COLING 1967 Volume 1: Conference Internationale Sur Le Traitement Automatique Des Langues
- Anthology ID:
- C67-1
- Month:
- Year:
- 1967
- Address:
- Venue:
- SIG:
- Publisher:
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- DOI:
COLING 1967 Volume 1: Conference Internationale Sur Le Traitement Automatique Des Langues
Analyse et classification automatique en chinois
Maurice Coyaud
An evaluation of the usefulness of machine translations produced at the National Physical Laboratory, Teddington, with a summary of the translation methods
J. McDaniel
W.L. Price
A.J.M. Szanser
D.M. Yates
Programming of Reversible Systems in Computational Linguistics
Gerhard Engelien
The Fulcrum Syntactic Analyzer for Russian
Paul L. Garvin
Analogie Et Homologie Dans L’accentuation De L’Anglais
L. Guierre
Syntactic and Semantic Problems in Automatic Sentence Generation
Kenneth E. Harper
Transformational Decomposition: A Simple Description of an Algorithm for Transformational Analysis of English Sentences
Danuta Hiz
Aravind K. Joshi
Slant Grammar Calculus
Hans Karlgren
Experiments With a Powerful Parser
Martin Kay
The Relevance of Some Compiler Construction Techniques to the Description and Translation Of Languages
Steven I. Laszlo
Man-Aided Computer Translation From English Into French Using an On-Line System to Manipulate a Bi-Lingual Conceptual Dictionary, Or Thesaurus
Margaret Masterman
Analyse De Propositions Allemandes
Johannes Meyer-Ingwersen
Some Linguistic Arguments in Favour of Mr Bar-Hillel’s “Non Uniqueness” Hypothesis
Isaak Revzin
Can Overt Syntactic Structure Be Interpreted as a Logical Device?
Helmut Richter
Georg Hincha
Methods for Obtaining Corresponding Phrase Structure and Dependency Grammars
Jane J. Robinson
The Elimination of Grammatical Restrictions in a String Grammar of English
M. Salkoff
N. Sager
The Application of FORTRAN to Automatic Translation
Paul O. Samuelsdorff
Segmenting Natural Language by Articulatory Features
David Shillan
Un Metalangage De Grammaires Transformationnelles Applications, Aux Problemes De Transferts Et De Generation Syntaxiques
G. Veillon
J. Veyrunes
B. Vauquois
A computer model for Russian grammatical description and method of English synthesis in machine translation
D.M. Yates
Un Modele De La Notion Du Cas
A. Zalizniak
Une troisieme version du Dicautom
J.A. Bachrach
An Experimental System for Automatic Recognition of Personal Titles and Personal Names in Newspaper Texts
Casimir Borkowski
Thomas J. Watson
Problemes Syntaxiques De L’indexation Automatique De Documents
Andree Borillo
Jacques Virbel
Axiomatic Characterization of Synonymy and Antonymy
H. P. Edmundson
Semantically Governed Machine Translation of BE-clauses with Adverbs and Prepositional Phrases. Demonstration of a Ring-Model for German/English, English/German including Analysis-Synthesis, Transformation, Transition, and Generation
Klaus Gunther Schweisthal
L’explication automatique du facteur semantique ‘appartenance’ apparaissant dams le “Zuwendsatz” allemand et la traduction automatique de ce facteur: de l’allemand vers l’anglais et de l’auglais vers l’allemand
Alfred Hoppe
Essai D’une Theorie Semantique Applicable Au Traitement De Langage
A. Jolkovsky
I. Mel’cuk
AUTOLING: An Automated Linguistic Fieldworker
Sheldon Klein
Une notation semantique et ses implications linguistiques
Y. Martemianov
Y. Mouchanov
Summary of Some Computational Aids for Obtaining a for Semantic Description of English
John Olney
Carter Revard
Paul Ziff
Statistical and Linguistic Strategies in the Computer Grading of Essays
Ellis B. Page
An Integrated Language Theory
S. Abraham
Langages “Context-Sensitives” Quelques Aspects De Leur Extension
J. Friant
Les Grammaires De Constituants Generaux
R. D. Guedj
The Entropy of Recursive Markov Processes
Benny Brodda
Categories Morphologiques et analyse contextuelle dans la linguistique algebrique
Solomon Marcus