Jinzheng He


RMSSinger: Realistic-Music-Score based Singing Voice Synthesis
Jinzheng He | Jinglin Liu | Zhenhui Ye | Rongjie Huang | Chenye Cui | Huadai Liu | Zhou Zhao
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: ACL 2023

We are interested in a challenging task, Realistic-Music-Score based Singing Voice Synthesis (RMS-SVS). RMS-SVS aims to generate high-quality singing voices given realistic music scores with different note types (grace, slur, rest, etc.). Though significant progress has been achieved, recent singing voice synthesis (SVS) methods are limited to fine-grained music scores, which require a complicated data collection pipeline with time-consuming manual annotation to align music notes with phonemes. % Furthermore, existing approaches cannot synthesize rhythmic singing voices given realistic music scores due to the domain gap between fine-grained music scores and realistic music scores.Furthermore, these manual annotation destroys the regularity of note durations in music scores, making fine-grained music scores inconvenient for composing.To tackle these challenges, we propose RMSSinger, the first RMS-SVS method, which takes realistic music scores as input, eliminating most of the tedious manual annotation and avoiding the aforementioned inconvenience.Note that music scores are based on words rather than phonemes, in RMSSinger, we introduce word-level modeling to avoid the time-consuming phoneme duration annotation and the complicated phoneme-level mel-note alignment. Furthermore, we propose the first diffusion-based pitch modeling method, which ameliorates the naturalness of existing pitch-modeling methods. To achieve these, we collect a new dataset containing realistic music scores and singing voices according to these realistic music scores from professional singers. Extensive experiments on the dataset demonstrate the effectiveness of our methods. Audio samples are available at https://rmssinger.github.io/.

AV-TranSpeech: Audio-Visual Robust Speech-to-Speech Translation
Rongjie Huang | Huadai Liu | Xize Cheng | Yi Ren | Linjun Li | Zhenhui Ye | Jinzheng He | Lichao Zhang | Jinglin Liu | Xiang Yin | Zhou Zhao
Proceedings of the 61st Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers)

Direct speech-to-speech translation (S2ST) aims to convert speech from one language into another, and has demonstrated significant progress to date. Despite the recent success, current S2ST models still suffer from distinct degradation in noisy environments and fail to translate visual speech (i.e., the movement of lips and teeth). In this work, we present AV-TranSpeech, the first audio-visual speech-to-speech (AV-S2ST) translation model without relying on intermediate text. AV-TranSpeech complements the audio stream with visual information to promote system robustness and opens up a host of practical applications: dictation or dubbing archival films. To mitigate the data scarcity with limited parallel AV-S2ST data, we 1) explore self-supervised pre-training with unlabeled audio-visual data to learn contextual representation, and 2) introduce cross-modal distillation with S2ST models trained on the audio-only corpus to further reduce the requirements of visual data. Experimental results on two language pairs demonstrate that AV-TranSpeech outperforms audio-only models under all settings regardless of the type of noise. With low-resource audio-visual data (10h, 30h), cross-modal distillation yields an improvement of 7.6 BLEU on average compared with baselines.Audio samples are available at https://AV-TranSpeech.github.io/.

CLAPSpeech: Learning Prosody from Text Context with Contrastive Language-Audio Pre-Training
Zhenhui Ye | Rongjie Huang | Yi Ren | Ziyue Jiang | Jinglin Liu | Jinzheng He | Xiang Yin | Zhou Zhao
Proceedings of the 61st Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers)

Improving text representation has attracted much attention to achieve expressive text-to-speech (TTS). However, existing works only implicitly learn the prosody with masked token reconstruction tasks, which leads to low training efficiency and difficulty in prosody modeling. We propose CLAPSpeech, a cross-modal contrastive pre-training framework that learns from the prosody variance of the same text token under different contexts. Specifically, 1) with the design of a text encoder and a prosody encoder, we encourage the model to connect the text context with its corresponding prosody pattern in the joint multi-modal space; 2) we introduce a multi-scale pre-training pipeline to capture prosody patterns in multiple levels. 3) we show how to incorporate CLAPSpeech into existing TTS models for better prosody. Experiments on three datasets not only show that CLAPSpeech could improve the prosody prediction for existing TTS methods, but also demonstrate its generalization ability to adapt to multiple languages and multi-speaker text-to-speech. We also deeply analyze the principle behind the performance of CLAPSpeech. Ablation studies demonstrate the necessity of each component in CLAPSpeech. Source code and audio samples are available at https://clapspeech.github.io.