Ji


Patient Outcome and Zero-shot Diagnosis Prediction with Hypernetwork-guided Multitask Learning
Shaoxiong Ji | Pekka Marttinen
Proceedings of the 17th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics

Multitask deep learning has been applied to patient outcome prediction from text, taking clinical notes as input and training deep neural networks with a joint loss function of multiple tasks.However, the joint training scheme of multitask learning suffers from inter-task interference, and diagnosis prediction among the multiple tasks has the generalizability issue due to rare diseases or unseen diagnoses.To solve these challenges, we propose a hypernetwork-based approach that generates task-conditioned parameters and coefficients of multitask prediction heads to learn task-specific prediction and balance the multitask learning.We also incorporate semantic task information to improve the generalizability of our task-conditioned multitask model. Experiments on early and discharge notes extracted from the real-world MIMIC database show our method can achieve better performance on multitask patient outcome prediction than strong baselines in most cases.Besides, our method can effectively handle the scenario with limited information and improve zero-shot prediction on unseen diagnosis categories.


AaltoNLP at SemEval-2022 Task 11: Ensembling Task-adaptive Pretrained Transformers for Multilingual Complex NER
Aapo Pietiläinen | Shaoxiong Ji
Proceedings of the 16th International Workshop on Semantic Evaluation (SemEval-2022)

This paper presents the system description of team AaltoNLP for SemEval-2022 shared task 11: MultiCoNER. Transformer-based models have produced high scores on standard Named Entity Recognition (NER) tasks. However, accuracy on complex named entities is still low. Complex and ambiguous named entities have been identified as a major error source in NER tasks. The shared task is about multilingual complex named entity recognition. In this paper, we describe an ensemble approach, which increases accuracy across all tested languages. The system ensembles output from multiple same architecture task-adaptive pretrained transformers trained with different random seeds. We notice a large discrepancy between performance on development and test data. Model selection based on limited development data may not yield optimal results on large test data sets.

MentalBERT: Publicly Available Pretrained Language Models for Mental Healthcare
Shaoxiong Ji | Tianlin Zhang | Luna Ansari | Jie Fu | Prayag Tiwari | Erik Cambria
Proceedings of the Thirteenth Language Resources and Evaluation Conference

Mental health is a critical issue in modern society, and mental disorders could sometimes turn to suicidal ideation without adequate treatment. Early detection of mental disorders and suicidal ideation from social content provides a potential way for effective social intervention. Recent advances in pretrained contextualized language representations have promoted the development of several domainspecific pretrained models and facilitated several downstream applications. However, there are no existing pretrained language models for mental healthcare. This paper trains and release two pretrained masked language models, i.e., MentalBERT and MentalRoBERTa, to benefit machine learning for the mental healthcare research community. Besides, we evaluate our trained domain-specific models and several variants of pretrained language models on several mental disorder detection benchmarks and demonstrate that language representations pretrained in the target domain improve the performance of mental health detection tasks.

Towards Intention Understanding in Suicidal Risk Assessment with Natural Language Processing
Shaoxiong Ji
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: EMNLP 2022

Recent applications of natural language processing techniques to suicidal ideation detection and risk assessment frame the detection or assessment task as a text classification problem. Recent advances have developed many models, especially deep learning models, to boost predictive performance.Though the performance (in terms of aggregated evaluation scores) is improving, this position paper urges that better intention understanding is required for reliable suicidal risk assessment with computational methods. This paper reflects the state of natural language processing applied to suicide-associated text classification tasks, differentiates suicidal risk assessment and intention understanding, and points out potential limitations of sentiment features and pretrained language models in suicidal intention understanding.Besides, it urges the necessity for sequential intention understanding and risk assessment, discusses some critical issues in evaluation such as uncertainty, and studies the lack of benchmarks.


Medical Code Assignment with Gated Convolution and Note-Code Interaction
Shaoxiong Ji | Shirui Pan | Pekka Marttinen
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: ACL-IJCNLP 2021


Dilated Convolutional Attention Network for Medical Code Assignment from Clinical Text
Shaoxiong Ji | Erik Cambria | Pekka Marttinen
Proceedings of the 3rd Clinical Natural Language Processing Workshop

Medical code assignment, which predicts medical codes from clinical texts, is a fundamental task of intelligent medical information systems. The emergence of deep models in natural language processing has boosted the development of automatic assignment methods. However, recent advanced neural architectures with flat convolutions or multi-channel feature concatenation ignore the sequential causal constraint within a text sequence and may not learn meaningful clinical text representations, especially for lengthy clinical notes with long-term sequential dependency. This paper proposes a Dilated Convolutional Attention Network (DCAN), integrating dilated convolutions, residual connections, and label attention, for medical code assignment. It adopts dilated convolutions to capture complex medical patterns with a receptive field which increases exponentially with dilation size. Experiments on a real-world clinical dataset empirically show that our model improves the state of the art.