Kartikey Pant


Incorporating Subjectivity into Gendered Ambiguous Pronoun (GAP) Resolution using Style Transfer
Kartikey Pant | Tanvi Dadu
Proceedings of the 4th Workshop on Gender Bias in Natural Language Processing (GeBNLP)

The GAP dataset is a Wikipedia-based evaluation dataset for gender bias detection in coreference resolution, containing mostly objective sentences. Since subjectivity is ubiquitous in our daily texts, it becomes necessary to evaluate models for both subjective and objective instances. In this work, we present a new evaluation dataset for gender bias in coreference resolution, GAP-Subjective, which increases the coverage of the original GAP dataset by including subjective sentences. We outline the methodology used to create this dataset. Firstly, we detect objective sentences and transfer them into their subjective variants using a sequence-to-sequence model. Secondly, we outline the thresholding techniques based on fluency and content preservation to maintain the quality of the sentences. Thirdly, we perform automated and human-based analysis of the style transfer and infer that the transferred sentences are of high quality. Finally, we benchmark both GAP and GAP-Subjective datasets using a BERT-based model and analyze its predictive performance and gender bias.

Towards Fine-grained Classification of Climate Change related Social Media Text
Roopal Vaid | Kartikey Pant | Manish Shrivastava
Proceedings of the 60th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Student Research Workshop

With climate change becoming a cause of concern worldwide, it becomes essential to gauge people’s reactions. This can help educate and spread awareness about it and help leaders improve decision-making. This work explores the fine-grained classification and Stance detection of climate change-related social media text. Firstly, we create two datasets, ClimateStance and ClimateEng, consisting of 3777 tweets each, posted during the 2019 United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change and comprehensively outline the dataset collection, annotation methodology, and dataset composition. Secondly, we propose the task of Climate Change stance detection based on our proposed ClimateStance dataset. Thirdly, we propose a fine-grained classification based on the ClimateEng dataset, classifying social media text into five categories: Disaster, Ocean/Water, Agriculture/Forestry, Politics, and General. We benchmark both the datasets for climate change stance detection and fine-grained classification using state-of-the-art methods in text classification. We also create a Reddit-based dataset for both the tasks, ClimateReddit, consisting of 6262 pseudo-labeled comments along with 329 manually annotated comments for the label. We then perform semi-supervised experiments for both the tasks and benchmark their results using the best-performing model for the supervised experiments. Lastly, we provide insights into the ClimateStance and ClimateReddit using part-of-speech tagging and named-entity recognition.


TEASER: Towards Efficient Aspect-based SEntiment Analysis and Recognition
Vaibhav Bajaj | Kartikey Pant | Ishan Upadhyay | Srinath Nair | Radhika Mamidi
Proceedings of the International Conference on Recent Advances in Natural Language Processing (RANLP 2021)

Sentiment analysis aims to detect the overall sentiment, i.e., the polarity of a sentence, paragraph, or text span, without considering the entities mentioned and their aspects. Aspect-based sentiment analysis aims to extract the aspects of the given target entities and their respective sentiments. Prior works formulate this as a sequence tagging problem or solve this task using a span-based extract-then-classify framework where first all the opinion targets are extracted from the sentence, and then with the help of span representations, the targets are classified as positive, negative, or neutral. The sequence tagging problem suffers from issues like sentiment inconsistency and colossal search space. Whereas, Span-based extract-then-classify framework suffers from issues such as half-word coverage and overlapping spans. To overcome this, we propose a similar span-based extract-then-classify framework with a novel and improved heuristic. Experiments on the three benchmark datasets (Restaurant14, Laptop14, Restaurant15) show our model consistently outperforms the current state-of-the-art. Moreover, we also present a novel supervised movie reviews dataset (Movie20) and a pseudo-labeled movie reviews dataset (moviesLarge) made explicitly for this task and report the results on the novel Movie20 dataset as well.

Towards Sentiment Analysis of Tobacco Products’ Usage in Social Media
Venkata Himakar Yanamandra | Kartikey Pant | Radhika Mamidi
Proceedings of the International Conference on Recent Advances in Natural Language Processing (RANLP 2021)

Contemporary tobacco-related studies are mostly concerned with a single social media platform while missing out on a broader audience. Moreover, they are heavily reliant on labeled datasets, which are expensive to make. In this work, we explore sentiment and product identification on tobacco-related text from two social media platforms. We release SentiSmoke-Twitter and SentiSmoke-Reddit datasets, along with a comprehensive annotation schema for identifying tobacco products’ sentiment. We then perform benchmarking text classification experiments using state-of-the-art models, including BERT, RoBERTa, and DistilBERT. Our experiments show F1 scores as high as 0.72 for sentiment identification in the Twitter dataset, 0.46 for sentiment identification, and 0.57 for product identification using semi-supervised learning for Reddit.

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Text Simplification for Comprehension-based Question-Answering
Tanvi Dadu | Kartikey Pant | Seema Nagar | Ferdous Barbhuiya | Kuntal Dey
Proceedings of the Seventh Workshop on Noisy User-generated Text (W-NUT 2021)

Text simplification is the process of splitting and rephrasing a sentence to a sequence of sentences making it easier to read and understand while preserving the content and approximating the original meaning. Text simplification has been exploited in NLP applications like machine translation, summarization, semantic role labeling, and information extraction, opening a broad avenue for its exploitation in comprehension-based question-answering downstream tasks. In this work, we investigate the effect of text simplification in the task of question-answering using a comprehension context. We release Simple-SQuAD, a simplified version of the widely-used SQuAD dataset. Firstly, we outline each step in the dataset creation pipeline, including style transfer, thresholding of sentences showing correct transfer, and offset finding for each answer. Secondly, we verify the quality of the transferred sentences through various methodologies involving both automated and human evaluation. Thirdly, we benchmark the newly created corpus and perform an ablation study for examining the effect of the simplification process in the SQuAD-based question answering task. Our experiments show that simplification leads to up to 2.04% and 1.74% increase in Exact Match and F1, respectively. Finally, we conclude with an analysis of the transfer process, investigating the types of edits made by the model, and the effect of sentence length on the transfer model.

Jibes & Delights: A Dataset of Targeted Insults and Compliments to Tackle Online Abuse
Ravsimar Sodhi | Kartikey Pant | Radhika Mamidi
Proceedings of the 5th Workshop on Online Abuse and Harms (WOAH 2021)

Online abuse and offensive language on social media have become widespread problems in today’s digital age. In this paper, we contribute a Reddit-based dataset, consisting of 68,159 insults and 51,102 compliments targeted at individuals instead of targeting a particular community or race. Secondly, we benchmark multiple existing state-of-the-art models for both classification and unsupervised style transfer on the dataset. Finally, we analyse the experimental results and conclude that the transfer task is challenging, requiring the models to understand the high degree of creativity exhibited in the data.


Sarcasm Detection using Context Separators in Online Discourse
Tanvi Dadu | Kartikey Pant
Proceedings of the Second Workshop on Figurative Language Processing

Sarcasm is an intricate form of speech, where meaning is conveyed implicitly. Being a convoluted form of expression, detecting sarcasm is an assiduous problem. The difficulty in recognition of sarcasm has many pitfalls, including misunderstandings in everyday communications, which leads us to an increasing focus on automated sarcasm detection. In the second edition of the Figurative Language Processing (FigLang 2020) workshop, the shared task of sarcasm detection released two datasets, containing responses along with their context sampled from Twitter and Reddit. In this work, we use RoBERTalarge to detect sarcasm in both the datasets. We further assert the importance of context in improving the performance of contextual word embedding based models by using three different types of inputs - Response-only, Context-Response, and Context-Response (Separated). We show that our proposed architecture performs competitively for both the datasets. We also show that the addition of a separation token between context and target response results in an improvement of 5.13% in the F1-score in the Reddit dataset.

Team Rouges at SemEval-2020 Task 12: Cross-lingual Inductive Transfer to Detect Offensive Language
Tanvi Dadu | Kartikey Pant
Proceedings of the Fourteenth Workshop on Semantic Evaluation

With the growing use of social media and its availability, many instances of the use of offensive language have been observed across multiple languages and domains. This phenomenon has given rise to the growing need to detect the offensive language used in social media cross-lingually. In OffensEval 2020, the organizers have released the multilingual Offensive Language Identification Dataset (mOLID), which contains tweets in five different languages, to detect offensive language. In this work, we introduce a cross-lingual inductive approach to identify the offensive language in tweets using the contextual word embedding XLM-RoBERTa (XLM-R). We show that our model performs competitively on all five languages, obtaining the fourth position in the English task with an F1-score of 0.919 and eighth position in the Turkish task with an F1-score of 0.781. Further experimentation proves that our model works competitively in a zero-shot learning environment, and is extensible to other languages.

Towards Code-switched Classification Exploiting Constituent Language Resources
Kartikey Pant | Tanvi Dadu
Proceedings of the 1st Conference of the Asia-Pacific Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics and the 10th International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing: Student Research Workshop

Code-switching is a commonly observed communicative phenomenon denoting a shift from one language to another within the same speech exchange. The analysis of code-switched data often becomes an assiduous task, owing to the limited availability of data. In this work, we propose converting code-switched data into its constituent high resource languages for exploiting both monolingual and cross-lingual settings. This conversion allows us to utilize the higher resource availability for its constituent languages for multiple downstream tasks. We perform experiments for two downstream tasks, sarcasm detection and hate speech detection in the English-Hindi code-switched setting. These experiments show an increase in 22% and 42.5% in F1-score for sarcasm detection and hate speech detection, respectively, compared to the state-of-the-art.


SmokEng: Towards Fine-grained Classification of Tobacco-related Social Media Text
Kartikey Pant | Venkata Himakar Yanamandra | Alok Debnath | Radhika Mamidi
Proceedings of the 5th Workshop on Noisy User-generated Text (W-NUT 2019)

Contemporary datasets on tobacco consumption focus on one of two topics, either public health mentions and disease surveillance, or sentiment analysis on topical tobacco products and services. However, two primary considerations are not accounted for, the language of the demographic affected and a combination of the topics mentioned above in a fine-grained classification mechanism. In this paper, we create a dataset of 3144 tweets, which are selected based on the presence of colloquial slang related to smoking and analyze it based on the semantics of the tweet. Each class is created and annotated based on the content of the tweets such that further hierarchical methods can be easily applied. Further, we prove the efficacy of standard text classification methods on this dataset, by designing experiments which do both binary as well as multi-class classification. Our experiments tackle the identification of either a specific topic (such as tobacco product promotion), a general mention (cigarettes and related products) or a more fine-grained classification. This methodology paves the way for further analysis, such as understanding sentiment or style, which makes this dataset a vital contribution to both disease surveillance and tobacco use research.