Kyomin Jung


Task-specific Compression for Multi-task Language Models using Attribution-based Pruning
Nakyeong Yang | Yunah Jang | Hwanhee Lee | Seohyeong Jeong | Kyomin Jung
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: EACL 2023

Multi-task language models show outstanding performance for various natural language understanding tasks with only a single model.However, these language models inevitably utilize an unnecessarily large number of model parameters, even when used only for a specific task.In this paper, we propose a novel training-free compression method for multi-task language models using pruning method.Specifically, we use an attribution method to determine which neurons are essential for performing a specific task.We task-specifically prune unimportant neurons and leave only task-specific parameters.Furthermore, we extend our method to be applicable in both low-resource and unsupervised settings. Since our compression method is training-free, it uses little computing resources and does not update the pre-trained parameters of language models, reducing storage space usage.Experimental results on the six widely-used datasets show that our proposed pruning method significantly outperforms baseline pruning methods.In addition, we demonstrate that our method preserves performance even in an unseen domain setting.

Injecting Comparison Skills in Task-Oriented Dialogue Systems for Database Search Results Disambiguation
Yongil Kim | Yerin Hwang | Joongbo Shin | Hyunkyung Bae | Kyomin Jung
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: ACL 2023

In task-oriented dialogue (TOD) systems designed to aid users accomplish specific goals in one or more domains, the agent retrieves entities that satisfy user constraints from the database. However, when multiple database search results exist, an ambiguity occurs regarding which results to select and present to the user. Existing TOD systems handle this ambiguity by randomly selecting one or few results and presenting their names to the user. However, in a real scenario, users do not always accept a randomly recommended entity, and users should have access to more comprehensive information about the search results. To address this limitation, we propose a novel task called Comparison-Based database search Ambiguity handling (CBA), which handles ambiguity in database search results by comparing the properties of multiple entities to enable users to choose according to their preferences. Accordingly, we introduce a new framework for automatically collecting high-quality dialogue data along with the Disambiguating Schema-guided Dialogue (DSD) dataset, an augmented version of the SGD dataset. Experimental studies on the DSD dataset demonstrate that training baseline models with the dataset effectively address the CBA task. Our dataset and code will be publicized.

Critic-Guided Decoding for Controlled Text Generation
Minbeom Kim | Hwanhee Lee | Kang Min Yoo | Joonsuk Park | Hwaran Lee | Kyomin Jung
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: ACL 2023

Steering language generation towards objectives or away from undesired content has been a long-standing goal in utilizing language models (LM). Recent work has demonstrated reinforcement learning and weighted decoding as effective approaches to achieve a higher level of language control and quality with pros and cons. In this work, we propose a novel critic decoding method for controlled language generation (CriticControl) that combines the strengths of reinforcement learning and weighted decoding. Specifically, we adopt the actor-critic framework and train an LM-steering critic from reward models. Similar to weighted decoding, our method freezes the language model and manipulates the output token distribution using a critic to improve training efficiency and stability. Evaluation of our method on three controlled generation tasks, topic control, sentiment control, and detoxification, shows that our approach generates more coherent and well-controlled texts than previous methods. In addition, CriticControl demonstrates superior generalization ability in zero-shot settings. Human evaluation studies also corroborate our findings.

BREAK: Breaking the Dialogue State Tracking Barrier with Beam Search and Re-ranking
Seungpil Won | Heeyoung Kwak | Joongbo Shin | Janghoon Han | Kyomin Jung
Proceedings of the 61st Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers)

Despite the recent advances in dialogue state tracking (DST), the joint goal accuracy (JGA) of the existing methods on MultiWOZ 2.1 still remains merely 60%. In our preliminary error analysis, we find that beam search produces a pool of candidates that is likely to include the correct dialogue state. Motivated by this observation, we introduce a novel framework, called BREAK (Beam search and RE-rAnKing), that achieves outstanding performance on DST. BREAK performs DST in two stages: (i) generating k-best dialogue state candidates with beam search and (ii) re-ranking the candidates to select the correct dialogue state. This simple yet powerful framework shows state-of-the-art performance on all versions of MultiWOZ and M2M datasets. Most notably, we push the joint goal accuracy to 80-90% on MultiWOZ 2.1-2.4, which is an improvement of 23.6%, 26.3%, 21.7%, and 10.8% over the previous best-performing models, respectively. The data and code will be available at


Factual Error Correction for Abstractive Summaries Using Entity Retrieval
Hwanhee Lee | Cheoneum Park | Seunghyun Yoon | Trung Bui | Franck Dernoncourt | Juae Kim | Kyomin Jung
Proceedings of the 2nd Workshop on Natural Language Generation, Evaluation, and Metrics (GEM)

Despite the recent advancements in abstractive summarization systems leveraged from large-scale datasets and pre-trained language models, the factual correctness of the summary is still insufficient. One line of trials to mitigate this problem is to include a post-editing process that can detect and correct factual errors in the summary. In building such a system, it is strongly required that 1) the process has a high success rate and interpretability and 2) it has a fast running time. Previous approaches focus on the regeneration of the summary, resulting in low interpretability and high computing resources. In this paper, we propose an efficient factual error correction system RFEC based on entity retrieval. RFEC first retrieves the evidence sentences from the original document by comparing the sentences with the target summary to reduce the length of the text to analyze. Next, RFEC detects entity-level errors in the summaries using the evidence sentences and substitutes the wrong entities with the accurate entities from the evidence sentences. Experimental results show that our proposed error correction system shows more competitive performance than baseline methods in correcting factual errors with a much faster speed.

Modality Alignment between Deep Representations for Effective Video-and-Language Learning
Hyeongu Yun | Yongil Kim | Kyomin Jung
Proceedings of the Thirteenth Language Resources and Evaluation Conference

Video-and-Language learning, such as video question answering or video captioning, is the next challenge in the deep learning society, as it pursues the way how human intelligence perceives everyday life. These tasks require the ability of multi-modal reasoning which is to handle both visual information and text information simultaneously across time. In this point of view, a cross-modality attention module that fuses video representation and text representation takes a critical role in most recent approaches. However, existing Video-and-Language models merely compute the attention weights without considering the different characteristics of video modality and text modality. Such na ̈ıve attention module hinders the current models to fully enjoy the strength of cross-modality. In this paper, we propose a novel Modality Alignment method that benefits the cross-modality attention module by guiding it to easily amalgamate multiple modalities. Specifically, we exploit Centered Kernel Alignment (CKA) which was originally proposed to measure the similarity between two deep representations. Our method directly optimizes CKA to make an alignment between video and text embedding representations, hence it aids the cross-modality attention module to combine information over different modalities. Experiments on real-world Video QA tasks demonstrate that our method outperforms conventional multi-modal methods significantly with +3.57% accuracy increment compared to the baseline in a popular benchmark dataset. Additionally, in a synthetic data environment, we show that learning the alignment with our method boosts the performance of the cross-modality attention.

Masked Summarization to Generate Factually Inconsistent Summaries for Improved Factual Consistency Checking
Hwanhee Lee | Kang Min Yoo | Joonsuk Park | Hwaran Lee | Kyomin Jung
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: NAACL 2022

Despite the recent advances in abstractive summarization systems, it is still difficult to determine whether a generated summary is factual consistent with the source text. To this end, the latest approach is to train a factual consistency classifier on factually consistent and inconsistent summaries. Luckily, the former is readily available as reference summaries in existing summarization datasets. However, generating the latter remains a challenge, as they need to be factually inconsistent, yet closely relevant to the source text to be effective. In this paper, we propose to generate factually inconsistent summaries using source texts and reference summaries with key information masked. Experiments on seven benchmark datasets demonstrate that factual consistency classifiers trained on summaries generated using our method generally outperform existing models and show a competitive correlation with human judgments. We also analyze the characteristics of the summaries generated using our method. We will release the pre-trained model and the code at

Improving Multiple Documents Grounded Goal-Oriented Dialog Systems via Diverse Knowledge Enhanced Pretrained Language Model
Yunah Jang | Dongryeol Lee | Hyung Joo Park | Taegwan Kang | Hwanhee Lee | Hyunkyung Bae | Kyomin Jung
Proceedings of the Second DialDoc Workshop on Document-grounded Dialogue and Conversational Question Answering

In this paper, we mainly discuss about our submission to MultiDoc2Dial task, which aims to model the goal-oriented dialogues grounded in multiple documents. The proposed task is split into grounding span prediction and agent response generation. The baseline for the task is the retrieval augmented generation model, which consists of a dense passage retrieval model for the retrieval part and the BART model for the generation part. The main challenge of this task is that the system requires a great amount of pre-trained knowledge to generate answers grounded in multiple documents. To overcome this challenge, we adopt model pretraining, fine-tuning, and multi-task learning to enhance our model’s coverage of pretrained knowledge. We experimented with various settings of our method to show the effectiveness of our approaches.


QACE: Asking Questions to Evaluate an Image Caption
Hwanhee Lee | Thomas Scialom | Seunghyun Yoon | Franck Dernoncourt | Kyomin Jung
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: EMNLP 2021

In this paper we propose QACE, a new metric based on Question Answering for Caption Evaluation to evaluate image captioning based on Question Generation(QG) and Question Answering(QA) systems. QACE generates questions on the evaluated caption and check its content by asking the questions on either the reference caption or the source image. We first develop QACE_Ref that compares the answers of the evaluated caption to its reference, and report competitive results with the state-of-the-art metrics. To go further, we propose QACE_Img, that asks the questions directly on the image, instead of reference. A Visual-QA system is necessary for QACE_Img. Unfortunately, the standard VQA models are actually framed a classification among only few thousands categories. Instead, we propose Visual-T5, an abstractive VQA system. The resulting metric, QACE_Img is multi-modal, reference-less and explainable. Our experiments show that QACE_Img compares favorably w.r.t. other reference-less metrics.

Contrastive Learning for Context-aware Neural Machine Translation Using Coreference Information
Yongkeun Hwang | Hyeongu Yun | Kyomin Jung
Proceedings of the Sixth Conference on Machine Translation

Context-aware neural machine translation (NMT) incorporates contextual information of surrounding texts, that can improve the translation quality of document-level machine translation. Many existing works on context-aware NMT have focused on developing new model architectures for incorporating additional contexts and have shown some promising results. However, most of existing works rely on cross-entropy loss, resulting in limited use of contextual information. In this paper, we propose CorefCL, a novel data augmentation and contrastive learning scheme based on coreference between the source and contextual sentences. By corrupting automatically detected coreference mentions in the contextual sentence, CorefCL can train the model to be sensitive to coreference inconsistency. We experimented with our method on common context-aware NMT models and two document-level translation tasks. In the experiments, our method consistently improved BLEU of compared models on English-German and English-Korean tasks. We also show that our method significantly improves coreference resolution in the English-German contrastive test suite.

KPQA: A Metric for Generative Question Answering Using Keyphrase Weights
Hwanhee Lee | Seunghyun Yoon | Franck Dernoncourt | Doo Soon Kim | Trung Bui | Joongbo Shin | Kyomin Jung
Proceedings of the 2021 Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies

In the automatic evaluation of generative question answering (GenQA) systems, it is difficult to assess the correctness of generated answers due to the free-form of the answer. Especially, widely used n-gram similarity metrics often fail to discriminate the incorrect answers since they equally consider all of the tokens. To alleviate this problem, we propose KPQA metric, a new metric for evaluating the correctness of GenQA. Specifically, our new metric assigns different weights to each token via keyphrase prediction, thereby judging whether a generated answer sentence captures the key meaning of the reference answer. To evaluate our metric, we create high-quality human judgments of correctness on two GenQA datasets. Using our human-evaluation datasets, we show that our proposed metric has a significantly higher correlation with human judgments than existing metrics in various datasets. Code for KPQA-metric will be available at

Learning to Select Question-Relevant Relations for Visual Question Answering
Jaewoong Lee | Heejoon Lee | Hwanhee Lee | Kyomin Jung
Proceedings of the Third Workshop on Multimodal Artificial Intelligence

Previous existing visual question answering (VQA) systems commonly use graph neural networks(GNNs) to extract visual relationships such as semantic relations or spatial relations. However, studies that use GNNs typically ignore the importance of each relation and simply concatenate outputs from multiple relation encoders. In this paper, we propose a novel layer architecture that fuses multiple visual relations through an attention mechanism to address this issue. Specifically, we develop a model that uses question embedding and joint embedding of the encoders to obtain dynamic attention weights with regard to the type of questions. Using the learnable attention weights, the proposed model can efficiently use the necessary visual relation features for a given question. Experimental results on the VQA 2.0 dataset demonstrate that the proposed model outperforms existing graph attention network-based architectures. Additionally, we visualize the attention weight and show that the proposed model assigns a higher weight to relations that are more relevant to the question.

Self-Adapter at SemEval-2021 Task 10: Entropy-based Pseudo-Labeler for Source-free Domain Adaptation
Sangwon Yoon | Yanghoon Kim | Kyomin Jung
Proceedings of the 15th International Workshop on Semantic Evaluation (SemEval-2021)

Source-free domain adaptation is an emerging line of work in deep learning research since it is closely related to the real-world environment. We study the domain adaption in the sequence labeling problem where the model trained on the source domain data is given. We propose two methods: Self-Adapter and Selective Classifier Training. Self-Adapter is a training method that uses sentence-level pseudo-labels filtered by the self-entropy threshold to provide supervision to the whole model. Selective Classifier Training uses token-level pseudo-labels and supervises only the classification layer of the model. The proposed methods are evaluated on data provided by SemEval-2021 task 10 and Self-Adapter achieves 2nd rank performance.

UMIC: An Unreferenced Metric for Image Captioning via Contrastive Learning
Hwanhee Lee | Seunghyun Yoon | Franck Dernoncourt | Trung Bui | Kyomin Jung
Proceedings of the 59th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics and the 11th International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing (Volume 2: Short Papers)

Despite the success of various text generation metrics such as BERTScore, it is still difficult to evaluate the image captions without enough reference captions due to the diversity of the descriptions. In this paper, we introduce a new metric UMIC, an Unreferenced Metric for Image Captioning which does not require reference captions to evaluate image captions. Based on Vision-and-Language BERT, we train UMIC to discriminate negative captions via contrastive learning. Also, we observe critical problems of the previous benchmark dataset (i.e., human annotations) on image captioning metric, and introduce a new collection of human annotations on the generated captions. We validate UMIC on four datasets, including our new dataset, and show that UMIC has a higher correlation than all previous metrics that require multiple references.


ViLBERTScore: Evaluating Image Caption Using Vision-and-Language BERT
Hwanhee Lee | Seunghyun Yoon | Franck Dernoncourt | Doo Soon Kim | Trung Bui | Kyomin Jung
Proceedings of the First Workshop on Evaluation and Comparison of NLP Systems

In this paper, we propose an evaluation metric for image captioning systems using both image and text information. Unlike the previous methods that rely on textual representations in evaluating the caption, our approach uses visiolinguistic representations. The proposed method generates image-conditioned embeddings for each token using ViLBERT from both generated and reference texts. Then, these contextual embeddings from each of the two sentence-pair are compared to compute the similarity score. Experimental results on three benchmark datasets show that our method correlates significantly better with human judgments than all existing metrics.

Fast and Accurate Deep Bidirectional Language Representations for Unsupervised Learning
Joongbo Shin | Yoonhyung Lee | Seunghyun Yoon | Kyomin Jung
Proceedings of the 58th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics

Even though BERT has achieved successful performance improvements in various supervised learning tasks, BERT is still limited by repetitive inferences on unsupervised tasks for the computation of contextual language representations. To resolve this limitation, we propose a novel deep bidirectional language model called a Transformer-based Text Autoencoder (T-TA). The T-TA computes contextual language representations without repetition and displays the benefits of a deep bidirectional architecture, such as that of BERT. In computation time experiments in a CPU environment, the proposed T-TA performs over six times faster than the BERT-like model on a reranking task and twelve times faster on a semantic similarity task. Furthermore, the T-TA shows competitive or even better accuracies than those of BERT on the above tasks. Code is available at

Propagate-Selector: Detecting Supporting Sentences for Question Answering via Graph Neural Networks
Seunghyun Yoon | Franck Dernoncourt | Doo Soon Kim | Trung Bui | Kyomin Jung
Proceedings of the Twelfth Language Resources and Evaluation Conference

In this study, we propose a novel graph neural network called propagate-selector (PS), which propagates information over sentences to understand information that cannot be inferred when considering sentences in isolation. First, we design a graph structure in which each node represents an individual sentence, and some pairs of nodes are selectively connected based on the text structure. Then, we develop an iterative attentive aggregation and a skip-combine method in which a node interacts with its neighborhood nodes to accumulate the necessary information. To evaluate the performance of the proposed approaches, we conduct experiments with the standard HotpotQA dataset. The empirical results demonstrate the superiority of our proposed approach, which obtains the best performances, compared to the widely used answer-selection models that do not consider the intersentential relationship.


Surf at MEDIQA 2019: Improving Performance of Natural Language Inference in the Clinical Domain by Adopting Pre-trained Language Model
Jiin Nam | Seunghyun Yoon | Kyomin Jung
Proceedings of the 18th BioNLP Workshop and Shared Task

While deep learning techniques have shown promising results in many natural language processing (NLP) tasks, it has not been widely applied to the clinical domain. The lack of large datasets and the pervasive use of domain-specific language (i.e. abbreviations and acronyms) in the clinical domain causes slower progress in NLP tasks than that of the general NLP tasks. To fill this gap, we employ word/subword-level based models that adopt large-scale data-driven methods such as pre-trained language models and transfer learning in analyzing text for the clinical domain. Empirical results demonstrate the superiority of the proposed methods by achieving 90.6% accuracy in medical domain natural language inference task. Furthermore, we inspect the independent strengths of the proposed approaches in quantitative and qualitative manners. This analysis will help researchers to select necessary components in building models for the medical domain.

MILAB at SemEval-2019 Task 3: Multi-View Turn-by-Turn Model for Context-Aware Sentiment Analysis
Yoonhyung Lee | Yanghoon Kim | Kyomin Jung
Proceedings of the 13th International Workshop on Semantic Evaluation

This paper describes our system for SemEval-2019 Task 3: EmoContext, which aims to predict the emotion of the third utterance considering two preceding utterances in a dialogue. To address this challenge of predicting the emotion considering its context, we propose a Multi-View Turn-by-Turn (MVTT) model. Firstly, MVTT model generates vectors from each utterance using two encoders: word-level Bi-GRU encoder (WLE) and character-level CNN encoder (CLE). Then, MVTT grasps contextual information by combining the vectors and predict the emotion with the contextual information. We conduct experiments on the effect of vector encoding and vector combination. Our final MVTT model achieved 0.7634 microaveraged F1 score.


Comparative Studies of Detecting Abusive Language on Twitter
Younghun Lee | Seunghyun Yoon | Kyomin Jung
Proceedings of the 2nd Workshop on Abusive Language Online (ALW2)

The context-dependent nature of online aggression makes annotating large collections of data extremely difficult. Previously studied datasets in abusive language detection have been insufficient in size to efficiently train deep learning models. Recently, Hate and Abusive Speech on Twitter, a dataset much greater in size and reliability, has been released. However, this dataset has not been comprehensively studied to its potential. In this paper, we conduct the first comparative study of various learning models on Hate and Abusive Speech on Twitter, and discuss the possibility of using additional features and context data for improvements. Experimental results show that bidirectional GRU networks trained on word-level features, with Latent Topic Clustering modules, is the most accurate model scoring 0.805 F1.

AttnConvnet at SemEval-2018 Task 1: Attention-based Convolutional Neural Networks for Multi-label Emotion Classification
Yanghoon Kim | Hwanhee Lee | Kyomin Jung
Proceedings of the 12th International Workshop on Semantic Evaluation

In this paper, we propose an attention-based classifier that predicts multiple emotions of a given sentence. Our model imitates human’s two-step procedure of sentence understanding and it can effectively represent and classify sentences. With emoji-to-meaning preprocessing and extra lexicon utilization, we further improve the model performance. We train and evaluate our model with data provided by SemEval-2018 task 1-5, each sentence of which has several labels among 11 given emotions. Our model achieves 5th/1st rank in English/Spanish respectively.

Learning to Rank Question-Answer Pairs Using Hierarchical Recurrent Encoder with Latent Topic Clustering
Seunghyun Yoon | Joongbo Shin | Kyomin Jung
Proceedings of the 2018 Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies, Volume 1 (Long Papers)

In this paper, we propose a novel end-to-end neural architecture for ranking candidate answers, that adapts a hierarchical recurrent neural network and a latent topic clustering module. With our proposed model, a text is encoded to a vector representation from an word-level to a chunk-level to effectively capture the entire meaning. In particular, by adapting the hierarchical structure, our model shows very small performance degradations in longer text comprehension while other state-of-the-art recurrent neural network models suffer from it. Additionally, the latent topic clustering module extracts semantic information from target samples. This clustering module is useful for any text related tasks by allowing each data sample to find its nearest topic cluster, thus helping the neural network model analyze the entire data. We evaluate our models on the Ubuntu Dialogue Corpus and consumer electronic domain question answering dataset, which is related to Samsung products. The proposed model shows state-of-the-art results for ranking question-answer pairs.