Inderjeet Nair


A Neural CRF-based Hierarchical Approach for Linear Text Segmentation
Inderjeet Nair | Aparna Garimella | Balaji Vasan Srinivasan | Natwar Modani | Niyati Chhaya | Srikrishna Karanam | Sumit Shekhar
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: EACL 2023

We consider the problem of segmenting unformatted text and transcripts linearly based on their topical structure. While prior approaches explicitly train to predict segment boundaries, our proposed approach solves this task by inferring the hierarchical segmentation structure associated with the input text fragment. Given the lack of a large annotated dataset for this task, we propose a data curation strategy and create a corpus of over 700K Wikipedia articles with their hierarchical structures. We then propose the first supervised approach to generating hierarchical segmentation structures based on these annotations. Our method, in particular, is based on a neural conditional random field (CRF), which explicitly models the statistical dependency between a node and its constituent child nodes. We introduce a new data augmentation scheme as part of our model training strategy, which involves sampling a variety of node aggregations, permutations, and removals, all of which help capture fine-grained and coarse topical shifts in the data and improve model performance. Extensive experiments show that our model outperforms or achieves competitive performance when compared to previous state-of-the-art algorithms in the following settings: rich-resource, cross-domain transferability, few-shot supervision, and segmentation when topic label annotations are provided.

Exploiting Language Characteristics for Legal Domain-Specific Language Model Pretraining
Inderjeet Nair | Natwar Modani
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: EACL 2023

Pretraining large language models has resulted in tremendous performance improvement for many natural language processing (NLP) tasks. While for non-domain specific tasks, such models can be used directly, a common strategy to achieve better performance for specific domains involves pretraining these language models over domain specific data using objectives like Masked Language Modelling (MLM), Autoregressive Language Modelling, etc. While such pretraining addresses the change in vocabulary and style of language for the domain, it is otherwise a domain agnostic approach. In this work, we investigate the effect of incorporating pretraining objectives that explicitly tries to exploit the domain specific language characteristics in addition to such MLM based pretraining. Particularly, we examine two distinct characteristics associated with the legal domain and propose pretraining objectives modelling these characteristics. The proposed objectives target improvement of token-level feature representation, as well as aim to incorporate sentence level semantics. We demonstrate superiority in the performance of the models pretrained using our objectives against those trained using domain-agnostic objectives over several legal downstream tasks.

Friendly Neighbors: Contextualized Sequence-to-Sequence Link Prediction
Adrian Kochsiek | Apoorv Saxena | Inderjeet Nair | Rainer Gemulla
Proceedings of the 8th Workshop on Representation Learning for NLP (RepL4NLP 2023)

We propose KGT5-context, a simple sequence-to-sequence model for link prediction (LP) in knowledge graphs (KG). Our work expands on KGT5, a recent LP model that exploits textual features of the KG, has small model size, and is scalable. To reach good predictive performance, however, KGT5 relies on an ensemble with a knowledge graph embedding model, which itself is excessively large and costly to use. In this short paper, we show empirically that adding contextual information — i.e., information about the direct neighborhood of the query entity — alleviates the need for a separate KGE model to obtain good performance. The resulting KGT5-context model is simple, reduces model size significantly, and obtains state-of-the-art performance in our experimental study.