Roberto Carlini
On the evolution of syntactic information encoded by BERT’s contextualized representations
Laura Pérez-Mayos
Roberto Carlini
Miguel Ballesteros
Leo Wanner
Proceedings of the 16th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Main Volume
Generation of a Spanish Artificial Collocation Error Corpus
Sara Rodríguez-Fernández
Roberto Carlini
Leo Wanner
Proceedings of the Eleventh International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC 2018)
FORGe at SemEval-2017 Task 9: Deep sentence generation based on a sequence of graph transducers
Simon Mille
Roberto Carlini
Alicia Burga
Leo Wanner
Proceedings of the 11th International Workshop on Semantic Evaluation (SemEval-2017)
Example-based Acquisition of Fine-grained Collocation Resources
Sara Rodríguez-Fernández
Roberto Carlini
Luis Espinosa Anke
Leo Wanner
Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC'16)
Semantics-Driven Recognition of Collocations Using Word Embeddings
Sara Rodríguez-Fernández
Luis Espinosa-Anke
Roberto Carlini
Leo Wanner
Proceedings of the 54th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 2: Short Papers)
Classification of Lexical Collocation Errors in the Writings of Learners of Spanish
Sara Rodríguez-Fernández
Roberto Carlini
Leo Wanner
Proceedings of the International Conference Recent Advances in Natural Language Processing
Improving Collocation Correction by Ranking Suggestions Using Linguistic Knowledge
Roberto Carlini
Joan Codina-Filba
Leo Wanner
Proceedings of the third workshop on NLP for computer-assisted language learning
MaltDiver: A Transition-Based Parser Visualizer
Miguel Ballesteros
Roberto Carlini
The Companion Volume of the Proceedings of IJCNLP 2013: System Demonstrations
- Leo Wanner 7
- Sara Rodríguez-Fernández 4
- Luis Espinosa Anke 2
- Miguel Ballesteros 2
- Simon Mille 1
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