Feng Jiang


基于新闻图式结构的篇章功能语用识别方法(Discourse Functional Pragmatics Recognition Based on News Schemata)
Mengqi Du (杜梦琦) | Feng Jiang (蒋峰) | Xiaomin Chu (褚晓敏) | Peifeng Li (李培峰)
Proceedings of the 21st Chinese National Conference on Computational Linguistics


Key Mention Pairs Guided Document-Level Relation Extraction
Feng Jiang | Jianwei Niu | Shasha Mo | Shengda Fan
Proceedings of the 29th International Conference on Computational Linguistics

Document-level Relation Extraction (DocRE) aims at extracting relations between entities in a given document. Since different mention pairs may express different relations or even no relation, it is crucial to identify key mention pairs responsible for the entity-level relation labels. However, most recent studies treat different mentions equally while predicting the relations between entities, leading to sub-optimal performance. To this end, we propose a novel DocRE model called Key Mention pairs Guided Relation Extractor (KMGRE) to directly model mention-level relations, containing two modules: a mention-level relation extractor and a key instance classifier. These two modules could be iteratively optimized with an EM-based algorithm to enhance each other. We also propose a new method to solve the multi-label problem in optimizing the mention-level relation extractor. Experimental results on two public DocRE datasets demonstrate that the proposed model is effective and outperforms previous state-of-the-art models.

Automated Chinese Essay Scoring from Multiple Traits
Yaqiong He | Feng Jiang | Xiaomin Chu | Peifeng Li
Proceedings of the 29th International Conference on Computational Linguistics

Automatic Essay Scoring (AES) is the task of using the computer to evaluate the quality of essays automatically. Current research on AES focuses on scoring the overall quality or single trait of prompt-specific essays. However, the users not only expect to obtain the overall score but also the instant feedback from different traits to help their writing in the real world. Therefore, we first annotate a mutli-trait dataset ACEA including 1220 argumentative essays from four traits, i.e., essay organization, topic, logic, and language. And then we design a hierarchical multi-task trait scorer HMTS to evaluate the quality of writing by modeling these four traits. Moreover, we propose an inter-sequence attention mechanism to enhance information interaction between different tasks and design the trait-specific features for various tasks in AES. The experimental results on ACEA show that our HMTS can effectively score essays from multiple traits, outperforming several strong models.


Not Just Classification: Recognizing Implicit Discourse Relation on Joint Modeling of Classification and Generation
Feng Jiang | Yaxin Fan | Xiaomin Chu | Peifeng Li | Qiaoming Zhu
Proceedings of the 2021 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing

Implicit discourse relation recognition (IDRR) is a critical task in discourse analysis. Previous studies only regard it as a classification task and lack an in-depth understanding of the semantics of different relations. Therefore, we first view IDRR as a generation task and further propose a method joint modeling of the classification and generation. Specifically, we propose a joint model, CG-T5, to recognize the relation label and generate the target sentence containing the meaning of relations simultaneously. Furthermore, we design three target sentence forms, including the question form, for the generation model to incorporate prior knowledge. To address the issue that large discourse units are hardly embedded into the target sentence, we also propose a target sentence construction mechanism that automatically extracts core sentences from those large discourse units. Experimental results both on Chinese MCDTB and English PDTB datasets show that our model CG-T5 achieves the best performance against several state-of-the-art systems.

ReTraCk: A Flexible and Efficient Framework for Knowledge Base Question Answering
Shuang Chen | Qian Liu | Zhiwei Yu | Chin-Yew Lin | Jian-Guang Lou | Feng Jiang
Proceedings of the 59th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics and the 11th International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing: System Demonstrations

We present Retriever-Transducer-Checker (ReTraCk), a neural semantic parsing framework for large scale knowledge base question answering (KBQA). ReTraCk is designed as a modular framework to maintain high flexibility. It includes a retriever to retrieve relevant KB items efficiently, a transducer to generate logical form with syntax correctness guarantees and a checker to improve transduction procedure. ReTraCk is ranked at top1 overall performance on the GrailQA leaderboard and obtains highly competitive performance on the typical WebQuestionsSP benchmark. Our system can interact with users timely, demonstrating the efficiency of the proposed framework.


融合全局和局部信息的汉语宏观篇章结构识别(Combining Global and Local Information to Recognize Chinese Macro Discourse Structure)
Yaxin Fan (范亚鑫) | Feng Jiang (蒋峰) | Xiaomin Chu (褚晓敏) | Peifeng Li (李培峰) | Qiaoming Zhu (朱巧明)
Proceedings of the 19th Chinese National Conference on Computational Linguistics


Chinese Paragraph-level Discourse Parsing with Global Backward and Local Reverse Reading
Feng Jiang | Xiaomin Chu | Peifeng Li | Fang Kong | Qiaoming Zhu
Proceedings of the 28th International Conference on Computational Linguistics

Discourse structure tree construction is the fundamental task of discourse parsing and most previous work focused on English. Due to the cultural and linguistic differences, existing successful methods on English discourse parsing cannot be transformed into Chinese directly, especially in paragraph level suffering from longer discourse units and fewer explicit connectives. To alleviate the above issues, we propose two reading modes, i.e., the global backward reading and the local reverse reading, to construct Chinese paragraph level discourse trees. The former processes discourse units from the end to the beginning in a document to utilize the left-branching bias of discourse structure in Chinese, while the latter reverses the position of paragraphs in a discourse unit to enhance the differentiation of coherence between adjacent discourse units. The experimental results on Chinese MCDTB demonstrate that our model outperforms all strong baselines.


Enhancing Neural Data-To-Text Generation Models with External Background Knowledge
Shuang Chen | Jinpeng Wang | Xiaocheng Feng | Feng Jiang | Bing Qin | Chin-Yew Lin
Proceedings of the 2019 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing and the 9th International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing (EMNLP-IJCNLP)

Recent neural models for data-to-text generation rely on massive parallel pairs of data and text to learn the writing knowledge. They often assume that writing knowledge can be acquired from the training data alone. However, when people are writing, they not only rely on the data but also consider related knowledge. In this paper, we enhance neural data-to-text models with external knowledge in a simple but effective way to improve the fidelity of generated text. Besides relying on parallel data and text as in previous work, our model attends to relevant external knowledge, encoded as a temporary memory, and combines this knowledge with the context representation of data before generating words. This allows the model to infer relevant facts which are not explicitly stated in the data table from an external knowledge source. Experimental results on twenty-one Wikipedia infobox-to-text datasets show our model, KBAtt, consistently improves a state-of-the-art model on most of the datasets. In addition, to quantify when and why external knowledge is effective, we design a metric, KBGain, which shows a strong correlation with the observed performance boost. This result demonstrates the relevance of external knowledge and sparseness of original data are the main factors affecting system performance.


Joint Modeling of Structure Identification and Nuclearity Recognition in Macro Chinese Discourse Treebank
Xiaomin Chu | Feng Jiang | Yi Zhou | Guodong Zhou | Qiaoming Zhu
Proceedings of the 27th International Conference on Computational Linguistics

Discourse parsing is a challenging task and plays a critical role in discourse analysis. This paper focus on the macro level discourse structure analysis, which has been less studied in the previous researches. We explore a macro discourse structure presentation schema to present the macro level discourse structure, and propose a corresponding corpus, named Macro Chinese Discourse Treebank. On these bases, we concentrate on two tasks of macro discourse structure analysis, including structure identification and nuclearity recognition. In order to reduce the error transmission between the associated tasks, we adopt a joint model of the two tasks, and an Integer Linear Programming approach is proposed to achieve global optimization with various kinds of constraints.

MCDTB: A Macro-level Chinese Discourse TreeBank
Feng Jiang | Sheng Xu | Xiaomin Chu | Peifeng Li | Qiaoming Zhu | Guodong Zhou
Proceedings of the 27th International Conference on Computational Linguistics

In view of the differences between the annotations of micro and macro discourse rela-tionships, this paper describes the relevant experiments on the construction of the Macro Chinese Discourse Treebank (MCDTB), a higher-level Chinese discourse corpus. Fol-lowing RST (Rhetorical Structure Theory), we annotate the macro discourse information, including discourse structure, nuclearity and relationship, and the additional discourse information, including topic sentences, lead and abstract, to make the macro discourse annotation more objective and accurate. Finally, we annotated 720 articles with a Kappa value greater than 0.6. Preliminary experiments on this corpus verify the computability of MCDTB.

Building a Macro Chinese Discourse Treebank
Xiaomin Chu | Feng Jiang | Sheng Xu | Qiaoming Zhu
Proceedings of the Eleventh International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC 2018)


An Enhanced Model for Chinese Word Segmentation and Part-of-Speech Tagging
Feng Jiang | Hui Liu | Yuquan Chen | Ruzhan Lu
Proceedings of the Third SIGHAN Workshop on Chinese Language Processing