Julien Bezançon


French CrowS-Pairs: Extension à une langue autre que l’anglais d’un corpus de mesure des biais sociétaux dans les modèles de langue masqués (French CrowS-Pairs : Extending a challenge dataset for measuring social bias in masked language models to a language other than English)
Aurélie Névéol | Yoann Dupont | Julien Bezançon | Karën Fort
Actes de la 29e Conférence sur le Traitement Automatique des Langues Naturelles. Volume 1 : conférence principale

Afin de permettre l’étude des biais en traitement automatique de la langue au delà de l’anglais américain, nous enrichissons le corpus américain CrowS-pairs de 1 677 paires de phrases en français représentant des stéréotypes portant sur dix catégories telles que le genre. 1 467 paires de phrases sont traduites à partir de CrowS-pairs et 210 sont nouvellement recueillies puis traduites en anglais. Selon le principe des paires minimales, les phrases du corpus contrastent un énoncé stéréotypé concernant un groupe défavorisé et son équivalent pour un groupe favorisé. Nous montrons que quatre modèles de langue favorisent les énoncés qui expriment des stéréotypes dans la plupart des catégories. Nous décrivons le processus de traduction et formulons des recommandations pour étendre le corpus à d’autres langues. Attention : Cet article contient des énoncés de stéréotypes qui peuvent être choquants.

French CrowS-Pairs: Extending a challenge dataset for measuring social bias in masked language models to a language other than English
Aurélie Névéol | Yoann Dupont | Julien Bezançon | Karën Fort
Proceedings of the 60th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers)

Warning: This paper contains explicit statements of offensive stereotypes which may be upsetting.Much work on biases in natural language processing has addressed biases linked to the social and cultural experience of English speaking individuals in the United States. We seek to widen the scope of bias studies by creating material to measure social bias in language models (LMs) against specific demographic groups in France. We build on the US-centered CrowS-pairs dataset to create a multilingual stereotypes dataset that allows for comparability across languages while also characterizing biases that are specific to each country and language. We introduce 1,679 sentence pairs in French that cover stereotypes in ten types of bias like gender and age. 1,467 sentence pairs are translated from CrowS-pairs and 212 are newly crowdsourced. The sentence pairs contrast stereotypes concerning underadvantaged groups with the same sentence concerning advantaged groups. We find that four widely used language models (three French, one multilingual) favor sentences that express stereotypes in most bias categories. We report on the translation process from English into French, which led to a characterization of stereotypes in CrowS-pairs including the identification of US-centric cultural traits. We offer guidelines to further extend the dataset to other languages and cultural environments.

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Use of a Citizen Science Platform for the Creation of a Language Resource to Study Bias in Language Models for French: A Case Study
Karën Fort | Aurélie Névéol | Yoann Dupont | Julien Bezançon
Proceedings of the 2nd Workshop on Novel Incentives in Data Collection from People: models, implementations, challenges and results within LREC 2022

There is a growing interest in the evaluation of bias, fairness and social impact of Natural Language Processing models and tools. However, little resources are available for this task in languages other than English. Translation of resources originally developed for English is a promising research direction. However, there is also a need for complementing translated resources by newly sourced resources in the original languages and social contexts studied. In order to collect a language resource for the study of biases in Language Models for French, we decided to resort to citizen science. We created three tasks on the LanguageARC citizen science platform to assist with the translation of an existing resource from English into French as well as the collection of complementary resources in native French. We successfully collected data for all three tasks from a total of 102 volunteer participants. Participants from different parts of the world contributed and we noted that although calls sent to mailing lists had a positive impact on participation, some participants pointed barriers to contributions due to the collection platform.