Rakesh Verma


ReDASPersuasion at SemEval-2023 Task 3: Persuasion Detection using Multilingual Transformers and Language Agnostic Features
Fatima Zahra Qachfar | Rakesh Verma
Proceedings of the 17th International Workshop on Semantic Evaluation (SemEval-2023)

This paper describes a multilingual persuasion detection system that incorporates persuasion technique attributes for a multi-label classification task.The proposed method has two advantages. First, it combines persuasion features with a sequence classification transformer to classify persuasion techniques. Second, it is a language agnostic approach that supports a total of 100 languages, guaranteed by the multilingual transformer module and the Google translator interface. We found that our persuasion system outperformed the SemEval baseline in all languages except zero shot prediction languages, which did not constitute the main focus of our research. With the highest F1-Micro score of 0.45, Italian achieved the eighth position on the leaderboard.


Claim Verification Using a Multi-GAN Based Model
Amartya Hatua | Arjun Mukherjee | Rakesh Verma
Proceedings of the International Conference on Recent Advances in Natural Language Processing (RANLP 2021)

This article describes research on claim verification carried out using a multiple GAN-based model. The proposed model consists of three pairs of generators and discriminators. The generator and discriminator pairs are responsible for generating synthetic data for supported and refuted claims and claim labels. A theoretical discussion about the proposed model is provided to validate the equilibrium state of the model. The proposed model is applied to the FEVER dataset, and a pre-trained language model is used for the input text data. The synthetically generated data helps to gain information that improves classification performance over state of the art baselines. The respective F1 scores after applying the proposed method on FEVER 1.0 and FEVER 2.0 datasets are 0.65+-0.018 and 0.65+-0.051.


ICE: Idiom and Collocation Extractor for Research and Education
Vasanthi Vuppuluri | Shahryar Baki | An Nguyen | Rakesh Verma
Proceedings of the Software Demonstrations of the 15th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics

Collocation and idiom extraction are well-known challenges with many potential applications in Natural Language Processing (NLP). Our experimental, open-source software system, called ICE, is a python package for flexibly extracting collocations and idioms, currently in English. It also has a competitive POS tagger that can be used alone or as part of collocation/idiom extraction. ICE is available free of cost for research and educational uses in two user-friendly formats. This paper gives an overview of ICE and its performance, and briefly describes the research underlying the extraction algorithms.


University of Houston at CL-SciSumm 2016: SVMs with tree kernels and Sentence Similarity
Luis Moraes | Shahryar Baki | Rakesh Verma | Daniel Lee
Proceedings of the Joint Workshop on Bibliometric-enhanced Information Retrieval and Natural Language Processing for Digital Libraries (BIRNDL)


A New Approach for Idiom Identification Using Meanings and the Web
Rakesh Verma | Vasanthi Vuppuluri
Proceedings of the International Conference Recent Advances in Natural Language Processing