Qi Wu


Digging out Discrimination Information from Generated Samples for Robust Visual Question Answering
Zhiquan Wen | Yaowei Wang | Mingkui Tan | Qingyao Wu | Qi Wu
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: ACL 2023

Visual Question Answering (VQA) aims to answer a textual question based on a given image. Nevertheless, recent studies have shown that VQA models tend to capture the biases to answer the question, instead of using the reasoning ability, resulting in poor generalisation ability. To alleviate the issue, some existing methods consider the natural distribution of the data, and construct samples to balance the dataset, achieving remarkable performance. However, these methods may encounter some limitations: 1) rely on additional annotations, 2) the generated samples may be inaccurate, e.g., assigned wrong answers, and 3) ignore the power of positive samples. In this paper, we propose a method to Dig out Discrimination information from Generated samples (DDG) to address the above limitations. Specifically, we first construct positive and negative samples in vision and language modalities, without using additional annotations. Then, we introduce a knowledge distillation mechanism to promote the learning of the original samples by the positive samples. Moreover, we impel the VQA models to focus on vision and language modalities using the negative samples. Experimental results on the VQA-CP v2 and VQA v2 datasets show the effectiveness of our DDG.

Memory-efficient Temporal Moment Localization in Long Videos
Cristian Rodriguez-Opazo | Edison Marrese-Taylor | Basura Fernando | Hiroya Takamura | Qi Wu
Proceedings of the 17th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics

Temporal Moment Localization is a challenging multi-modal task which aims to identify the start and end timestamps of a moment of interest in an input untrimmed video, given a query in natural language. Solving this task correctly requires understanding the temporal relationships in the entire input video, but processing such long inputs and reasoning about them is memory and computationally expensive. In light of this issue, we propose Stochastic Bucket-wise Feature Sampling (SBFS), a stochastic sampling module that allows methods to process long videos at a constant memory footprint. We further combine SBFS with a new consistency loss to propose Locformer, a Transformer-based model that can process videos as long as 18 minutes. We test our proposals on relevant benchmark datasets, showing that not only can Locformer achieve excellent results, but also that our sampling is more effective than competing counterparts. Concretely, SBFS consistently improves the performance of prior work, by up to 3.13% in the mean temporal IoU, leading to a new state-of-the-art performance on Charades-STA and YouCookII, while also obtaining up to 12.8x speed-up at testing time and reducing memory requirements by up to 5x.


Diagnosing Vision-and-Language Navigation: What Really Matters
Wanrong Zhu | Yuankai Qi | Pradyumna Narayana | Kazoo Sone | Sugato Basu | Xin Wang | Qi Wu | Miguel Eckstein | William Yang Wang
Proceedings of the 2022 Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies

Vision-and-language navigation (VLN) is a multimodal task where an agent follows natural language instructions and navigates in visual environments. Multiple setups have been proposed, and researchers apply new model architectures or training techniques to boost navigation performance. However, there still exist non-negligible gaps between machines’ performance and human benchmarks. Moreover, the agents’ inner mechanisms for navigation decisions remain unclear. To the best of our knowledge, how the agents perceive the multimodal input is under-studied and needs investigation. In this work, we conduct a series of diagnostic experiments to unveil agents’ focus during navigation. Results show that indoor navigation agents refer to both object and direction tokens when making decisions. In contrast, outdoor navigation agents heavily rely on direction tokens and poorly understand the object tokens. Transformer-based agents acquire a better cross-modal understanding of objects and display strong numerical reasoning ability than non-Transformer-based agents. When it comes to vision-and-language alignments, many models claim that they can align object tokens with specific visual targets. We find unbalanced attention on the vision and text input and doubt the reliability of such cross-modal alignments.

Vision-and-Language Navigation: A Survey of Tasks, Methods, and Future Directions
Jing Gu | Eliana Stefani | Qi Wu | Jesse Thomason | Xin Wang
Proceedings of the 60th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers)

A long-term goal of AI research is to build intelligent agents that can communicate with humans in natural language, perceive the environment, and perform real-world tasks. Vision-and-Language Navigation (VLN) is a fundamental and interdisciplinary research topic towards this goal, and receives increasing attention from natural language processing, computer vision, robotics, and machine learning communities. In this paper, we review contemporary studies in the emerging field of VLN, covering tasks, evaluation metrics, methods, etc. Through structured analysis of current progress and challenges, we also highlight the limitations of current VLN and opportunities for future work. This paper serves as a thorough reference for the VLN research community.


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Proceedings of the First Workshop on Advances in Language and Vision Research
Xin Wang | Jesse Thomason | Ronghang Hu | Xinlei Chen | Peter Anderson | Qi Wu | Asli Celikyilmaz | Jason Baldridge | William Yang Wang
Proceedings of the First Workshop on Advances in Language and Vision Research

Sub-Instruction Aware Vision-and-Language Navigation
Yicong Hong | Cristian Rodriguez | Qi Wu | Stephen Gould
Proceedings of the 2020 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing (EMNLP)

Vision-and-language navigation requires an agent to navigate through a real 3D environment following natural language instructions. Despite significant advances, few previous works are able to fully utilize the strong correspondence between the visual and textual sequences. Meanwhile, due to the lack of intermediate supervision, the agent’s performance at following each part of the instruction cannot be assessed during navigation. In this work, we focus on the granularity of the visual and language sequences as well as the traceability of agents through the completion of an instruction. We provide agents with fine-grained annotations during training and find that they are able to follow the instruction better and have a higher chance of reaching the target at test time. We enrich the benchmark dataset Room-to-Room (R2R) with sub-instructions and their corresponding paths. To make use of this data, we propose effective sub-instruction attention and shifting modules that select and attend to a single sub-instruction at each time-step. We implement our sub-instruction modules in four state-of-the-art agents, compare with their baseline models, and show that our proposed method improves the performance of all four agents. We release the Fine-Grained R2R dataset (FGR2R) and the code at https://github.com/YicongHong/Fine-Grained-R2R.

MeisterMorxrc at SemEval-2020 Task 9: Fine-Tune Bert and Multitask Learning for Sentiment Analysis of Code-Mixed Tweets
Qi Wu | Peng Wang | Chenghao Huang
Proceedings of the Fourteenth Workshop on Semantic Evaluation

Natural language processing (NLP) has been applied to various fields including text classification and sentiment analysis. In the shared task of sentiment analysis of code-mixed tweets, which is a part of the SemEval-2020 competition, we preprocess datasets by replacing emoji and deleting uncommon characters and so on, and then fine-tune the Bidirectional Encoder Representation from Transformers(BERT) to perform the best. After exhausting top3 submissions, Our team MeisterMorxrc achieves an averaged F1 score of 0.730 in this task, and and our codalab username is MeisterMorxrc


Connecting Language and Vision to Actions
Peter Anderson | Abhishek Das | Qi Wu
Proceedings of the 56th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Tutorial Abstracts

A long-term goal of AI research is to build intelligent agents that can see the rich visual environment around us, communicate this understanding in natural language to humans and other agents, and act in a physical or embodied environment. To this end, recent advances at the intersection of language and vision have made incredible progress – from being able to generate natural language descriptions of images/videos, to answering questions about them, to even holding free-form conversations about visual content! However, while these agents can passively describe images or answer (a sequence of) questions about them, they cannot act in the world (what if I cannot answer a question from my current view, or I am asked to move or manipulate something?). Thus, the challenge now is to extend this progress in language and vision to embodied agents that take actions and actively interact with their visual environments. To reduce the entry barrier for new researchers, this tutorial will provide an overview of the growing number of multimodal tasks and datasets that combine textual and visual understanding. We will comprehensively review existing state-of-the-art approaches to selected tasks such as image captioning, visual question answering (VQA) and visual dialog, presenting the key architectural building blocks (such as co-attention) and novel algorithms (such as cooperative/adversarial games) used to train models for these tasks. We will then discuss some of the current and upcoming challenges of combining language, vision and actions, and introduce some recently-released interactive 3D simulation environments designed for this purpose.