Cornelia Fermüller

Also published as: Cornelia Fermuller


Diving Deep into the Motion Representation of Video-Text Models
Chinmaya Devaraj | Cornelia Fermuller | Yiannis Aloimonos
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: ACL 2024

Videos are more informative than images becausethey capture the dynamics of the scene.By representing motion in videos, we can capturedynamic activities. In this work, we introduceGPT-4 generated motion descriptions thatcapture fine-grained motion descriptions of activitiesand apply them to three action datasets.We evaluated several video-text models on thetask of retrieval of motion descriptions. Wefound that they fall far behind human expertperformance on two action datasets, raisingthe question of whether video-text models understandmotion in videos. To address it, weintroduce a method of improving motion understandingin video-text models by utilizingmotion descriptions. This method proves tobe effective on two action datasets for the motiondescription retrieval task. The results drawattention to the need for quality captions involvingfine-grained motion information in existingdatasets and demonstrate the effectiveness ofthe proposed pipeline in understanding finegrainedmotion during video-text retrieval.


Learning the Semantics of Manipulation Action
Yezhou Yang | Yiannis Aloimonos | Cornelia Fermüller | Eren Erdal Aksoy
Proceedings of the 53rd Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics and the 7th International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing (Volume 1: Long Papers)