Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Natural Language Generation

Emiel Krahmer, Albert Gatt, Martijn Goudbeek (Editors)

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Tilburg University, The Netherlands
Association for Computational Linguistics
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Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Natural Language Generation
Emiel Krahmer | Albert Gatt | Martijn Goudbeek

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Deep Graph Convolutional Encoders for Structured Data to Text Generation
Diego Marcheggiani | Laura Perez-Beltrachini

Most previous work on neural text generation from graph-structured data relies on standard sequence-to-sequence methods. These approaches linearise the input graph to be fed to a recurrent neural network. In this paper, we propose an alternative encoder based on graph convolutional networks that directly exploits the input structure. We report results on two graph-to-sequence datasets that empirically show the benefits of explicitly encoding the input graph structure.

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Describing a Knowledge Base
Qingyun Wang | Xiaoman Pan | Lifu Huang | Boliang Zhang | Zhiying Jiang | Heng Ji | Kevin Knight

We aim to automatically generate natural language descriptions about an input structured knowledge base (KB). We build our generation framework based on a pointer network which can copy facts from the input KB, and add two attention mechanisms: (i) slot-aware attention to capture the association between a slot type and its corresponding slot value; and (ii) a new table position self-attention to capture the inter-dependencies among related slots. For evaluation, besides standard metrics including BLEU, METEOR, and ROUGE, we propose a KB reconstruction based metric by extracting a KB from the generation output and comparing it with the input KB. We also create a new data set which includes 106,216 pairs of structured KBs and their corresponding natural language descriptions for two distinct entity types. Experiments show that our approach significantly outperforms state-of-the-art methods. The reconstructed KB achieves 68.8% - 72.6% F-score.

Syntactic Manipulation for Generating more Diverse and Interesting Texts
Jan Milan Deriu | Mark Cieliebak

Natural Language Generation plays an important role in the domain of dialogue systems as it determines how users perceive the system. Recently, deep-learning based systems have been proposed to tackle this task, as they generalize better and require less amounts of manual effort to implement them for new domains. However, deep learning systems usually adapt a very homogeneous sounding writing style which expresses little variation. In this work, we present our system for Natural Language Generation where we control various aspects of the surface realization in order to increase the lexical variability of the utterances, such that they sound more diverse and interesting. For this, we use a Semantically Controlled Long Short-term Memory Network (SC-LSTM), and apply its specialized cell to control various syntactic features of the generated texts. We present an in-depth human evaluation where we show the effects of these surface manipulation on the perception of potential users.

Automated learning of templates for data-to-text generation: comparing rule-based, statistical and neural methods
Chris van der Lee | Emiel Krahmer | Sander Wubben

The current study investigated novel techniques and methods for trainable approaches to data-to-text generation. Neural Machine Translation was explored for the conversion from data to text as well as the addition of extra templatization steps of the data input and text output in the conversion process. Evaluation using BLEU did not find the Neural Machine Translation technique to perform any better compared to rule-based or Statistical Machine Translation, and the templatization method seemed to perform similarly or sometimes worse compared to direct data-to-text conversion. However, the human evaluation metrics indicated that Neural Machine Translation yielded the highest quality output and that the templatization method was able to increase text quality in multiple situations.

End-to-End Content and Plan Selection for Data-to-Text Generation
Sebastian Gehrmann | Falcon Dai | Henry Elder | Alexander Rush

Learning to generate fluent natural language from structured data with neural networks has become an common approach for NLG. This problem can be challenging when the form of the structured data varies between examples. This paper presents a survey of several extensions to sequence-to-sequence models to account for the latent content selection process, particularly variants of copy attention and coverage decoding. We further propose a training method based on diverse ensembling to encourage models to learn distinct sentence templates during training. An empirical evaluation of these techniques shows an increase in the quality of generated text across five automated metrics, as well as human evaluation.

SimpleNLG-ZH: a Linguistic Realisation Engine for Mandarin
Guanyi Chen | Kees van Deemter | Chenghua Lin

We introduce SimpleNLG-ZH, a realisation engine for Mandarin that follows the software design paradigm of SimpleNLG (Gatt and Reiter, 2009). We explain the core grammar (morphology and syntax) and the lexicon of SimpleNLG-ZH, which is very different from English and other languages for which SimpleNLG engines have been built. The system was evaluated by regenerating expressions from a body of test sentences and a corpus of human-authored expressions. Human evaluation was conducted to estimate the quality of regenerated sentences.

Adapting SimpleNLG to Galician language
Andrea Cascallar-Fuentes | Alejandro Ramos-Soto | Alberto Bugarín Diz

In this paper, we describe SimpleNLG-GL, an adaptation of the linguistic realisation SimpleNLG library for the Galician language. This implementation is derived from SimpleNLG-ES, the English-Spanish version of this library. It has been tested using a battery of examples which covers the most common rules for Galician.

Going Dutch: Creating SimpleNLG-NL
Ruud de Jong | Mariët Theune

This paper presents SimpleNLG-NL, an adaptation of the SimpleNLG surface realisation engine for the Dutch language. It describes a novel method for determining and testing the grammatical constructions to be implemented, using target sentences sampled from a treebank.

Learning to Flip the Bias of News Headlines
Wei-Fan Chen | Henning Wachsmuth | Khalid Al-Khatib | Benno Stein

This paper introduces the task of “flipping” the bias of news articles: Given an article with a political bias (left or right), generate an article with the same topic but opposite bias. To study this task, we create a corpus with bias-labeled articles from As a first step, we analyze the corpus and discuss intrinsic characteristics of bias. They point to the main challenges of bias flipping, which in turn lead to a specific setting in the generation process. The paper in hand narrows down the general bias flipping task to focus on bias flipping for news article headlines. A manual annotation of headlines from each side reveals that they are self-informative in general and often convey bias. We apply an autoencoder incorporating information from an article’s content to learn how to automatically flip the bias. From 200 generated headlines, 73 are classified as understandable by annotators, and 83 maintain the topic while having opposite bias. Insights from our analysis shed light on how to solve the main challenges of bias flipping.

Stylistically User-Specific Generation
Abdurrisyad Fikri | Hiroya Takamura | Manabu Okumura

Recent neural models for response generation show good results in terms of general responses. In real conversations, however, depending on the speaker/responder, similar utterances should require different responses. In this study, we attempt to consider individual user’s information in adjusting the notable sequence-to-sequence (seq2seq) model for more diverse, user-specific responses. We assume that we need user-specific features to adjust the response and we argue that some selected representative words from the users are suitable for this task. Furthermore, we prove that even for unseen or unknown users, our model can provide more diverse and interesting responses, while maintaining correlation with input utterances. Experimental results with human evaluation show that our model can generate more interesting responses than the popular seq2seqmodel and achieve higher relevance with input utterances than our baseline.

Explainable Autonomy: A Study of Explanation Styles for Building Clear Mental Models
Francisco Javier Chiyah Garcia | David A. Robb | Xingkun Liu | Atanas Laskov | Pedro Patron | Helen Hastie

As unmanned vehicles become more autonomous, it is important to maintain a high level of transparency regarding their behaviour and how they operate. This is particularly important in remote locations where they cannot be directly observed. Here, we describe a method for generating explanations in natural language of autonomous system behaviour and reasoning. Our method involves deriving an interpretable model of autonomy through having an expert ‘speak aloud’ and providing various levels of detail based on this model. Through an online evaluation study with operators, we show it is best to generate explanations with multiple possible reasons but tersely worded. This work has implications for designing interfaces for autonomy as well as for explainable AI and operator training.

Treat the system like a human student: Automatic naturalness evaluation of generated text without reference texts
Isabel Groves | Ye Tian | Ioannis Douratsos

The current most popular method for automatic Natural Language Generation (NLG) evaluation is comparing generated text with human-written reference sentences using a metrics system, which has drawbacks around reliability and scalability. We draw inspiration from second language (L2) assessment and extract a set of linguistic features to predict human judgments of sentence naturalness. Our experiment using a small dataset showed that the feature-based approach yields promising results, with the added potential of providing interpretability into the source of the problems.

Content Aware Source Code Change Description Generation
Pablo Loyola | Edison Marrese-Taylor | Jorge Balazs | Yutaka Matsuo | Fumiko Satoh

We propose to study the generation of descriptions from source code changes by integrating the messages included on code commits and the intra-code documentation inside the source in the form of docstrings. Our hypothesis is that although both types of descriptions are not directly aligned in semantic terms —one explaining a change and the other the actual functionality of the code being modified— there could be certain common ground that is useful for the generation. To this end, we propose an architecture that uses the source code-docstring relationship to guide the description generation. We discuss the results of the approach comparing against a baseline based on a sequence-to-sequence model, using standard automatic natural language generation metrics as well as with a human study, thus offering a comprehensive view of the feasibility of the approach.

Improving Context Modelling in Multimodal Dialogue Generation
Shubham Agarwal | Ondřej Dušek | Ioannis Konstas | Verena Rieser

In this work, we investigate the task of textual response generation in a multimodal task-oriented dialogue system. Our work is based on the recently released Multimodal Dialogue (MMD) dataset (Saha et al., 2017) in the fashion domain. We introduce a multimodal extension to the Hierarchical Recurrent Encoder-Decoder (HRED) model and show that this extension outperforms strong baselines in terms of text-based similarity metrics. We also showcase the shortcomings of current vision and language models by performing an error analysis on our system’s output.

Generating Market Comments Referring to External Resources
Tatsuya Aoki | Akira Miyazawa | Tatsuya Ishigaki | Keiichi Goshima | Kasumi Aoki | Ichiro Kobayashi | Hiroya Takamura | Yusuke Miyao

Comments on a stock market often include the reason or cause of changes in stock prices, such as “Nikkei turns lower as yen’s rise hits exporters.” Generating such informative sentences requires capturing the relationship between different resources, including a target stock price. In this paper, we propose a model for automatically generating such informative market comments that refer to external resources. We evaluated our model through an automatic metric in terms of BLEU and human evaluation done by an expert in finance. The results show that our model outperforms the existing model both in BLEU scores and human judgment.

SpatialVOC2K: A Multilingual Dataset of Images with Annotations and Features for Spatial Relations between Objects
Anja Belz | Adrian Muscat | Pierre Anguill | Mouhamadou Sow | Gaétan Vincent | Yassine Zinessabah

We present SpatialVOC2K, the first multilingual image dataset with spatial relation annotations and object features for image-to-text generation, built using 2,026 images from the PASCAL VOC2008 dataset. The dataset incorporates (i) the labelled object bounding boxes from VOC2008, (ii) geometrical, language and depth features for each object, and (iii) for each pair of objects in both orders, (a) the single best preposition and (b) the set of possible prepositions in the given language that describe the spatial relationship between the two objects. Compared to previous versions of the dataset, we have roughly doubled the size for French, and completely reannotated as well as increased the size of the English portion, providing single best prepositions for English for the first time. Furthermore, we have added explicit 3D depth features for objects. We are releasing our dataset for free reuse, along with evaluation tools to enable comparative evaluation.

Adding the Third Dimension to Spatial Relation Detection in 2D Images
Brandon Birmingham | Adrian Muscat | Anja Belz

Detection of spatial relations between objects in images is currently a popular subject in image description research. A range of different language and geometric object features have been used in this context, but methods have not so far used explicit information about the third dimension (depth), except when manually added to annotations. The lack of such information hampers detection of spatial relations that are inherently 3D. In this paper, we use a fully automatic method for creating a depth map of an image and derive several different object-level depth features from it which we add to an existing feature set to test the effect on spatial relation detection. We show that performance increases are obtained from adding depth features in all scenarios tested.

Automatic Opinion Question Generation
Yllias Chali | Tina Baghaee

We study the problem of opinion question generation from sentences with the help of community-based question answering systems. For this purpose, we use a sequence to sequence attentional model, and we adopt coverage mechanism to prevent sentences from repeating themselves. Experimental results on the Amazon question/answer dataset show an improvement in automatic evaluation metrics as well as human evaluations from the state-of-the-art question generation systems.

Modelling Pro-drop with the Rational Speech Acts Model
Guanyi Chen | Kees van Deemter | Chenghua Lin

We extend the classic Referring Expressions Generation task by considering zero pronouns in “pro-drop” languages such as Chinese, modelling their use by means of the Bayesian Rational Speech Acts model (Frank and Goodman, 2012). By assuming that highly salient referents are most likely to be referred to by zero pronouns (i.e., pro-drop is more likely for salient referents than the less salient ones), the model offers an attractive explanation of a phenomenon not previously addressed probabilistically.

Self-Learning Architecture for Natural Language Generation
Hyungtak Choi | Siddarth K.M. | Haehun Yang | Heesik Jeon | Inchul Hwang | Jihie Kim

In this paper, we propose a self-learning architecture for generating natural language templates for conversational assistants. Generating templates to cover all the combinations of slots in an intent is time consuming and labor-intensive. We examine three different models based on our proposed architecture - Rule-based model, Sequence-to-Sequence (Seq2Seq) model and Semantically Conditioned LSTM (SC-LSTM) model for the IoT domain - to reduce the human labor required for template generation. We demonstrate the feasibility of template generation for the IoT domain using our self-learning architecture. In both automatic and human evaluation, the self-learning architecture outperforms previous works trained with a fully human-labeled dataset. This is promising for commercial conversational assistant solutions.

Enriching the WebNLG corpus
Thiago Castro Ferreira | Diego Moussallem | Emiel Krahmer | Sander Wubben

This paper describes the enrichment of WebNLG corpus (Gardent et al., 2017a,b), with the aim to further extend its usefulness as a resource for evaluating common NLG tasks, including Discourse Ordering, Lexicalization and Referring Expression Generation. We also produce a silver-standard German translation of the corpus to enable the exploitation of NLG approaches to other languages than English. The enriched corpus is publicly available.

Towards making NLG a voice for interpretable Machine Learning
James Forrest | Somayajulu Sripada | Wei Pang | George Coghill

This paper presents a study to understand the issues related to using NLG to humanise explanations from a popular interpretable machine learning framework called LIME. Our study shows that self-reported rating of NLG explanation was higher than that for a non-NLG explanation. However, when tested for comprehension, the results were not as clear-cut showing the need for performing more studies to uncover the factors responsible for high-quality NLG explanations.

Template-based multilingual football reports generation using Wikidata as a knowledge base
Lorenzo Gatti | Chris van der Lee | Mariët Theune

This paper presents a new version of a football reports generation system called PASS. The original version generated Dutch text and relied on a limited hand-crafted knowledge base. We describe how, in a short amount of time, we extended PASS to produce English texts, exploiting machine translation and Wikidata as a large-scale source of multilingual knowledge.

Automatic Evaluation of Neural Personality-based Chatbots
Yujie Xing | Raquel Fernández

Stylistic variation is critical to render the utterances generated by conversational agents natural and engaging. In this paper, we focus on sequence-to-sequence models for open-domain dialogue response generation and propose a new method to evaluate the extent to which such models are able to generate responses that reflect different personality traits.

Poem Machine - a Co-creative NLG Web Application for Poem Writing
Mika Hämäläinen

We present Poem Machine, an interactive online tool for co-authoring Finnish poetry with a computationally creative agent. Poem Machine can produce poetry of its own and assist the user in authoring poems. The main target group for the system is primary school children, and its use as a part of teaching is currently under study.

Japanese Advertising Slogan Generator using Case Frame and Word Vector
Kango Iwama | Yoshinobu Kano

There has been many works published for automatic sentence generation of a variety of domains. However, there would be still no single method available at present that can generate sentences for all of domains. Each domain will require a suitable generation method. We focus on automatic generation of Japanese advertisement slogans in this paper. We use our advertisement slogan database, case frame information, and word vector information. We employed our system to apply for a copy competition for human copywriters, where our advertisement slogan was left as a finalist. Our system could be regarded as the world first system that generates slogans in a practical level, as an advertising agency already employs our system in their business.

Underspecified Universal Dependency Structures as Inputs for Multilingual Surface Realisation
Simon Mille | Anja Belz | Bernd Bohnet | Leo Wanner

In this paper, we present the datasets used in the Shallow and Deep Tracks of the First Multilingual Surface Realisation Shared Task (SR’18). For the Shallow Track, data in ten languages has been released: Arabic, Czech, Dutch, English, Finnish, French, Italian, Portuguese, Russian and Spanish. For the Deep Track, data in three languages is made available: English, French and Spanish. We describe in detail how the datasets were derived from the Universal Dependencies V2.0, and report on an evaluation of the Deep Track input quality. In addition, we examine the motivation for, and likely usefulness of, deriving NLG inputs from annotations in resources originally developed for Natural Language Understanding (NLU), and assess whether the resulting inputs supply enough information of the right kind for the final stage in the NLG process.

LSTM Hypertagging
Reid Fu | Michael White

Hypertagging, or supertagging for surface realization, is the process of assigning lexical categories to nodes in an input semantic graph. Previous work has shown that hypertagging significantly increases realization speed and quality by reducing the search space of the realizer. Building on recent work using LSTMs to improve accuracy on supertagging for parsing, we develop an LSTM hypertagging method for OpenCCG, an open source NLP toolkit for CCG. Our results show significant improvements in both hypertagging accuracy and downstream realization performance.

Sequence-to-Sequence Models for Data-to-Text Natural Language Generation: Word- vs. Character-based Processing and Output Diversity
Glorianna Jagfeld | Sabrina Jenne | Ngoc Thang Vu

We present a comparison of word-based and character-based sequence-to-sequence models for data-to-text natural language generation, which generate natural language descriptions for structured inputs. On the datasets of two recent generation challenges, our models achieve comparable or better automatic evaluation results than the best challenge submissions. Subsequent detailed statistical and human analyses shed light on the differences between the two input representations and the diversity of the generated texts. In a controlled experiment with synthetic training data generated from templates, we demonstrate the ability of neural models to learn novel combinations of the templates and thereby generalize beyond the linguistic structures they were trained on.

Generating E-Commerce Product Titles and Predicting their Quality
José G. Camargo de Souza | Michael Kozielski | Prashant Mathur | Ernie Chang | Marco Guerini | Matteo Negri | Marco Turchi | Evgeny Matusov

E-commerce platforms present products using titles that summarize product information. These titles cannot be created by hand, therefore an algorithmic solution is required. The task of automatically generating these titles given noisy user provided titles is one way to achieve the goal. The setting requires the generation process to be fast and the generated title to be both human-readable and concise. Furthermore, we need to understand if such generated titles are usable. As such, we propose approaches that (i) automatically generate product titles, (ii) predict their quality. Our approach scales to millions of products and both automatic and human evaluations performed on real-world data indicate our approaches are effective and applicable to existing e-commerce scenarios.

Designing and testing the messages produced by a virtual dietitian
Luca Anselma | Alessandro Mazzei

This paper presents a project about the automatic generation of persuasive messages in the context of the diet management. In the first part of the paper we introduce the basic mechanisms related to data interpretation and content selection for a numerical data-to-text generation architecture. In the second part of the paper we discuss a number of factors influencing the design of the messages. In particular, we consider the design of the aggregation procedure. Finally, we present the results of a human-based evaluation concerning this design factor.

Generation of Company descriptions using concept-to-text and text-to-text deep models: dataset collection and systems evaluation
Raheel Qader | Khoder Jneid | François Portet | Cyril Labbé

In this paper we study the performance of several state-of-the-art sequence-to-sequence models applied to generation of short company descriptions. The models are evaluated on a newly created and publicly available company dataset that has been collected from Wikipedia. The dataset consists of around 51K company descriptions that can be used for both concept-to-text and text-to-text generation tasks. Automatic metrics and human evaluation scores computed on the generated company descriptions show promising results despite the difficulty of the task as the dataset (like most available datasets) has not been originally designed for machine learning. In addition, we perform correlation analysis between automatic metrics and human evaluations and show that certain automatic metrics are more correlated to human judgments.

Automatically Generating Questions about Novel Metaphors in Literature
Natalie Parde | Rodney Nielsen

The automatic generation of stimulating questions is crucial to the development of intelligent cognitive exercise applications. We developed an approach that generates appropriate Questioning the Author queries based on novel metaphors in diverse syntactic relations in literature. We show that the generated questions are comparable to human-generated questions in terms of naturalness, sensibility, and depth, and score slightly higher than human-generated questions in terms of clarity. We also show that questions generated about novel metaphors are rated as cognitively deeper than questions generated about non- or conventional metaphors, providing evidence that metaphor novelty can be leveraged to promote cognitive exercise.

A Master-Apprentice Approach to Automatic Creation of Culturally Satirical Movie Titles
Khalid Alnajjar | Mika Hämäläinen

Satire has played a role in indirectly expressing critique towards an authority or a person from time immemorial. We present an autonomously creative master-apprentice approach consisting of a genetic algorithm and an NMT model to produce humorous and culturally apt satire out of movie titles automatically. Furthermore, we evaluate the approach in terms of its creativity and its output. We provide a solid definition for creativity to maximize the objectiveness of the evaluation.

Can Neural Generators for Dialogue Learn Sentence Planning and Discourse Structuring?
Lena Reed | Shereen Oraby | Marilyn Walker

Responses in task-oriented dialogue systems often realize multiple propositions whose ultimate form depends on the use of sentence planning and discourse structuring operations. For example a recommendation may consist of an explicitly evaluative utterance e.g. Chanpen Thai is the best option, along with content related by the justification discourse relation, e.g. It has great food and service, that combines multiple propositions into a single phrase. While neural generation methods integrate sentence planning and surface realization in one end-to-end learning framework, previous work has not shown that neural generators can: (1) perform common sentence planning and discourse structuring operations; (2) make decisions as to whether to realize content in a single sentence or over multiple sentences; (3) generalize sentence planning and discourse relation operations beyond what was seen in training. We systematically create large training corpora that exhibit particular sentence planning operations and then test neural models to see what they learn. We compare models without explicit latent variables for sentence planning with ones that provide explicit supervision during training. We show that only the models with additional supervision can reproduce sentence planning and discourse operations and generalize to situations unseen in training.

Neural Generation of Diverse Questions using Answer Focus, Contextual and Linguistic Features
Vrindavan Harrison | Marilyn Walker

Question Generation is the task of automatically creating questions from textual input. In this work we present a new Attentional Encoder–Decoder Recurrent Neural Network model for automatic question generation. Our model incorporates linguistic features and an additional sentence embedding to capture meaning at both sentence and word levels. The linguistic features are designed to capture information related to named entity recognition, word case, and entity coreference resolution. In addition our model uses a copying mechanism and a special answer signal that enables generation of numerous diverse questions on a given sentence. Our model achieves state of the art results of 19.98 Bleu_4 on a benchmark Question Generation dataset, outperforming all previously published results by a significant margin. A human evaluation also shows that the added features improve the quality of the generated questions.

Evaluation methodologies in Automatic Question Generation 2013-2018
Jacopo Amidei | Paul Piwek | Alistair Willis

In the last few years Automatic Question Generation (AQG) has attracted increasing interest. In this paper we survey the evaluation methodologies used in AQG. Based on a sample of 37 papers, our research shows that the systems’ development has not been accompanied by similar developments in the methodologies used for the systems’ evaluation. Indeed, in the papers we examine here, we find a wide variety of both intrinsic and extrinsic evaluation methodologies. Such diverse evaluation practices make it difficult to reliably compare the quality of different generation systems. Our study suggests that, given the rapidly increasing level of research in the area, a common framework is urgently needed to compare the performance of AQG systems and NLG systems more generally.

Task Proposal: The TL;DR Challenge
Shahbaz Syed | Michael Völske | Martin Potthast | Nedim Lipka | Benno Stein | Hinrich Schütze

The TL;DR challenge fosters research in abstractive summarization of informal text, the largest and fastest-growing source of textual data on the web, which has been overlooked by summarization research so far. The challenge owes its name to the frequent practice of social media users to supplement long posts with a “TL;DR”—for “too long; didn’t read”—followed by a short summary as a courtesy to those who would otherwise reply with the exact same abbreviation to indicate they did not care to read a post for its apparent length. Posts featuring TL;DR summaries form an excellent ground truth for summarization, and by tapping into this resource for the first time, we have mined millions of training examples from social media, opening the door to all kinds of generative models.

Findings of the E2E NLG Challenge
Ondřej Dušek | Jekaterina Novikova | Verena Rieser

This paper summarises the experimental setup and results of the first shared task on end-to-end (E2E) natural language generation (NLG) in spoken dialogue systems. Recent end-to-end generation systems are promising since they reduce the need for data annotation. However, they are currently limited to small, delexicalised datasets. The E2E NLG shared task aims to assess whether these novel approaches can generate better-quality output by learning from a dataset containing higher lexical richness, syntactic complexity and diverse discourse phenomena. We compare 62 systems submitted by 17 institutions, covering a wide range of approaches, including machine learning architectures – with the majority implementing sequence-to-sequence models (seq2seq) – as well as systems based on grammatical rules and templates.

Adapting Descriptions of People to the Point of View of a Moving Observer
Gonzalo Méndez | Raquel Hervás | Pablo Gervás | Ricardo de la Rosa | Daniel Ruiz

This paper addresses the task of generating descriptions of people for an observer that is moving within a scene. As the observer moves, the descriptions of the people around him also change. A referring expression generation algorithm adapted to this task needs to continuously monitor the changes in the field of view of the observer, his relative position to the people being described, and the relative position of these people to any landmarks around them, and to take these changes into account in the referring expressions generated. This task presents two advantages: many of the mechanisms already available for static contexts may be applied with small adaptations, and it introduces the concept of changing conditions into the task of referring expression generation. In this paper we describe the design of an algorithm that takes these aspects into account in order to create descriptions of people within a 3D virtual environment. The evaluation of this algorithm has shown that, by changing the descriptions in real time according to the observers point of view, they are able to identify the described person quickly and effectively.

BENGAL: An Automatic Benchmark Generator for Entity Recognition and Linking
Axel-Cyrille Ngonga Ngomo | Michael Röder | Diego Moussallem | Ricardo Usbeck | René Speck

The manual creation of gold standards for named entity recognition and entity linking is time- and resource-intensive. Moreover, recent works show that such gold standards contain a large proportion of mistakes in addition to being difficult to maintain. We hence present Bengal, a novel automatic generation of such gold standards as a complement to manually created benchmarks. The main advantage of our benchmarks is that they can be readily generated at any time. They are also cost-effective while being guaranteed to be free of annotation errors. We compare the performance of 11 tools on benchmarks in English generated by Bengal and on 16 benchmarks created manually. We show that our approach can be ported easily across languages by presenting results achieved by 4 tools on both Brazilian Portuguese and Spanish. Overall, our results suggest that our automatic benchmark generation approach can create varied benchmarks that have characteristics similar to those of existing benchmarks. Our approach is open-source. Our experimental results are available at and the code at

Sentence Packaging in Text Generation from Semantic Graphs as a Community Detection Problem
Alexander Shvets | Simon Mille | Leo Wanner

An increasing amount of research tackles the challenge of text generation from abstract ontological or semantic structures, which are in their very nature potentially large connected graphs. These graphs must be “packaged” into sentence-wise subgraphs. We interpret the problem of sentence packaging as a community detection problem with post optimization. Experiments on the texts of the VerbNet/FrameNet structure annotated-Penn Treebank, which have been converted into graphs by a coreference merge using Stanford CoreNLP, show a high F1-score of 0.738.

Handling Rare Items in Data-to-Text Generation
Anastasia Shimorina | Claire Gardent

Neural approaches to data-to-text generation generally handle rare input items using either delexicalisation or a copy mechanism. We investigate the relative impact of these two methods on two datasets (E2E and WebNLG) and using two evaluation settings. We show (i) that rare items strongly impact performance; (ii) that combining delexicalisation and copying yields the strongest improvement; (iii) that copying underperforms for rare and unseen items and (iv) that the impact of these two mechanisms greatly varies depending on how the dataset is constructed and on how it is split into train, dev and test.

Comprehension Driven Document Planning in Natural Language Generation Systems
Craig Thomson | Ehud Reiter | Somayajulu Sripada

This paper proposes an approach to NLG system design which focuses on generating output text which can be more easily processed by the reader. Ways in which cognitive theory might be combined with existing NLG techniques are discussed and two simple experiments in content ordering are presented.

Adapting Neural Single-Document Summarization Model for Abstractive Multi-Document Summarization: A Pilot Study
Jianmin Zhang | Jiwei Tan | Xiaojun Wan

Till now, neural abstractive summarization methods have achieved great success for single document summarization (SDS). However, due to the lack of large scale multi-document summaries, such methods can be hardly applied to multi-document summarization (MDS). In this paper, we investigate neural abstractive methods for MDS by adapting a state-of-the-art neural abstractive summarization model for SDS. We propose an approach to extend the neural abstractive model trained on large scale SDS data to the MDS task. Our approach only makes use of a small number of multi-document summaries for fine tuning. Experimental results on two benchmark DUC datasets demonstrate that our approach can outperform a variety of baseline neural models.

Toward Bayesian Synchronous Tree Substitution Grammars for Sentence Planning
David M. Howcroft | Dietrich Klakow | Vera Demberg

Developing conventional natural language generation systems requires extensive attention from human experts in order to craft complex sets of sentence planning rules. We propose a Bayesian nonparametric approach to learn sentence planning rules by inducing synchronous tree substitution grammars for pairs of text plans and morphosyntactically-specified dependency trees. Our system is able to learn rules which can be used to generate novel texts after training on small datasets.

The Task Matters: Comparing Image Captioning and Task-Based Dialogical Image Description
Nikolai Ilinykh | Sina Zarrieß | David Schlangen

Image captioning models are typically trained on data that is collected from people who are asked to describe an image, without being given any further task context. As we argue here, this context independence is likely to cause problems for transferring to task settings in which image description is bound by task demands. We demonstrate that careful design of data collection is required to obtain image descriptions which are contextually bounded to a particular meta-level task. As a task, we use MeetUp!, a text-based communication game where two players have the goal of finding each other in a visual environment. To reach this goal, the players need to describe images representing their current location. We analyse a dataset from this domain and show that the nature of image descriptions found in MeetUp! is diverse, dynamic and rich with phenomena that are not present in descriptions obtained through a simple image captioning task, which we ran for comparison.

Generating Summaries of Sets of Consumer Products: Learning from Experiments
Kittipitch Kuptavanich | Ehud Reiter | Kees Van Deemter | Advaith Siddharthan

We explored the task of creating a textual summary describing a large set of objects characterised by a small number of features using an e-commerce dataset. When a set of consumer products is large and varied, it can be difficult for a consumer to understand how the products in the set differ; consequently, it can be challenging to choose the most suitable product from the set. To assist consumers, we generated high-level summaries of product sets. Two generation algorithms are presented, discussed, and evaluated with human users. Our evaluation results suggest a positive contribution to consumers’ understanding of the domain.

Neural sentence generation from formal semantics
Kana Manome | Masashi Yoshikawa | Hitomi Yanaka | Pascual Martínez-Gómez | Koji Mineshima | Daisuke Bekki

Sequence-to-sequence models have shown strong performance in a wide range of NLP tasks, yet their applications to sentence generation from logical representations are underdeveloped. In this paper, we present a sequence-to-sequence model for generating sentences from logical meaning representations based on event semantics. We use a semantic parsing system based on Combinatory Categorial Grammar (CCG) to obtain data annotated with logical formulas. We augment our sequence-to-sequence model with masking for predicates to constrain output sentences. We also propose a novel evaluation method for generation using Recognizing Textual Entailment (RTE). Combining parsing and generation, we test whether or not the output sentence entails the original text and vice versa. Experiments showed that our model outperformed a baseline with respect to both BLEU scores and accuracies in RTE.

Talking about other people: an endless range of possibilities
Emiel van Miltenburg | Desmond Elliott | Piek Vossen

Image description datasets, such as Flickr30K and MS COCO, show a high degree of variation in the ways that crowd-workers talk about the world. Although this gives us a rich and diverse collection of data to work with, it also introduces uncertainty about how the world should be described. This paper shows the extent of this uncertainty in the PEOPLE-domain. We present a taxonomy of different ways to talk about other people. This taxonomy serves as a reference point to think about how other people should be described, and can be used to classify and compute statistics about labels applied to people.

Meteorologists and Students: A resource for language grounding of geographical descriptors
Alejandro Ramos-Soto | Ehud Reiter | Kees van Deemter | Jose Alonso | Albert Gatt

We present a data resource which can be useful for research purposes on language grounding tasks in the context of geographical referring expression generation. The resource is composed of two data sets that encompass 25 different geographical descriptors and a set of associated graphical representations, drawn as polygons on a map by two groups of human subjects: teenage students and expert meteorologists.

Cyclegen: Cyclic consistency based product review generator from attributes
Vasu Sharma | Harsh Sharma | Ankita Bishnu | Labhesh Patel

In this paper we present an automatic review generator system which can generate personalized reviews based on the user identity, product identity and designated rating the user wishes to allot to the review. We combine this with a sentiment analysis system which performs the complimentary task of assigning ratings to reviews based purely on the textual content of the review. We introduce an additional loss term to ensure cyclic consistency of the sentiment rating of the generated review with the conditioning rating used to generate the review. The introduction of this new loss term constraints the generation space while forcing it to generate reviews adhering better to the requested rating. The use of ‘soft’ generation and cyclic consistency allows us to train our model in an end to end fashion. We demonstrate the working of our model on product reviews from Amazon dataset.

Neural Transition-based Syntactic Linearization
Linfeng Song | Yue Zhang | Daniel Gildea

The task of linearization is to find a grammatical order given a set of words. Traditional models use statistical methods. Syntactic linearization systems, which generate a sentence along with its syntactic tree, have shown state-of-the-art performance. Recent work shows that a multilayer LSTM language model outperforms competitive statistical syntactic linearization systems without using syntax. In this paper, we study neural syntactic linearization, building a transition-based syntactic linearizer leveraging a feed forward neural network, observing significantly better results compared to LSTM language models on this task.

Characterizing Variation in Crowd-Sourced Data for Training Neural Language Generators to Produce Stylistically Varied Outputs
Juraj Juraska | Marilyn Walker

One of the biggest challenges of end-to-end language generation from meaning representations in dialogue systems is making the outputs more natural and varied. Here we take a large corpus of 50K crowd-sourced utterances in the restaurant domain and develop text analysis methods that systematically characterize types of sentences in the training data. We then automatically label the training data to allow us to conduct two kinds of experiments with a neural generator. First, we test the effect of training the system with different stylistic partitions and quantify the effect of smaller, but more stylistically controlled training data. Second, we propose a method of labeling the style variants during training, and show that we can modify the style of the generated utterances using our stylistic labels. We contrast and compare these methods that can be used with any existing large corpus, showing how they vary in terms of semantic quality and stylistic control.

Char2char Generation with Reranking for the E2E NLG Challenge
Shubham Agarwal | Marc Dymetman | Éric Gaussier

This paper describes our submission to the E2E NLG Challenge. Recently, neural seq2seq approaches have become mainstream in NLG, often resorting to pre- (respectively post-) processing delexicalization (relexicalization) steps at the word-level to handle rare words. By contrast, we train a simple character level seq2seq model, which requires no pre/post-processing (delexicalization, tokenization or even lowercasing), with surprisingly good results. For further improvement, we explore two re-ranking approaches for scoring candidates. We also introduce a synthetic dataset creation procedure, which opens up a new way of creating artificial datasets for Natural Language Generation.

E2E NLG Challenge Submission: Towards Controllable Generation of Diverse Natural Language
Henry Elder | Sebastian Gehrmann | Alexander O’Connor | Qun Liu

In natural language generation (NLG), the task is to generate utterances from a more abstract input, such as structured data. An added challenge is to generate utterances that contain an accurate representation of the input, while reflecting the fluency and variety of human-generated text. In this paper, we report experiments with NLG models that can be used in task oriented dialogue systems. We explore the use of additional input to the model to encourage diversity and control of outputs. While our submission does not rank highly using automated metrics, qualitative investigation of generated utterances suggests the use of additional information in neural network NLG systems to be a promising research direction.

E2E NLG Challenge: Neural Models vs. Templates
Yevgeniy Puzikov | Iryna Gurevych

E2E NLG Challenge is a shared task on generating restaurant descriptions from sets of key-value pairs. This paper describes the results of our participation in the challenge. We develop a simple, yet effective neural encoder-decoder model which produces fluent restaurant descriptions and outperforms a strong baseline. We further analyze the data provided by the organizers and conclude that the task can also be approached with a template-based model developed in just a few hours.

The E2E NLG Challenge: A Tale of Two Systems
Charese Smiley | Elnaz Davoodi | Dezhao Song | Frank Schilder

This paper presents the two systems we entered into the 2017 E2E NLG Challenge: TemplGen, a templated-based system and SeqGen, a neural network-based system. Through the automatic evaluation, SeqGen achieved competitive results compared to the template-based approach and to other participating systems as well. In addition to the automatic evaluation, in this paper we present and discuss the human evaluation results of our two systems.

Interactive health insight miner: an adaptive, semantic-based approach
Isabel Funke | Rim Helaoui | Aki Härmä

E-health applications aim to support the user in adopting healthy habits. An important feature is to provide insights into the user’s lifestyle. To actively engage the user in the insight mining process, we propose an ontology-based framework with a Controlled Natural Language interface, which enables the user to ask for specific insights and to customize personal information.

Multi-Language Surface Realisation as REST API based NLG Microservice
Andreas Madsack | Johanna Heininger | Nyamsuren Davaasambuu | Vitaliia Voronik | Michael Käufl | Robert Weißgraeber

We present a readily available API that solves the morphology component for surface realizers in 10 languages (e.g., English, German and Finnish) for any topic and is available as REST API. This can be used to add morphology to any kind of NLG application (e.g., a multi-language chatbot), without requiring computational linguistic knowledge by the integrator.

Statistical NLG for Generating the Content and Form of Referring Expressions
Xiao Li | Kees van Deemter | Chenghua Lin

This paper argues that a new generic approach to statistical NLG can be made to perform Referring Expression Generation (REG) successfully. The model does not only select attributes and values for referring to a target referent, but also performs Linguistic Realisation, generating an actual Noun Phrase. Our evaluations suggest that the attribute selection aspect of the algorithm exceeds classic REG algorithms, while the Noun Phrases generated are as similar to those in a previously developed corpus as were Noun Phrases produced by a new set of human speakers.

Specificity measures and reference
Albert Gatt | Nicolás Marín | Gustavo Rivas-Gervilla | Daniel Sánchez

In this paper we study empirically the validity of measures of referential success for referring expressions involving gradual properties. More specifically, we study the ability of several measures of referential success to predict the success of a user in choosing the right object, given a referring expression. Experimental results indicate that certain fuzzy measures of success are able to predict human accuracy in reference resolution. Such measures are therefore suitable for the estimation of the success or otherwise of a referring expression produced by a generation algorithm, especially in case the properties in a domain cannot be assumed to have crisp denotations.

Decoding Strategies for Neural Referring Expression Generation
Sina Zarrieß | David Schlangen

RNN-based sequence generation is now widely used in NLP and NLG (natural language generation). Most work focusses on how to train RNNs, even though also decoding is not necessarily straightforward: previous work on neural MT found seq2seq models to radically prefer short candidates, and has proposed a number of beam search heuristics to deal with this. In this work, we assess decoding strategies for referring expression generation with neural models. Here, expression length is crucial: output should neither contain too much or too little information, in order to be pragmatically adequate. We find that most beam search heuristics developed for MT do not generalize well to referring expression generation (REG), and do not generally outperform greedy decoding. We observe that beam search heuristics for termination seem to override the model’s knowledge of what a good stopping point is. Therefore, we also explore a recent approach called trainable decoding, which uses a small network to modify the RNN’s hidden state for better decoding results. We find this approach to consistently outperform greedy decoding for REG.