COLING 1992 Volume 3: The 14th International Conference on Computational Linguistics
- Anthology ID:
- C92-3
- Month:
- Year:
- 1992
- Address:
- Venue:
- SIG:
- Publisher:
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- DOI:
COLING 1992 Volume 3: The 14th International Conference on Computational Linguistics
A Logic Programming View of Relational Morphology
Harvey Abramson
A Computational Model of Language Performance: Data Oriented Parsing
Rens Bod
A Hybrid System for Quantifier Scoping
Arnold J. Chien
Accenting and Deaccenting: a Declarative Approach
Arthur Dirksen
An Abstraction Method Using a Semantic Engine Based on Language Information Structure
Hirohito Inagaki
Tohru Nakagawa
Causal ambiguity in Natural Language: conceptual representation of ‘parce que/because’ and ‘puisque/since’
Adeline Nazarenko-Perrin
Surface and Deep Cases
Jarmila Panevová
Hana Skoumalova
An Integrated Syntactic and Semantic System for Natural Language Understanding
Frederique Segond
Karen Jensen
Planning to Fail, Not Failing to Plan: Risk-Taking and Recovery in Task-Oriented Dialogue
Jean Carletta
La Resoution D’anaphore a Partir D’un Lexique-Grammaire Des Verbes Anaphoriques
Blandine Gelain
Celestin Sedogbo
Arguing About Planning Alternatives
Alex Quilici
Attitude Emergence - An Effective Interpretation Scheme for Persuasive Discourse
Horng-Jyh P. Wu
Steven L. Lytinen
The Nondirectional Representation of Systemic Functional Grammars and Semantics as Typed Feature Structures
John A. Bateman
Martin Emele
Stefan Momma
A Statistical Approach to Machine Aided Translation of Terminology Banks
Jyun-Sheng Chang
Andrew Chang
Tsuey-Fen Lin
Sur-Jin Ker
Partial Synthesis of Sentences by Coroutining Constraints on Different Levels of Well-Formedness
Gerard Milhaud
Robert Pasero
Paul Sabatier
High-Probability Syntactic Links
Leonid Mitjushin
An Integrated Environment for Lexical Analyses
C. Caligaris
A. Cappelli
M. N. Catarsi
L. Moretti
Coupling an Automatic Dictation System With a Grammar Checker
Jean-Pierre Chanod
Marc El-Beze
Sylvie Guillemin-Lanne
The First BUG Report
Jeff Goldberg
Laszlo Kalman
A Freely Available Wide Coverage Morphological Analyzer for English
Daniel Karp
Yves Schabes
Martin Zaidel
Dania Egedi
Towards a New Generation of Terminological Resources: An Experiment in Building a Terminological Knowledge Base
Ingrid Meyer
Douglas Skuce
Lynne Bowker
Karen Eck
B-SURE: A Believed Situation and Uncertain-Action Representation Environment
John K. Myers
Multilinguisation d’un editeur de documents structures. Application a un dictionnaire trilingue
Huy Khanh Phan
Christian Boitet
A Translator’s Workstation
Eugenio Picchi
Carol Peters
Elisabeitta Marinai
Surface Grammatical Analysis for the Extraction of Terminological Noun Phrases
Didier Bourigault
A Set-Theoretic Approach to Lexical Semantics
Dominique Dutoit
Concept-Oriented Parsing of Definitions
Willy Martin
Text Disambiguation by Finite State Automata, An Algorithm and Experiments on Corpora
Emmanuel Roche
Une representation semantique et un systeme de transfert pour une traduction de haute qualite. Presentation de projet Avec demonstration sur machines SUN
K. Boesefeldt
P. Bouillon
JDII: Parsing Italian with a Robust Constraint Grammar
Andrea Bolioli
Luca Dini
Giovanni Malnati
Parsing and Case Analysis in TANKA
Terry Copeck
Sylvain Delisle
Stan Szpakowicz
From Detection/Correction to Computer Aided Writing
Damien Genthial
Jacques Courtin
Generation of Extended Bilingual Statistical Reports
L. Iordanskaja
M. Kim
R. Kittredge
B. Lavoie
A. Polguere
Generation of Informative Texts with Style
Stephan M. Kerpedjiev
Automatic Proofreading of Frozen Phrases in German
Ralf Kese
Friedrich Dudda
Marianne Kugler
Shalt2- a Symmetric Machine Translation System with Conceptual Transfer
Koichi Takeda
Naohiko Uramoto
Tetsuya Nasukawa
Taijiro Tsutsumi
A Knowledge-based Machine-aided System for Chinese Text Abstraction
Benjamin K. Tsou
Hing-cheung Ho
Tom Bong-yeung Lai
Caesar Suen Lun
Hing-lung Lin
Interaction Between Lexicon and Image: Linguistic Specifications of Animation
Maryvonne Abraham
Jean-Pierre Desclés
A Spoken Language Translation System: SL-TRANS2
Tsuyoshi Morimoto
Masami Suzuki
Toshiyuki Takezawa
Gen’ichiro Kikui
Masaaki Nagata
Mutsuko Tomokiyo
Interactive Speech Understanding
Hiroaki Saito
Les Experiences D’indexation a L’INIST
J. Royaute
L. Schmitt
E. Olivetan
Recognizing Topics through the Use of Interaction Structures
Atsushi Takeshita
The KANT System: Fast, Accurate, High-Quality Translation in Practical Domains
Eric H. Nyberg III
Teruko Mitamura