Deyu Zhou


G3R: A Graph-Guided Generate-and-Rerank Framework for Complex and Cross-domain Text-to-SQL Generation
Yanzheng Xiang | Qian-Wen Zhang | Xu Zhang | Zejie Liu | Yunbo Cao | Deyu Zhou
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: ACL 2023

We present a framework called G3R for complex and cross-domain Text-to-SQL generation. G3R aims to address two limitations of current approaches: (1) The structure of the abstract syntax tree (AST) is not fully explored during the decoding process which is crucial for complex SQL generation; (2) Domain knowledge is not incorporated to enhance their ability to generalise to unseen domains. G3R consists of a graph-guided SQL generator and a knowledge-enhanced re-ranking mechanism. Firstly, during the decoding process, An AST-Grammar bipartite graph is constructed for both the AST and corresponding grammar rules of the generated partial SQL query. The graph-guided SQL generator captures its structural information and fuses heterogeneous information to predict the action sequence which can construct the AST for the corresponding SQL query uniquely. Then, in the inference stage, a knowledge-enhanced re-ranking mechanism is proposed to introduce domain knowledge to re-rank candidate SQL queries from the beam output and choose the final answer. The SQL ranker is based on pre-trained language models (PLM) and contrastive learning with hybrid prompt tuning is incorporated to stimulate the knowledge of PLMs and make it more discriminative. The proposed approach achieves state-of-the-art results on the Spider and Spider-DK benchmarks, which are challenging complex and cross-domain benchmarks for Text-to-SQL semantic analysis.

Focusing, Bridging and Prompting for Few-shot Nested Named Entity Recognition
Yuanyuan Xu | Zeng Yang | Linhai Zhang | Deyu Zhou | Tiandeng Wu | Rong Zhou
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: ACL 2023

Few-shot named entity recognition (NER), identifying named entities with a small number of labeled data, has attracted much attention. Frequently, entities are nested within each other. However, most of the existing work on few-shot NER addresses flat entities instead of nested entities. To tackle nested NER in a few-shot setting, it is crucial to utilize the limited labeled data to mine unique features of nested entities, such as the relationship between inner and outer entities and contextual position information. Therefore, in this work, we propose a novel method based on focusing, bridging and prompting for few-shot nested NER without using source domain data. Both focusing and bridging components provide accurate candidate spans for the prompting component. The prompting component leverages the unique features of nested entities to classify spans based on soft prompts and contrastive learning. Experimental results show that the proposed approach achieves state-of-the-art performance consistently on the four benchmark datasets (ACE2004, ACE2005, GENIA and KBP2017) and outperforms several competing baseline models on F1-score by 9.33% on ACE2004, 6.17% on ACE2005, 9.40% on GENIA and 5.12% on KBP2017 on the 5-shot setting.

Multi-Relational Probabilistic Event Representation Learning via Projected Gaussian Embedding
Linhai Zhang | Congzhi Zhang | Deyu Zhou
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: ACL 2023

Event representation learning has been shown beneficial in various downstream tasks. Current event representation learning methods, which mainly focus on capturing the semantics of events via deterministic vector embeddings, have made notable progress. However, they ignore two important properties: the multiple relations between events and the uncertainty within events. In this paper, we propose a novel approach to learning multi-relational probabilistic event embeddings based on contrastive learning. Specifically, the proposed method consists of three major modules, a multi-relational event generation module to automatically generate multi-relational training data, a probabilistic event encoding module to model uncertainty of events by Gaussian density embeddings, and a relation-aware projection module to adapt unseen relations by projecting Gaussian embeddings into relation-aware subspaces. Moreover, a novel contrastive learning loss is elaborately designed for learning the multi-relational probabilistic embeddings. Since the existing benchmarks for event representation learning ignore relations and uncertainty of events, a novel dataset named MRPES is constructed to investigate whether multiple relations between events and uncertainty within events are learned.Experimental results show that the proposed approach outperforms other state-of-the-art baselines on both existing and newly constructed datasets.

Disentangling Text Representation With Counter-Template For Unsupervised Opinion Summarization
Yanyue Zhang | Deyu Zhou
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: ACL 2023

Approaches for unsupervised opinion summarization are generally based on the reconstruction model and generate a summary by decoding the aggregated representation of inputs. Recent work has shown that aggregating via simple average leads to vector degeneration, generating the generic summary. To tackle the challenge, some approaches select the inputs before aggregating. However, we argue that the selection is too coarse as not all information in each input is equally essential for the summary. For example, the content information such as “great coffee maker, easy to set up” is more valuable than the pattern such as “this is a great product”. Therefore, we propose a novel framework for unsupervised opinion summarization based on text representation disentanglement with counter-template. In specific, a disentangling module is added to the encoder-decoder architecture which decouples the input text representation into two parts: content and pattern. To capture the pattern information, a counter-template is utilized as supervision, which is automatically generated based on contrastive learning. Experimental results on two benchmark datasets show that the proposed approach outperforms the state-of-the-art baselines on both quality and stability.

Neural Topic Modeling based on Cycle Adversarial Training and Contrastive Learning
Boyu Wang | Linhai Zhang | Deyu Zhou | Yi Cao | Jiandong Ding
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: ACL 2023

Neural topic models have been widely used to extract common topics across documents. Recently, contrastive learning has been applied to variational autoencoder-based neural topic models, achieving promising results. However, due to the limitation of the unidirectional structure of the variational autoencoder, the encoder is enhanced with the contrastive loss instead of the decoder, leading to a gap between model training and evaluation.To address the limitation, we propose a novel neural topic modeling framework based on cycle adversarial training and contrastive learning to apply contrastive learning on the generator directly.Specifically, a self-supervised contrastive loss is proposed to make the generator capture similar topic information, which leads to better topic-word distributions. Meanwhile, a discriminative contrastive loss is proposed to cooperate with the self-supervised contrastive loss to balance the generation and discrimination. Moreover, based on the reconstruction ability of the cycle generative adversarial network, a novel data augmentation strategy is designed and applied to the topic distribution directly. Experiments have been conducted on four benchmark datasets and results show that the proposed approach outperforms competitive baselines.


Pre-training and Fine-tuning Neural Topic Model: A Simple yet Effective Approach to Incorporating External Knowledge
Linhai Zhang | Xuemeng Hu | Boyu Wang | Deyu Zhou | Qian-Wen Zhang | Yunbo Cao
Proceedings of the 60th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers)

Recent years have witnessed growing interests in incorporating external knowledge such as pre-trained word embeddings (PWEs) or pre-trained language models (PLMs) into neural topic modeling. However, we found that employing PWEs and PLMs for topic modeling only achieved limited performance improvements but with huge computational overhead. In this paper, we propose a novel strategy to incorporate external knowledge into neural topic modeling where the neural topic model is pre-trained on a large corpus and then fine-tuned on the target dataset. Experiments have been conducted on three datasets and results show that the proposed approach significantly outperforms both current state-of-the-art neural topic models and some topic modeling approaches enhanced with PWEs or PLMs. Moreover, further study shows that the proposed approach greatly reduces the need for the huge size of training data.

Complicate Then Simplify: A Novel Way to Explore Pre-trained Models for Text Classification
Xu Zhang | Zejie Liu | Yanzheng Xiang | Deyu Zhou
Proceedings of the 29th International Conference on Computational Linguistics

With the development of pre-trained models (PTMs), the performance of text classification has been continuously improved by directly employing the features generated by PTMs. However such way might not fully explore the knowledge in PTMs as it is constrained by the difficulty of the task. Compared to difficult task, the learning algorithms tend to saturate early on the simple task. Moreover, the native sentence representations derived from BERT are prone to be collapsed and directly employing such representation for text classification might fail to fully capture discriminative features. In order to address these issues, in this paper we propose a novel framework for text classification which implements a two-stage training strategy. In the pre-training stage, auxiliary labels are introduced to increase the task difficulties and to fully exploit the knowledge in the pre-trained model. In the fine-tuning stage, the textual representation learned in the pre-training stage is employed and the classifier is fine-tuned to obtain better classification performance. Experiments were conducted on six text classification corpora and the results showed that the proposed framework outperformed several state-of-the-art baselines.

SEE-Few: Seed, Expand and Entail for Few-shot Named Entity Recognition
Zeng Yang | Linhai Zhang | Deyu Zhou
Proceedings of the 29th International Conference on Computational Linguistics

Few-shot named entity recognition (NER) aims at identifying named entities based on only few labeled instances. Current few-shot NER methods focus on leveraging existing datasets in the rich-resource domains which might fail in a training-from-scratch setting where no source-domain data is used. To tackle training-from-scratch setting, it is crucial to make full use of the annotation information (the boundaries and entity types). Therefore, in this paper, we propose a novel multi-task (Seed, Expand and Entail) learning framework, SEE-Few, for Few-shot NER without using source domain data. The seeding and expanding modules are responsible for providing as accurate candidate spans as possible for the entailing module. The entailing module reformulates span classification as a textual entailment task, leveraging both the contextual clues and entity type information. All the three modules share the same text encoder and are jointly learned. Experimental results on several benchmark datasets under the training-from-scratch setting show that the proposed method outperformed several state-of-the-art few-shot NER methods with a large margin. Our code is available at

Temporal Knowledge Graph Completion with Approximated Gaussian Process Embedding
Linhai Zhang | Deyu Zhou
Proceedings of the 29th International Conference on Computational Linguistics

Knowledge Graphs (KGs) stores world knowledge that benefits various reasoning-based applications. Due to their incompleteness, a fundamental task for KGs, which is known as Knowledge Graph Completion (KGC), is to perform link prediction and infer new facts based on the known facts. Recently, link prediction on the temporal KGs becomes an active research topic. Numerous Temporal Knowledge Graph Completion (TKGC) methods have been proposed by mapping the entities and relations in TKG to the high-dimensional representations. However, most existing TKGC methods are mainly based on deterministic vector embeddings, which are not flexible and expressive enough. In this paper, we propose a novel TKGC method, TKGC-AGP, by mapping the entities and relations in TKG to the approximations of multivariate Gaussian processes (MGPs). Equipped with the flexibility and capacity of MGP, the global trends as well as the local fluctuations in the TKGs can be simultaneously modeled. Moreover, the temporal uncertainties can be also captured with the kernel function and the covariance matrix of MGP. Moreover, a first-order Markov assumption-based training algorithm is proposed to effective optimize the proposed method. Experimental results show the effectiveness of the proposed approach on two real-world benchmark datasets compared with some state-of-the-art TKGC methods.

A Novel Framework Based on Medical Concept Driven Attention for Explainable Medical Code Prediction via External Knowledge
Tao Wang | Linhai Zhang | Chenchen Ye | Junxi Liu | Deyu Zhou
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: ACL 2022

Medical code prediction from clinical notes aims at automatically associating medical codes with the clinical notes. Rare code problem, the medical codes with low occurrences, is prominent in medical code prediction. Recent studies employ deep neural networks and the external knowledge to tackle it. However, such approaches lack interpretability which is a vital issue in medical application. Moreover, due to the lengthy and noisy clinical notes, such approaches fail to achieve satisfactory results. Therefore, in this paper, we propose a novel framework based on medical concept driven attention to incorporate external knowledge for explainable medical code prediction. In specific, both the clinical notes and Wikipedia documents are aligned into topic space to extract medical concepts using topic modeling. Then, the medical concept-driven attention mechanism is applied to uncover the medical code related concepts which provide explanations for medical code prediction. Experimental results on the benchmark dataset show the superiority of the proposed framework over several state-of-the-art baselines.

Code Generation From Flowcharts with Texts: A Benchmark Dataset and An Approach
Zejie Liu | Xiaoyu Hu | Deyu Zhou | Lin Li | Xu Zhang | Yanzheng Xiang
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: EMNLP 2022

Currently, researchers focus on generating codes from the requirement documents. However, current approaches still perform poorly on some requirements needing complex problem-solving skills. In reality, to tackle such complex requirements, instead of directly translating requirement documents into codes, software engineers write codes via unified modeling language diagrams, such as flowcharts, an intermediate tool to analyze and visualize the system. Therefore, we propose a new source code generation task, that is, to generate source code from flowcharts with texts. We manually construct a benchmark dataset containing 320 flowcharts with their corresponding source codes. Obviously, it is not straightforward to employ the current approaches for the new source code generation task since (1) the flowchart is a graph that contains various structures, including loop, selection, and others which is different from texts; (2) the connections between nodes in the flowchart are abundant and diverse which need to be carefully handled. To solve the above problems, we propose a two-stage code generation model. In the first stage, a structure recognition algorithm is employed to transform the flowchart into pseudo-code containing the structural conventions of a typical programming language such as while, if. In the second stage, a code generation model is employed to convert the pseudo-code into code. Experimental results show that the proposed approach can achieve some improvement over the baselines.


A Multi-label Multi-hop Relation Detection Model based on Relation-aware Sequence Generation
Linhai Zhang | Deyu Zhou | Chao Lin | Yulan He
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: EMNLP 2021

Multi-hop relation detection in Knowledge Base Question Answering (KBQA) aims at retrieving the relation path starting from the topic entity to the answer node based on a given question, where the relation path may comprise multiple relations. Most of the existing methods treat it as a single-label learning problem while ignoring the fact that for some complex questions, there exist multiple correct relation paths in knowledge bases. Therefore, in this paper, multi-hop relation detection is considered as a multi-label learning problem. However, performing multi-label multi-hop relation detection is challenging since the numbers of both the labels and the hops are unknown. To tackle this challenge, multi-label multi-hop relation detection is formulated as a sequence generation task. A relation-aware sequence relation generation model is proposed to solve the problem in an end-to-end manner. Experimental results show the effectiveness of the proposed method for relation detection and KBQA.

A Divide-And-Conquer Approach for Multi-label Multi-hop Relation Detection in Knowledge Base Question Answering
Deyu Zhou | Yanzheng Xiang | Linhai Zhang | Chenchen Ye | Qian-Wen Zhang | Yunbo Cao
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: EMNLP 2021

Relation detection in knowledge base question answering, aims to identify the path(s) of relations starting from the topic entity node that is linked to the answer node in knowledge graph. Such path might consist of multiple relations, which we call multi-hop. Moreover, for a single question, there may exist multiple relation paths to the correct answer, which we call multi-label. However, most of existing approaches only detect one single path to obtain the answer without considering other correct paths, which might affect the final performance. Therefore, in this paper, we propose a novel divide-and-conquer approach for multi-label multi-hop relation detection (DC-MLMH) by decomposing it into head relation detection and conditional relation path generation. In specific, a novel path sampling mechanism is proposed to generate diverse relation paths for the inference stage. A majority-vote policy is employed to detect final KB answer. Comprehensive experiments were conducted on the FreebaseQA benchmark dataset. Experimental results show that the proposed approach not only outperforms other competitive multi-label baselines, but also has superiority over some state-of-art KBQA methods.

Beyond Text: Incorporating Metadata and Label Structure for Multi-Label Document Classification using Heterogeneous Graphs
Chenchen Ye | Linhai Zhang | Yulan He | Deyu Zhou | Jie Wu
Proceedings of the 2021 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing

Multi-label document classification, associating one document instance with a set of relevant labels, is attracting more and more research attention. Existing methods explore the incorporation of information beyond text, such as document metadata or label structure. These approaches however either simply utilize the semantic information of metadata or employ the predefined parent-child label hierarchy, ignoring the heterogeneous graphical structures of metadata and labels, which we believe are crucial for accurate multi-label document classification. Therefore, in this paper, we propose a novel neural network based approach for multi-label document classification, in which two heterogeneous graphs are constructed and learned using heterogeneous graph transformers. One is metadata heterogeneous graph, which models various types of metadata and their topological relations. The other is label heterogeneous graph, which is constructed based on both the labels’ hierarchy and their statistical dependencies. Experimental results on two benchmark datasets show the proposed approach outperforms several state-of-the-art baselines.

Implicit Sentiment Analysis with Event-centered Text Representation
Deyu Zhou | Jianan Wang | Linhai Zhang | Yulan He
Proceedings of the 2021 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing

Implicit sentiment analysis, aiming at detecting the sentiment of a sentence without sentiment words, has become an attractive research topic in recent years. In this paper, we focus on event-centric implicit sentiment analysis that utilizes the sentiment-aware event contained in a sentence to infer its sentiment polarity. Most existing methods in implicit sentiment analysis simply view noun phrases or entities in text as events or indirectly model events with sophisticated models. Since events often trigger sentiments in sentences, we argue that this task would benefit from explicit modeling of events and event representation learning. To this end, we represent an event as the combination of its event type and the event triplet <subject, predicate, object>. Based on such event representation, we further propose a novel model with hierarchical tensor-based composition mechanism to detect sentiment in text. In addition, we present a dataset for event-centric implicit sentiment analysis where each sentence is labeled with the event representation described above. Experimental results on our constructed dataset and an existing benchmark dataset show the effectiveness of the proposed approach.

Topic-Driven and Knowledge-Aware Transformer for Dialogue Emotion Detection
Lixing Zhu | Gabriele Pergola | Lin Gui | Deyu Zhou | Yulan He
Proceedings of the 59th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics and the 11th International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing (Volume 1: Long Papers)

Emotion detection in dialogues is challenging as it often requires the identification of thematic topics underlying a conversation, the relevant commonsense knowledge, and the intricate transition patterns between the affective states. In this paper, we propose a Topic-Driven Knowledge-Aware Transformer to handle the challenges above. We firstly design a topic-augmented language model (LM) with an additional layer specialized for topic detection. The topic-augmented LM is then combined with commonsense statements derived from a knowledge base based on the dialogue contextual information. Finally, a transformer-based encoder-decoder architecture fuses the topical and commonsense information, and performs the emotion label sequence prediction. The model has been experimented on four datasets in dialogue emotion detection, demonstrating its superiority empirically over the existing state-of-the-art approaches. Quantitative and qualitative results show that the model can discover topics which help in distinguishing emotion categories.

Topic-Aware Evidence Reasoning and Stance-Aware Aggregation for Fact Verification
Jiasheng Si | Deyu Zhou | Tongzhe Li | Xingyu Shi | Yulan He
Proceedings of the 59th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics and the 11th International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing (Volume 1: Long Papers)

Fact verification is a challenging task that requires simultaneously reasoning and aggregating over multiple retrieved pieces of evidence to evaluate the truthfulness of a claim. Existing approaches typically (i) explore the semantic interaction between the claim and evidence at different granularity levels but fail to capture their topical consistency during the reasoning process, which we believe is crucial for verification; (ii) aggregate multiple pieces of evidence equally without considering their implicit stances to the claim, thereby introducing spurious information. To alleviate the above issues, we propose a novel topic-aware evidence reasoning and stance-aware aggregation model for more accurate fact verification, with the following four key properties: 1) checking topical consistency between the claim and evidence; 2) maintaining topical coherence among multiple pieces of evidence; 3) ensuring semantic similarity between the global topic information and the semantic representation of evidence; 4) aggregating evidence based on their implicit stances to the claim. Extensive experiments conducted on the two benchmark datasets demonstrate the superiority of the proposed model over several state-of-the-art approaches for fact verification. The source code can be obtained from


A Neural Generative Model for Joint Learning Topics and Topic-Specific Word Embeddings
Lixing Zhu | Yulan He | Deyu Zhou
Transactions of the Association for Computational Linguistics, Volume 8

We propose a novel generative model to explore both local and global context for joint learning topics and topic-specific word embeddings. In particular, we assume that global latent topics are shared across documents, a word is generated by a hidden semantic vector encoding its contextual semantic meaning, and its context words are generated conditional on both the hidden semantic vector and global latent topics. Topics are trained jointly with the word embeddings. The trained model maps words to topic-dependent embeddings, which naturally addresses the issue of word polysemy. Experimental results show that the proposed model outperforms the word-level embedding methods in both word similarity evaluation and word sense disambiguation. Furthermore, the model also extracts more coherent topics compared with existing neural topic models or other models for joint learning of topics and word embeddings. Finally, the model can be easily integrated with existing deep contextualized word embedding learning methods to further improve the performance of downstream tasks such as sentiment classification.

Neural Topic Modeling with Bidirectional Adversarial Training
Rui Wang | Xuemeng Hu | Deyu Zhou | Yulan He | Yuxuan Xiong | Chenchen Ye | Haiyang Xu
Proceedings of the 58th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics

Recent years have witnessed a surge of interests of using neural topic models for automatic topic extraction from text, since they avoid the complicated mathematical derivations for model inference as in traditional topic models such as Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA). However, these models either typically assume improper prior (e.g. Gaussian or Logistic Normal) over latent topic space or could not infer topic distribution for a given document. To address these limitations, we propose a neural topic modeling approach, called Bidirectional Adversarial Topic (BAT) model, which represents the first attempt of applying bidirectional adversarial training for neural topic modeling. The proposed BAT builds a two-way projection between the document-topic distribution and the document-word distribution. It uses a generator to capture the semantic patterns from texts and an encoder for topic inference. Furthermore, to incorporate word relatedness information, the Bidirectional Adversarial Topic model with Gaussian (Gaussian-BAT) is extended from BAT. To verify the effectiveness of BAT and Gaussian-BAT, three benchmark corpora are used in our experiments. The experimental results show that BAT and Gaussian-BAT obtain more coherent topics, outperforming several competitive baselines. Moreover, when performing text clustering based on the extracted topics, our models outperform all the baselines, with more significant improvements achieved by Gaussian-BAT where an increase of near 6% is observed in accuracy.

Neural Temporal Opinion Modelling for Opinion Prediction on Twitter
Lixing Zhu | Yulan He | Deyu Zhou
Proceedings of the 58th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics

Opinion prediction on Twitter is challenging due to the transient nature of tweet content and neighbourhood context. In this paper, we model users’ tweet posting behaviour as a temporal point process to jointly predict the posting time and the stance label of the next tweet given a user’s historical tweet sequence and tweets posted by their neighbours. We design a topic-driven attention mechanism to capture the dynamic topic shifts in the neighbourhood context. Experimental results show that the proposed model predicts both the posting time and the stance labels of future tweets more accurately compared to a number of competitive baselines.

Neural Topic Modeling by Incorporating Document Relationship Graph
Deyu Zhou | Xuemeng Hu | Rui Wang
Proceedings of the 2020 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing (EMNLP)

Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) that capture the relationships between graph nodes via message passing have been a hot research direction in the natural language processing community. In this paper, we propose Graph Topic Model (GTM), a GNN based neural topic model that represents a corpus as a document relationship graph. Documents and words in the corpus become nodes in the graph and are connected based on document-word co-occurrences. By introducing the graph structure, the relationships between documents are established through their shared words and thus the topical representation of a document is enriched by aggregating information from its neighboring nodes using graph convolution. Extensive experiments on three datasets were conducted and the results demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed approach.

Neural Topic Modeling with Cycle-Consistent Adversarial Training
Xuemeng Hu | Rui Wang | Deyu Zhou | Yuxuan Xiong
Proceedings of the 2020 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing (EMNLP)

Advances on deep generative models have attracted significant research interest in neural topic modeling. The recently proposed Adversarial-neural Topic Model models topics with an adversarially trained generator network and employs Dirichlet prior to capture the semantic patterns in latent topics. It is effective in discovering coherent topics but unable to infer topic distributions for given documents or utilize available document labels. To overcome such limitations, we propose Topic Modeling with Cycle-consistent Adversarial Training (ToMCAT) and its supervised version sToMCAT. ToMCAT employs a generator network to interpret topics and an encoder network to infer document topics. Adversarial training and cycle-consistent constraints are used to encourage the generator and the encoder to produce realistic samples that coordinate with each other. sToMCAT extends ToMCAT by incorporating document labels into the topic modeling process to help discover more coherent topics. The effectiveness of the proposed models is evaluated on unsupervised/supervised topic modeling and text classification. The experimental results show that our models can produce both coherent and informative topics, outperforming a number of competitive baselines.

Emotion Classification by Jointly Learning to Lexiconize and Classify
Deyu Zhou | Shuangzhi Wu | Qing Wang | Jun Xie | Zhaopeng Tu | Mu Li
Proceedings of the 28th International Conference on Computational Linguistics

Emotion lexicons have been shown effective for emotion classification (Baziotis et al., 2018). Previous studies handle emotion lexicon construction and emotion classification separately. In this paper, we propose an emotional network (EmNet) to jointly learn sentence emotions and construct emotion lexicons which are dynamically adapted to a given context. The dynamic emotion lexicons are useful for handling words with multiple emotions based on different context, which can effectively improve the classification accuracy. We validate the approach on two representative architectures – LSTM and BERT, demonstrating its superiority on identifying emotions in Tweets. Our model outperforms several approaches proposed in previous studies and achieves new state-of-the-art on the benchmark Twitter dataset.


Interpretable Relevant Emotion Ranking with Event-Driven Attention
Yang Yang | Deyu Zhou | Yulan He | Meng Zhang
Proceedings of the 2019 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing and the 9th International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing (EMNLP-IJCNLP)

Multiple emotions with different intensities are often evoked by events described in documents. Oftentimes, such event information is hidden and needs to be discovered from texts. Unveiling the hidden event information can help to understand how the emotions are evoked and provide explainable results. However, existing studies often ignore the latent event information. In this paper, we proposed a novel interpretable relevant emotion ranking model with the event information incorporated into a deep learning architecture using the event-driven attentions. Moreover, corpus-level event embeddings and document-level event distributions are introduced respectively to consider the global events in corpus and the document-specific events simultaneously. Experimental results on three real-world corpora show that the proposed approach performs remarkably better than the state-of-the-art emotion detection approaches and multi-label approaches. Moreover, interpretable results can be obtained to shed light on the events which trigger certain emotions.

Open Event Extraction from Online Text using a Generative Adversarial Network
Rui Wang | Deyu Zhou | Yulan He
Proceedings of the 2019 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing and the 9th International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing (EMNLP-IJCNLP)

To extract the structured representations of open-domain events, Bayesian graphical models have made some progress. However, these approaches typically assume that all words in a document are generated from a single event. While this may be true for short text such as tweets, such an assumption does not generally hold for long text such as news articles. Moreover, Bayesian graphical models often rely on Gibbs sampling for parameter inference which may take long time to converge. To address these limitations, we propose an event extraction model based on Generative Adversarial Nets, called Adversarial-neural Event Model (AEM). AEM models an event with a Dirichlet prior and uses a generator network to capture the patterns underlying latent events. A discriminator is used to distinguish documents reconstructed from the latent events and the original documents. A byproduct of the discriminator is that the features generated by the learned discriminator network allow the visualization of the extracted events. Our model has been evaluated on two Twitter datasets and a news article dataset. Experimental results show that our model outperforms the baseline approaches on all the datasets, with more significant improvements observed on the news article dataset where an increase of 15% is observed in F-measure.


Relevant Emotion Ranking from Text Constrained with Emotion Relationships
Deyu Zhou | Yang Yang | Yulan He
Proceedings of the 2018 Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies, Volume 1 (Long Papers)

Text might contain or invoke multiple emotions with varying intensities. As such, emotion detection, to predict multiple emotions associated with a given text, can be cast into a multi-label classification problem. We would like to go one step further so that a ranked list of relevant emotions are generated where top ranked emotions are more intensely associated with text compared to lower ranked emotions, whereas the rankings of irrelevant emotions are not important. A novel framework of relevant emotion ranking is proposed to tackle the problem. In the framework, the objective loss function is designed elaborately so that both emotion prediction and rankings of only relevant emotions can be achieved. Moreover, we observe that some emotions co-occur more often while other emotions rarely co-exist. Such information is incorporated into the framework as constraints to improve the accuracy of emotion detection. Experimental results on two real-world corpora show that the proposed framework can effectively deal with emotion detection and performs remarkably better than the state-of-the-art emotion detection approaches and multi-label learning methods.

Neural Storyline Extraction Model for Storyline Generation from News Articles
Deyu Zhou | Linsen Guo | Yulan He
Proceedings of the 2018 Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies, Volume 1 (Long Papers)

Storyline generation aims to extract events described on news articles under a certain news topic and reveal how those events evolve over time. Most approaches to storyline generation first train supervised models to extract events from news articles published in different time periods and then link relevant extracted events into coherent stories. They are domain dependent and cannot deal with unseen event types. To tackle this problem, approaches based on probabilistic graphic models jointly model the generations of events and storylines without the use of annotated data. However, the parameter inference procedure is too complex and models often require long time to converge. In this paper, we propose a novel neural network based approach to extract structured representations and evolution patterns of storylines without using annotated data. In this model, title and main body of a news article are assumed to share the similar storyline distribution. Moreover, similar documents described in neighboring time periods are assumed to share similar storyline distributions. Based on these assumptions, structured representations and evolution patterns of storylines can be extracted. The proposed model has been evaluated on three news corpora and the experimental results show that it outperforms state-of-the-art approaches for storyline generation on both accuracy and efficiency.

An Interpretable Neural Network with Topical Information for Relevant Emotion Ranking
Yang Yang | Deyu Zhou | Yulan He
Proceedings of the 2018 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing

Text might express or evoke multiple emotions with varying intensities. As such, it is crucial to predict and rank multiple relevant emotions by their intensities. Moreover, as emotions might be evoked by hidden topics, it is important to unveil and incorporate such topical information to understand how the emotions are evoked. We proposed a novel interpretable neural network approach for relevant emotion ranking. Specifically, motivated by transfer learning, the neural network is initialized to make the hidden layer approximate the behavior of topic models. Moreover, a novel error function is defined to optimize the whole neural network for relevant emotion ranking. Experimental results on three real-world corpora show that the proposed approach performs remarkably better than the state-of-the-art emotion detection approaches and multi-label learning methods. Moreover, the extracted emotion-associated topic words indeed represent emotion-evoking events and are in line with our common-sense knowledge.


Event extraction from Twitter using Non-Parametric Bayesian Mixture Model with Word Embeddings
Deyu Zhou | Xuan Zhang | Yulan He
Proceedings of the 15th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Volume 1, Long Papers

To extract structured representations of newsworthy events from Twitter, unsupervised models typically assume that tweets involving the same named entities and expressed using similar words are likely to belong to the same event. Hence, they group tweets into clusters based on the co-occurrence patterns of named entities and topical keywords. However, there are two main limitations. First, they require the number of events to be known beforehand, which is not realistic in practical applications. Second, they don’t recognise that the same named entity might be referred to by multiple mentions and tweets using different mentions would be wrongly assigned to different events. To overcome these limitations, we propose a non-parametric Bayesian mixture model with word embeddings for event extraction, in which the number of events can be inferred automatically and the issue of lexical variations for the same named entity can be dealt with properly. Our model has been evaluated on three datasets with sizes ranging between 2,499 and over 60 million tweets. Experimental results show that our model outperforms the baseline approach on all datasets by 5-8% in F-measure.


Emotion Distribution Learning from Texts
Deyu Zhou | Xuan Zhang | Yin Zhou | Quan Zhao | Xin Geng
Proceedings of the 2016 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing

Jointly Event Extraction and Visualization on Twitter via Probabilistic Modelling
Deyu Zhou | Tianmeng Gao | Yulan He
Proceedings of the 54th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers)


An Unsupervised Bayesian Modelling Approach for Storyline Detection on News Articles
Deyu Zhou | Haiyang Xu | Yulan He
Proceedings of the 2015 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing


A Simple Bayesian Modelling Approach to Event Extraction from Twitter
Deyu Zhou | Liangyu Chen | Yulan He
Proceedings of the 52nd Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 2: Short Papers)


Semantic Parsing for Biomedical Event Extraction
Deyu Zhou | Yulan He
Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Computational Semantics (IWCS 2011)


Exploring English Lexicon Knowledge for Chinese Sentiment Analysis
Yulan He | Harith Alani | Deyu Zhou
CIPS-SIGHAN Joint Conference on Chinese Language Processing


Extracting Protein-Protein Interaction based on Discriminative Training of the Hidden Vector State Model
Deyu Zhou | Yulan He
Proceedings of the Workshop on Current Trends in Biomedical Natural Language Processing

A Hybrid Generative/Discriminative Framework to Train a Semantic Parser from an Un-annotated Corpus
Deyu Zhou | Yulan He
Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on Computational Linguistics (Coling 2008)