Generating Commonsense Reasoning Questions with Controllable Complexity through Multi-step Structural Composition
Jianxing Yu
Shiqi Wang
Hanjiang Lai
Wenqing Chen
Yanghui Rao
Qinliang Su
Jian Yin
Proceedings of the 31st International Conference on Computational Linguistics
This paper studies the task of generating commonsense reasoning questions (QG) with desired difficulty levels. Compared to traditional shallow questions that can be solved by simple term matching, ours are more challenging. Our answering process requires reasoning over multiple contextual and commonsense clues. That involves advanced comprehension skills, such as abstract semantics learning and missing knowledge inference. Existing work mostly learns to map the given text into questions, lacking a mechanism to control results with the desired complexity. To address this problem, we propose a novel controllable framework. We first derive contextual and commonsense clues involved in reasoning questions from the text. These clues are used to create simple sub-questions. We then aggregate multiple sub-questions to compose complex ones under the guidance of prior reasoning structures. By iterating this process, we can compose a complex QG task based on a series of smaller and simpler QG subtasks. Each subtask serves as a building block for a larger one. Each composition corresponds to an increase in the reasoning step. Moreover, we design a voting verifier to ensure results’ validity from multiple views, including answer consistency, reasoning difficulty, and context correlation. Finally, we can learn the optimal QG model to yield thought-provoking results. Evaluations on two typical datasets validate our method.
Detecting Emotional Incongruity of Sarcasm by Commonsense Reasoning
Ziqi Qiu
Jianxing Yu
Yufeng Zhang
Hanjiang Lai
Yanghui Rao
Qinliang Su
Jian Yin
Proceedings of the 31st International Conference on Computational Linguistics
This paper focuses on sarcasm detection, which aims to identify whether given statements convey criticism, mockery, or other negative sentiment opposite to the literal meaning. To detect sarcasm, humans often require a comprehensive understanding of the semantics in the statement and even resort to external commonsense to infer the fine-grained incongruity. However, existing methods lack commonsense inferential ability when they face complex real-world scenarios, leading to unsatisfactory performance. To address this problem, we propose a novel framework for sarcasm detection, which conducts incongruity reasoning based on commonsense augmentation, called EICR. Concretely, we first employ retrieval-augmented large language models to supplement the missing but indispensable commonsense background knowledge. To capture complex contextual associations, we construct a dependency graph and obtain the optimized topology via graph refinement. We further introduce an adaptive reasoning skeleton that integrates prior rules to extract sentiment-inconsistent subgraphs explicitly. To eliminate the possible spurious relations between words and labels, we employ adversarial contrastive learning to enhance the robustness of the detector. Experiments conducted on five datasets demonstrate the effectiveness of EICR.
Hierarchical Topic Modeling via Contrastive Learning and Hyperbolic Embedding
Zhicheng Lin
HeGang Chen
Yuyin Lu
Yanghui Rao
Hao Xu
Hanjiang Lai
Proceedings of the 2024 Joint International Conference on Computational Linguistics, Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC-COLING 2024)
Hierarchical topic modeling, which can mine implicit semantics in the corpus and automatically construct topic hierarchical relationships, has received considerable attention recently. However, the current hierarchical topic models are mainly based on Euclidean space, which cannot well retain the implicit hierarchical semantic information in the corpus, leading to irrational structure of the generated topics. On the other hand, the existing Generative Adversarial Network (GAN) based neural topic models perform satisfactorily, but they remain constrained by pattern collapse due to the discontinuity of latent space. To solve the above problems, with the hypothesis of hyperbolic space, we propose a novel GAN-based hierarchical topic model to mine high-quality topics by introducing contrastive learning to capture information from documents. Furthermore, the distinct tree-like property of hyperbolic space preserves the implicit hierarchical semantics of documents in topic embeddings, which are projected into the hyperbolic space. Finally, we use a multi-head self-attention mechanism to learn implicit hierarchical semantics of topics and mine topic structure information. Experiments on real-world corpora demonstrate the remarkable performance of our model on topic coherence and topic diversity, as well as the rationality of the topic hierarchy.
Counterfactual Multihop QA: A Cause-Effect Approach for Reducing Disconnected Reasoning
Wangzhen Guo
Qinkang Gong
Yanghui Rao
Hanjiang Lai
Proceedings of the 61st Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers)
Multi-hop QA requires reasoning over multiple supporting facts to answer the question. However, the existing QA models always rely on shortcuts, e.g., providing the true answer by only one fact, rather than multi-hop reasoning, which is referred as disconnected reasoning problem. To alleviate this issue, we propose a novel counterfactual multihop QA, a causal-effect approach that enables to reduce the disconnected reasoning. It builds upon explicitly modeling of causality: 1) the direct causal effects of disconnected reasoning and 2) the causal effect of true multi-hop reasoning from the total causal effect. With the causal graph, a counterfactual inference is proposed to disentangle the disconnected reasoning from the total causal effect, which provides us a new perspective and technology to learn a QA model that exploits the true multi-hop reasoning instead of shortcuts. Extensive experiments have been conducted on the benchmark HotpotQA dataset, which demonstrate that the proposed method can achieve notable improvement on reducing disconnected reasoning. For example, our method achieves 5.8% higher points of its Supps score on HotpotQA through true multihop reasoning. The code is available at
From Parse-Execute to Parse-Execute-Refine: Improving Semantic Parser for Complex Question Answering over Knowledge Base
Wangzhen Guo
Linyin Luo
Hanjiang Lai
Jian Yin
Proceedings of the 2023 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing
Parsing questions into executable logical forms has showed impressive results for knowledge-base question answering (KBQA). However, complex KBQA is a more challenging task that requires to perform complex multi-step reasoning. Recently, a new semantic parser called KoPL has been proposed to explicitly model the reasoning processes, which achieved the state-of-the-art on complex KBQA. In this paper, we further explore how to unlock the reasoning ability of semantic parsers by a simple proposed parse-execute-refine paradigm. We refine and improve the KoPL parser by demonstrating the executed intermediate reasoning steps to the KBQA model. We show that such simple strategy can significantly improve the ability of complex reasoning. Specifically, we propose three components: a parsing stage, an execution stage and a refinement stage, to enhance the ability of complex reasoning. The parser uses the KoPL to generate the transparent logical forms. Then, the execution stage aligns and executes the logical forms over knowledge base to obtain intermediate reasoning processes. Finally, the intermediate step-by-step reasoning processes are demonstrated to the KBQA model in the refinement stage. With the explicit reasoning processes, it is much easier to answer the complex questions. Experiments on benchmark dataset shows that the proposed PER-KBQA performs significantly better than the stage-of-the-art baselines on the complex KBQA.