Jiawei Wu


Self-Supervised Dialogue Learning
Jiawei Wu | Xin Wang | William Yang Wang
Proceedings of the 57th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics

The sequential order of utterances is often meaningful in coherent dialogues, and the order changes of utterances could lead to low-quality and incoherent conversations. We consider the order information as a crucial supervised signal for dialogue learning, which, however, has been neglected by many previous dialogue systems. Therefore, in this paper, we introduce a self-supervised learning task, inconsistent order detection, to explicitly capture the flow of conversation in dialogues. Given a sampled utterance pair triple, the task is to predict whether it is ordered or misordered. Then we propose a sampling-based self-supervised network SSN to perform the prediction with sampled triple references from previous dialogue history. Furthermore, we design a joint learning framework where SSN can guide the dialogue systems towards more coherent and relevant dialogue learning through adversarial training. We demonstrate that the proposed methods can be applied to both open-domain and task-oriented dialogue scenarios, and achieve the new state-of-the-art performance on the OpenSubtitiles and Movie-Ticket Booking datasets.

TWEETQA: A Social Media Focused Question Answering Dataset
Wenhan Xiong | Jiawei Wu | Hong Wang | Vivek Kulkarni | Mo Yu | Shiyu Chang | Xiaoxiao Guo | William Yang Wang
Proceedings of the 57th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics

With social media becoming increasingly popular on which lots of news and real-time events are reported, developing automated question answering systems is critical to the effective-ness of many applications that rely on real-time knowledge. While previous datasets have concentrated on question answering (QA) for formal text like news and Wikipedia, we present the first large-scale dataset for QA over social media data. To ensure that the tweets we collected are useful, we only gather tweets used by journalists to write news articles. We then ask human annotators to write questions and answers upon these tweets. Unlike otherQA datasets like SQuAD in which the answers are extractive, we allow the answers to be abstractive. We show that two recently proposed neural models that perform well on formal texts are limited in their performance when applied to our dataset. In addition, even the fine-tuned BERT model is still lagging behind human performance with a large margin. Our results thus point to the need of improved QA systems targeting social media text.

Learning to Learn and Predict: A Meta-Learning Approach for Multi-Label Classification
Jiawei Wu | Wenhan Xiong | William Yang Wang
Proceedings of the 2019 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing and the 9th International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing (EMNLP-IJCNLP)

Many tasks in natural language processing can be viewed as multi-label classification problems. However, most of the existing models are trained with the standard cross-entropy loss function and use a fixed prediction policy (e.g., a threshold of 0.5) for all the labels, which completely ignores the complexity and dependencies among different labels. In this paper, we propose a meta-learning method to capture these complex label dependencies. More specifically, our method utilizes a meta-learner to jointly learn the training policies and prediction policies for different labels. The training policies are then used to train the classifier with the cross-entropy loss function, and the prediction policies are further implemented for prediction. Experimental results on fine-grained entity typing and text classification demonstrate that our proposed method can obtain more accurate multi-label classification results.

Imposing Label-Relational Inductive Bias for Extremely Fine-Grained Entity Typing
Wenhan Xiong | Jiawei Wu | Deren Lei | Mo Yu | Shiyu Chang | Xiaoxiao Guo | William Yang Wang
Proceedings of the 2019 Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies, Volume 1 (Long and Short Papers)

Existing entity typing systems usually exploit the type hierarchy provided by knowledge base (KB) schema to model label correlations and thus improve the overall performance. Such techniques, however, are not directly applicable to more open and practical scenarios where the type set is not restricted by KB schema and includes a vast number of free-form types. To model the underlying label correlations without access to manually annotated label structures, we introduce a novel label-relational inductive bias, represented by a graph propagation layer that effectively encodes both global label co-occurrence statistics and word-level similarities. On a large dataset with over 10,000 free-form types, the graph-enhanced model equipped with an attention-based matching module is able to achieve a much higher recall score while maintaining a high-level precision. Specifically, it achieves a 15.3% relative F1 improvement and also less inconsistency in the outputs. We further show that a simple modification of our proposed graph layer can also improve the performance on a conventional and widely-tested dataset that only includes KB-schema types.

Extract and Edit: An Alternative to Back-Translation for Unsupervised Neural Machine Translation
Jiawei Wu | Xin Wang | William Yang Wang
Proceedings of the 2019 Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies, Volume 1 (Long and Short Papers)

The overreliance on large parallel corpora significantly limits the applicability of machine translation systems to the majority of language pairs. Back-translation has been dominantly used in previous approaches for unsupervised neural machine translation, where pseudo sentence pairs are generated to train the models with a reconstruction loss. However, the pseudo sentences are usually of low quality as translation errors accumulate during training. To avoid this fundamental issue, we propose an alternative but more effective approach, extract-edit, to extract and then edit real sentences from the target monolingual corpora. Furthermore, we introduce a comparative translation loss to evaluate the translated target sentences and thus train the unsupervised translation systems. Experiments show that the proposed approach consistently outperforms the previous state-of-the-art unsupervised machine translation systems across two benchmarks (English-French and English-German) and two low-resource language pairs (English-Romanian and English-Russian) by more than 2 (up to 3.63) BLEU points.


Reinforced Co-Training
Jiawei Wu | Lei Li | William Yang Wang
Proceedings of the 2018 Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies, Volume 1 (Long Papers)

Co-training is a popular semi-supervised learning framework to utilize a large amount of unlabeled data in addition to a small labeled set. Co-training methods exploit predicted labels on the unlabeled data and select samples based on prediction confidence to augment the training. However, the selection of samples in existing co-training methods is based on a predetermined policy, which ignores the sampling bias between the unlabeled and the labeled subsets, and fails to explore the data space. In this paper, we propose a novel method, Reinforced Co-Training, to select high-quality unlabeled samples to better co-train on. More specifically, our approach uses Q-learning to learn a data selection policy with a small labeled dataset, and then exploits this policy to train the co-training classifiers automatically. Experimental results on clickbait detection and generic text classification tasks demonstrate that our proposed method can obtain more accurate text classification results.