Proceedings of the First International Conference on Human Language Technology Research
- Anthology ID:
- H01-1
- Month:
- Year:
- 2001
- Address:
- Venue:
- SIG:
- Publisher:
- URL:
- DOI:
Proceedings of the First International Conference on Human Language Technology Research
Activity detection for information access to oral communication
Klaus Ries
Alex Waibel
Adapting an Example-Based Translation System to Chinese
Ying Zhang
Ralf D. Brown
Robert E. Frederking
Advances in meeting recognition
Alex Waibel
Hua Yu
Tanja Schultz
Yue Pan
Michael Bett
Martin Westphal
Hagen Soltau
Thomas Schaaf
Florian Metze
Amount of Information Presented in a Complex List: Effects on User Performance
Dawn Dutton
Marilyn Walker
Selina Chu
James Hubbell
Shrikanth Narayanan
The Annotation Graph Toolkit: Software Components for Building Linguistic Annotation Tools
Kazuaki Maeda
Steven Bird
Xiaoyi Ma
Haejoong Lee
Answering What-Is Questions by Virtual Annotation
John Prager
Dragomir Radev
Krzysztof Czuba
Architecture and Design Considerations in NESPOLE!: a Speech Translation System for E-commerce Applications
Alon Lavie
Chad Langley
Alex Waibel
Fabio Pianesi
Gianni Lazzari
Paolo Coletti
Loredana Taddei
Franco Balducci
Assigning Belief Scores to Names in Queries
Christopher Dozier
Automatic Pattern Acquisition for Japanese Information Extraction
Kiyoshi Sudo
Satoshi Sekine
Ralph Grishman
Automatic Predicate Argument Analysis of the Penn TreeBank
Martha Palmer
Joseph Rosenzweig
Scott Cotton
Automatic Title Generation for Spoken Broadcast News
Rong Jin
Alexander G. Hauptmann
A Conversational Interface for Online Shopping
Joyce Chai
Veronika Horvath
Nanda Kambhatla
Nicolas Nicolov
Margo Stys-Budzikowska
Conversational Sales Assistant for Online Shopping
Margo Budzikowska
Joyce Chai
Sunil Govindappa
Veronika Horvath
Nanda Kambhatla
Nicolas Nicolov
Wlodek Zadrozny
Converting Dependency Structures to Phrase Structures
Fei Xia
Martha Palmer
DATE: A Dialogue Act Tagging Scheme for Evaluation of Spoken Dialogue Systems
Marilyn Walker
Rebecca Passonneau
Development of the HRL Route Navigation Dialogue System
Robert Belvin
Ron Burns
Cheryl Hein
Dialogue Interaction with the DARPA Communicator Infrastructure: The Development of Useful Software
Samuel Bayer
Christine Doran
Bryan George
Domain Portability in Speech-to-Speech Translation
Alon Lavie
Lori Levin
Tanja Schultz
Chad Langley
Benjamin Han
Alicia Tribble
Donna Gates
Dorcas Wallace
Kay Peterson
English-Chinese CLIR using a Simplified PIRCS System
K.L. Kwok
N. Dinstl
P. Deng
Entry Vocabulary - a Technology to Enhance Digital Search
Fredric Gey
Michael Buckland
Aitao Chen
Ray Larson
Evaluating Question-Answering Techniques in Chinese
Xiaoyan Li
W. Bruce Croft
An Evaluation Corpus For Temporal Summarization
Vikash Khandelwal
Rahul Gupta
James Allan
Evaluation Results for the Talk’n’Travel System
David Stallard
Experiments in Multi-Modal Automatic Content Extraction
Lance Ramshaw
Elizabeth Boschee
Sergey Bratus
Scott Miller
Rebecca Stone
Ralph Weischedel
Alex Zamanian
Exploring Speech-Enabled Dialogue with the Galaxy Communicator Infrastructure
Samuel Bayer
Christine Doran
Bryan George
Facilitating Treebank Annotation Using a Statistical Parser
Fu-Dong Chiou
David Chiang
Martha Palmer
FactBrowser Demonstration
Scott Miller
Sergey Bratus
Lance Ramshaw
Ralph Weischedel
Alex Zamanian
Finding Errors Automatically in Semantically Tagged Dialogues
John Aberdeen
Christine Doran
Laurie Damianos
Samuel Bayer
Lynette Hirschman
Fine-Grained Hidden Markov Modeling for Broadcast-News Story Segmentation
Warren Greiff
Alex Morgan
Randall Fish
Marc Richards
Amlan Kundu
First Story Detection using a Composite Document Representation
Nicola Stokes
Joe Carthy
Guidelines for Annotating Temporal Information
Inderjeet Mani
George Wilson
Lisa Ferro
Beth Sundheim
Hypothesis Selection and Resolution in the Mercury Flight Reservation System
Stephanie Seneff
Joseph Polifroni
Improved Cross-Language Retrieval using Backoff Translation
Philip Resnik
Douglas Oard
Gina Levow
Improving Information Extraction by Modeling Errors in Speech Recognizer Output
David D. Palmer
Mari Ostendorf
Inducing Multilingual Text Analysis Tools via Robust Projection across Aligned Corpora
David Yarowsky
Grace Ngai
Richard Wicentowski
Information Extraction with Term Frequencies
T. R. Lynam
C. L. A. Clarke
G. V. Cormack
The Integrated Feasibility Experiment Process
J. Allen Sears
Stephen E. Cross
Integrated Feasibility Experiment for Bio-Security: IFE-Bio, A TIDES Demonstration
Lynette Hirschman
Kris Concepcion
Laurie Damianos
David Day
John Delmore
Lisa Ferro
John Griffith
John Henderson
Jeff Kurtz
Inderjeet Mani
Scott Mardis
Tom McEntee
Keith Miller
Beverly Nunam
Jay Ponte
Florence Reeder
Ben Wellner
George Wilson
Alex Yeh
Integrated Information Management: An Interactive, Extensible Architecture for Information Retrieval
Eric Nyberg
Hal Daume
Intelligent Access to Text: Integrating Information Extraction Technology into Text Browsers
Robert Gaizauskas
Patrick Herring
Michael Oakes
Michelline Beaulieu
Peter Willett
Helene Fowkes
Anna Jonsson
Interlingua-Based Broad-Coverage Korean-to-English Translation in CCLINC
Young-Suk Lee
Wu Sok Yi
Stephanie Seneff
Clifford J. Weinstein
Is That Your Final Answer?
Florence Reeder
Japanese Case Frame Construction by Coupling the Verb and its Closest Case Component
Daisuke Kawahara
Sadao Kurohashi
Japanese Text Input System With Digits
Kumiko Tanaka-Ishii
Yusuke Inutsuka
Masato Takeichi
Large scale testing of a descriptive phrase finder
Hideo Joho
Ying Ki Liu
Mark Sanderson
LaTaT: Language and Text Analysis Tools
Dekang Lin
Linguatronic: Product-Level Speech System for Mercedes-Benz Car
Paul Heisterkamp
LingWear: A Mobile Tourist Information System
Christian Fügen
Martin Westphal
Mike Schneider
Tanja Schultz
Alex Waibel
Listen-Communicate-Show: Spoken Language Command of Agent-based Remote Information Access
Jody J. Daniels
Benjamin Bell
Mandarin-English Information: Investigating Translingual Speech Retrieval
Helen Meng
Berlin Chen
Sanjeev Khudanpur
Gina-Anne Levow
Wai-Kit Lo
Douglas Oard
Patrick Shone
Karen Tang
Hsin-Min Wang
Jianqiang Wang
The Meeting Project at ICSI
Nelson Morgan
Don Baron
Jane Edwards
Dan Ellis
David Gelbart
Adam Janin
Thilo Pfau
Elizabeth Shriberg
Andreas Stolcke
Mitigating the Paucity-of-Data Problem: Exploring the Effect of Training Corpus Size on Classifier Performance for Natural Language Processing
Michele Banko
Eric Brill
Monitoring the News: a TDT demonstration system
David Frey
Rahul Gupta
Vikas Khandelwal
Victor Lavrenko
Anton Leuski
James Allan
Multidocument Summarization via Information Extraction
Michael White
Tanya Korelsky
Claire Cardie
Vincent Ng
David Pierce
Kiri Wagstaff
Natural Language Generation in Dialog Systems
Owen Rambow
Srinivas Bangalore
Marilyn Walker
NewsInEssence: A System For Domain-Independent, Real-Time News Clustering and Multi-Document Summarization
Dragomir R. Radev
Sasha Blair-Goldensohn
Zhu Zhang
Revathi Sundara Raghavan
Non-Dictionary-Based Thai Word Segmentation Using Decision Trees
Thanaruk Theeramunkong
Sasiporn Usanavasin
On Combining Language Models: Oracle Approach
Kadri Hacioglu
Wayne Ward
Portability Issues for Speech Recognition Technologies
Lori Lamel
Fabrice Lefevre
Jean-Luc Gauvain
Gilles Adda
Rapidly Retargetable Interactive Translingual Retrieval
Gina-Anne Levow
Douglas W. Oard
Philip Resnik
Robust Knowledge Discovery from Parallel Speech and Text Sources
F. Jelinek
W. Byrne
S. Khudanpur
B. Hladká
H. Ney
F. J. Och
J. Cuřín
J. Psutka
The RWTH System for Statistical Translation of Spoken Dialogues
H. Ney
F. J. Och
S. Vogel
Scalability and Portability of a Belief Network-based Dialog Model for Different Application Domains
Carmen Wai
Helen M. Meng
Roberto Pieraccini
SCANMail: Audio Navigation in the Voicemail Domain
Michiel Bacchiani
Julia Hirschberg
Aaron Rosenberg
Steve Whittaker
Donald Hindle
Phil Isenhour
Mark Jones
Litza Stark
Gary Zamchick
Sentence Ordering in Multidocument Summarization
Regina Barzilay
Noemie Elhadad
Kathleen R. McKeown
A Server for Real-Time Event Tracking in News
Ralf D. Brown
The SynDiKATe Text Knowledge Base Generator
Udo Hahn
Martin Romacker
A Three-Tiered Evaluation Approach for Interactive Spoken Dialogue Systems
Kathleen Stibler
James Denny
Toward Semantics-Based Answer Pinpointing
Eduard Hovy
Laurie Gerber
Ulf Hermjakob
Chin-Yew Lin
Deepak Ravichandran
Towards an Intelligent Multilingual Keyboard System
Tanapong Potipiti
Virach Sornlertlamvanich
Kanokwut Thanadkran
Towards Automatic Sign Translation
Jie Yang
Jiang Gao
Ying Zhang
Alex Waibel
TüSBL: A Similarity-Based Chunk Parser for Robust Syntactic Processing
Sandra Kübler
Erhard W. Hinrichs
University of Colorado Dialogue Systems for Travel and Navigation
B. Pellom
W. Ward
J. Hansen
R. Cole
K. Hacioglu
J. Zhang
X. Yu
S. Pradhan
The Use of Dynamic Segment Scoring for Language-Independent Question Answering
Daniel Pack
Clifford Weinstein
Using Speech and Language Technology to Coach Reading
Patti Price
Luc Julia