Elena Frick


Querying Repetitions in Spoken Language Corpora
Elena Frick | Henrike Helmer | Dolores Lemmenmeier-Batinić
Proceedings of the 20th Conference on Natural Language Processing (KONVENS 2024)


Querying Interaction Structure: Approaches to Overlap in Spoken Language Corpora
Elena Frick | Thomas Schmidt | Henrike Helmer
Proceedings of the Thirteenth Language Resources and Evaluation Conference

In this paper, we address two problems in indexing and querying spoken language corpora with overlapping speaker contributions. First, we look into how token distance and token precedence can be measured when multiple primary data streams are available and when transcriptions happen to be tokenized, but are not synchronized with the sound at the level of individual tokens. We propose and experiment with a speaker-based search mode that enables any speaker’s transcription tier to be the basic tokenization layer whereby the contributions of other speakers are mapped to this given tier. Secondly, we address two distinct methods of how speaker overlaps can be captured in the TEI-based ISO Standard for Spoken Language Transcriptions (ISO 24624:2016) and how they can be queried by MTAS – an open source Lucene-based search engine for querying text with multilevel annotations. We illustrate the problems, introduce possible solutions and discuss their benefits and drawbacks.


Using full text indices for querying spoken language data
Elena Frick | Thomas Schmidt
Proceedings of the 8th Workshop on Challenges in the Management of Large Corpora

As a part of the ZuMult-project, we are currently modelling a backend architecture that should provide query access to corpora from the Archive of Spoken German (AGD) at the Leibniz-Institute for the German Language (IDS). We are exploring how to reuse existing search engine frameworks providing full text indices and allowing to query corpora by one of the corpus query languages (QLs) established and actively used in the corpus research community. For this purpose, we tested MTAS - an open source Lucene-based search engine for querying on text with multilevel annotations. We applied MTAS on three oral corpora stored in the TEI-based ISO standard for transcriptions of spoken language (ISO 24624:2016). These corpora differ from the corpus data that MTAS was developed for, because they include interactions with two and more speakers and are enriched, inter alia, with timeline-based annotations. In this contribution, we report our test results and address issues that arise when search frameworks originally developed for querying written corpora are being transferred into the field of spoken language.


User, who art thou? User Profiling for Oral Corpus Platforms
Christian Fandrych | Elena Frick | Hanna Hedeland | Anna Iliash | Daniel Jettka | Cordula Meißner | Thomas Schmidt | Franziska Wallner | Kathrin Weigert | Swantje Westpfahl
Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC'16)

This contribution presents the background, design and results of a study of users of three oral corpus platforms in Germany. Roughly 5.000 registered users of the Database for Spoken German (DGD), the GeWiss corpus and the corpora of the Hamburg Centre for Language Corpora (HZSK) were asked to participate in a user survey. This quantitative approach was complemented by qualitative interviews with selected users. We briefly introduce the corpus resources involved in the study in section 2. Section 3 describes the methods employed in the user studies. Section 4 summarizes results of the studies focusing on selected key topics. Section 5 attempts a generalization of these results to larger contexts.

Corpus Query Lingua Franca (CQLF)
Piotr Bański | Elena Frick | Andreas Witt
Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC'16)

The present paper describes Corpus Query Lingua Franca (ISO CQLF), a specification designed at ISO Technical Committee 37 Subcommittee 4 “Language resource management” for the purpose of facilitating the comparison of properties of corpus query languages. We overview the motivation for this endeavour and present its aims and its general architecture. CQLF is intended as a multi-part specification; here, we concentrate on the basic metamodel that provides a frame that the other parts fit in.


The New IDS Corpus Analysis Platform: Challenges and Prospects
Piotr Bański | Peter M. Fischer | Elena Frick | Erik Ketzan | Marc Kupietz | Carsten Schnober | Oliver Schonefeld | Andreas Witt
Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC'12)

The present article describes the first stage of the KorAP project, launched recently at the Institut für Deutsche Sprache (IDS) in Mannheim, Germany. The aim of this project is to develop an innovative corpus analysis platform to tackle the increasing demands of modern linguistic research. The platform will facilitate new linguistic findings by making it possible to manage and analyse primary data and annotations in the petabyte range, while at the same time allowing an undistorted view of the primary linguistic data, and thus fully satisfying the demands of a scientific tool. An additional important aim of the project is to make corpus data as openly accessible as possible in light of unavoidable legal restrictions, for instance through support for distributed virtual corpora, user-defined annotations and adaptable user interfaces, as well as interfaces and sandboxes for user-supplied analysis applications. We discuss our motivation for undertaking this endeavour and the challenges that face it. Next, we outline our software implementation plan and describe development to-date.

Evaluating Query Languages for a Corpus Processing System
Elena Frick | Carsten Schnober | Piotr Bański
Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC'12)

This paper documents a pilot study conducted as part of the development of a new corpus processing system at the Institut für Deutsche Sprache in Mannheim and in the context of the ISO TC37 SC4/WG6 activity on the suggested work item proposal “Corpus Query Lingua Franca”. We describe the first phase of our research: the initial formulation of functionality criteria for query language evaluation and the results of the application of these criteria to three representatives of corpus query languages, namely COSMAS II, Poliqarp, and ANNIS QL. In contrast to previous works on query language evaluation that compare a range of existing query languages against a small number of queries, our approach analyses only three query languages against criteria derived from a suite of 300 use cases that cover diverse aspects of linguistic research.