Hideto Kazawa
An Empirical Study of Language Relatedness for Transfer Learning in Neural Machine Translation
Raj Dabre
Tetsuji Nakagawa
Hideto Kazawa
Proceedings of the 31st Pacific Asia Conference on Language, Information and Computation
Overview of the 4th Workshop on Asian Translation
Toshiaki Nakazawa
Shohei Higashiyama
Chenchen Ding
Hideya Mino
Isao Goto
Hideto Kazawa
Yusuke Oda
Graham Neubig
Sadao Kurohashi
Proceedings of the 4th Workshop on Asian Translation (WAT2017)
A joint inference of deep case analysis and zero subject generation for Japanese-to-English statistical machine translation
Taku Kudo
Hiroshi Ichikawa
Hideto Kazawa
Proceedings of the 52nd Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 2: Short Papers)
Proceedings of the Workshop on Language Processing and Crisis Information 2013
Kentaro Inui
Hideto Kazawa
Graham Neubig
Masao Utiyama
Proceedings of the Workshop on Language Processing and Crisis Information 2013
Training a Parser for Machine Translation Reordering
Jason Katz-Brown
Slav Petrov
Ryan McDonald
Franz Och
David Talbot
Hiroshi Ichikawa
Masakazu Seno
Hideto Kazawa
Proceedings of the 2011 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing
A Lightweight Evaluation Framework for Machine Translation Reordering
David Talbot
Hideto Kazawa
Hiroshi Ichikawa
Jason Katz-Brown
Masakazu Seno
Franz Och
Proceedings of the Sixth Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation
Proceedings of the Workshop on Advances in Text Input Methods (WTIM 2011)
Hideto Kazawa
Hisami Suzuki
Taku Kudo
Proceedings of the Workshop on Advances in Text Input Methods (WTIM 2011)
The NTT Statistical Machine Translation System for IWSLT2005
Hajime Tsukada
Taro Watanabe
Jun Suzuki
Hideto Kazawa
Hideki Isozaki
Proceedings of the Second International Workshop on Spoken Language Translation
A Deterministic Word Dependency Analyzer Enhanced With Preference Learning
Hideki Isozaki
Hideto Kazawa
Tsutomu Hirao
COLING 2004: Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Computational Linguistics
Efficient Support Vector Classifiers for Named Entity Recognition
Hideki Isozaki
Hideto Kazawa
COLING 2002: The 19th International Conference on Computational Linguistics
- Hideki Isozaki 3
- Hiroshi Ichikawa 3
- Jason Katz-Brown 2
- Franz Josef Och 2
- David Talbot 2
- show all...
- Masakazu Seno 2
- Taku Kudo 2
- Graham Neubig 2
- Hajime Tsukada 1
- Taro Watanabe 1
- Jun Suzuki 1
- Raj Dabre 1
- Tetsuji Nakagawa 1
- Slav Petrov 1
- Ryan McDonald 1
- Kentaro Inui 1
- Masao Utiyama 1
- Hisami Suzuki 1
- Toshiaki Nakazawa 1
- Shohei Higashiyama 1
- Chenchen Ding 1
- Hideya Mino 1
- Isao Goto 1
- Yusuke Oda 1
- Sadao Kurohashi 1
- Tsutomu Hirao 1