To laugh or not to laugh? The use of laughter to mark discourse structure
Bogdan Ludusan
Barbara Schuppler
Proceedings of the 23rd Annual Meeting of the Special Interest Group on Discourse and Dialogue
A number of cues, both linguistic and non-linguistic, have been found to mark discourse structure in conversation. This paper investigates the role of laughter, one of the most encountered non-verbal vocalizations in human communication, in the signalling of turn boundaries. We employ a corpus of informal dyadic conversations to determine the likelihood of laughter at the end of speaker turns and to establish the potential role of laughter in discourse organization. Our results show that, on average, about 10% of the turns are marked by laughter, but also that the marking is subject to individual variation, as well as effects of other factors, such as the type of relationship between speakers. More importantly, we find that turn ends are twice more likely than transition relevance places to be marked by laughter, suggesting that, indeed, laughter plays a role in marking discourse structure.
The Role of Prosody and Speech Register in Word Segmentation: A Computational Modelling Perspective
Bogdan Ludusan
Reiko Mazuka
Mathieu Bernard
Alejandrina Cristia
Emmanuel Dupoux
Proceedings of the 55th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 2: Short Papers)
This study explores the role of speech register and prosody for the task of word segmentation. Since these two factors are thought to play an important role in early language acquisition, we aim to quantify their contribution for this task. We study a Japanese corpus containing both infant- and adult-directed speech and we apply four different word segmentation models, with and without knowledge of prosodic boundaries. The results showed that the difference between registers is smaller than previously reported and that prosodic boundary information helps more adult- than infant-directed speech.
Motif discovery in infant- and adult-directed speech
Bogdan Ludusan
Amanda Seidl
Emmanuel Dupoux
Alex Cristia
Proceedings of the Sixth Workshop on Cognitive Aspects of Computational Language Learning
Prosodic boundary information helps unsupervised word segmentation
Bogdan Ludusan
Gabriel Synnaeve
Emmanuel Dupoux
Proceedings of the 2015 Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies
Bridging the gap between speech technology and natural language processing: an evaluation toolbox for term discovery systems
Bogdan Ludusan
Maarten Versteegh
Aren Jansen
Guillaume Gravier
Xuan-Nga Cao
Mark Johnson
Emmanuel Dupoux
Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC'14)
The unsupervised discovery of linguistic terms from either continuous phoneme transcriptions or from raw speech has seen an increasing interest in the past years both from a theoretical and a practical standpoint. Yet, there exists no common accepted evaluation method for the systems performing term discovery. Here, we propose such an evaluation toolbox, drawing ideas from both speech technology and natural language processing. We first transform the speech-based output into a symbolic representation and compute five types of evaluation metrics on this representation: the quality of acoustic matching, the quality of the clusters found, and the quality of the alignment with real words (type, token, and boundary scores). We tested our approach on two term discovery systems taking speech as input, and one using symbolic input. The latter was run using both the gold transcription and a transcription obtained from an automatic speech recognizer, in order to simulate the case when only imperfect symbolic information is available. The results obtained are analysed through the use of the proposed evaluation metrics and the implications of these metrics are discussed.