24th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics
- Anthology ID:
- P86-1
- Month:
- July
- Year:
- 1986
- Address:
- New York, New York, USA
- Venue:
- SIG:
- Publisher:
- Association for Computational Linguistics
- URL:
- https://preview.aclanthology.org/remove-affiliations/P86-1/
- DOI:
24th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics
Tutorial Abstracts
Ralph Grishman
Bringing Natural Language Processing to the Microcomputer Market: The Story of Q&A
Gary G. Hendrix
Time and Tense in English
Mary P. Harper
Eugene Charniak
Recovering Implicit Information
Martha S. Palmer
Deborah A. Dahl
Rebecca J. Schiffman
Lynette Hirschman
Marcia Linebarger
John Dowding
Semantic Acquisition In TELI: A Transportable, User-Customized Natural Language Processor
Bruce W. Ballard
Douglas E. Stumberger
Computational Complexity of Current GPSG Theory
Eric Sven Ristad
Defining Natural Language Grammars in GPSG
Eric Sven Ristad
Constraint Propagation in Kimmo Systems
G. Edward Barton
Computational Complexity in Two-Level Morphology
G. Edward Barton
Parsing a Free-Word Order Language: Warlpiri
Michael B. Kashket
The Relationship Between Tree Adjoining Grammars And Head Grammars
D. J. Weir
K. Vijay-Shanker
A. K. Joshi
Categorial and Non-Categorial Languages
Joyce Friedman
Ramarathnam Venkatesan
Parsing Conjunctions Deterministically
Donald W. Kosy
Copying in Natural Languages, Context-Freeness, and Queue Grammars
Alexis Manaster-Ramer
A Model of Revision in Natural Language Generation
Marie M. Vaughan
David D. McDonald
The ROMPER System: Responding to Object-Related Misconceptions using Perspective
Kathleen F. McCoy
Encoding and Acquiring Meanings for Figurative Phrases
Michael G. Dyer
Uri Zernik
Semantically Significant Patterns in Dictionary Definitions
Judith Markowitz
Thomas Ahlswede
Martha Evens
Computer Methods for Morphological Analysis
Roy J. Byrd
Judith L. Klavans
Mark Aronoff
Frank Anshen
Bulk Processing of Text on a Massively Parallel Computer
Gary W. Sabot
The Intonational Structuring of Discourse
Julia Hirschberg
Janet Pierrehumbert
The Contribution of Parsing to Prosodic Phrasing in an Experimental Text-to-Speech System
Joan Bachenko
Eileen Fitzpatrick
C. E. Wright
Morphological Decomposition and Stress Assignment for Speech Synthesis
Kenneth Church
A Sentence Analysis Method for a Japanese Book Reading Machine for the Blind
Yutaka Ohyama
Toshikazu Fukushima
Tomoki Shutoh
Masamichi Shutoh
Japanese Prosodic Phrasing and Intonation Synthesis
Mary E. Beckman
Janet B. Pierrehumbert
Questions about Connectionist Models of Natural Language
Mark Liberman
Language Learning in Massively-Parallel Networks
Terrence J. Sejnowski
Connectionist Models for Natural Language Processing Program
David L. Waltz
Donnellan’s Distinction and a Computational Model of Reference
Amichai Kronfeld
The detection and representation of ambiguities of intension and description
Brenda Fawcett
Graeme Hirst
A Property-Sharing Constraint in Centering
Megumi Kameyama
A Model of Plan Inference That Distinguishes Between the Beliefs of Actors and Observers
Martha E. Pollack
Linguistic Coherence: A Plan-Based Alternative
Diane J. Litman
The Structure of User-Adviser Dialogues: Is there Method in their Madness?
Raymonde Guindon
Joyce Conner
Commonsense Metaphysics and Lexical Semantics
Jerry R. Hobbs
William Croft
Todd Davies
Douglas Edwards
Kenneth Laws
A Terminological Simplification Transformation for Natural Language Question-Answering Systems
David G. Stallard
Some Uses of Higher-Order Logic in Computational Linguistics
Dale A. Miller
Gopalan Nadathur
A Logical Semantics for Feature Structures
Robert T. Kasper
What Should Machine Translation Be?
John S. White