Zonghai Yao


LocalTweets to LocalHealth: A Mental Health Surveillance Framework Based on Twitter Data
Vijeta Deshpande | Minhwa Lee | Zonghai Yao | Zihao Zhang | Jason Brian Gibbons | Hong Yu
Proceedings of the 2024 Joint International Conference on Computational Linguistics, Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC-COLING 2024)

Prior research on Twitter (now X) data has provided positive evidence of its utility in developing supplementary health surveillance systems. In this study, we present a new framework to surveil public health, focusing on mental health (MH) outcomes. We hypothesize that locally posted tweets are indicative of local MH outcomes and collect tweets posted from 765 neighborhoods (census block groups) in the USA. We pair these tweets from each neighborhood with the corresponding MH outcome reported by the Center for Disease Control (CDC) to create a benchmark dataset, LocalTweets. With LocalTweets, we present the first population-level evaluation task for Twitter-based MH surveillance systems. We then develop an efficient and effective method, LocalHealth, for predicting MH outcomes based on LocalTweets. When used with GPT3.5, LocalHealth achieves the highest F1-score and accuracy of 0.7429 and 79.78%, respectively, a 59% improvement in F1-score over the GPT3.5 in zero-shot setting. We also utilize LocalHealth to extrapolate CDC’s estimates to proxy unreported neighborhoods, achieving an F1-score of 0.7291. Our work suggests that Twitter data can be effectively leveraged to simulate neighborhood-level MH outcomes.


Revisiting the Architectures like Pointer Networks to Efficiently Improve the Next Word Distribution, Summarization Factuality, and Beyond
Haw-Shiuan Chang | Zonghai Yao | Alolika Gon | Hong Yu | Andrew McCallum
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: ACL 2023

Is the output softmax layer, which is adopted by most language models (LMs), always the best way to compute the next word probability? Given so many attention layers in a modern transformer-based LM, are the pointer networks redundant nowadays? In this study, we discover that the answers to both questions are no. This is because the softmax bottleneck sometimes prevents the LMs from predicting the desired distribution and the pointer networks can be used to break the bottleneck efficiently. Based on the finding, we propose several softmax alternatives by simplifying the pointer networks and accelerating the word-by-word rerankers. In GPT-2, our proposals are significantly better and more efficient than mixture of softmax, a state-of-the-art softmax alternative. In summarization experiments, without very significantly decreasing its training/testing speed, our best method based on T5-Small improves factCC score by 2 points in CNN/DM and XSUM dataset, and improves MAUVE scores by 30% in BookSum paragraph-level dataset.

Improving Summarization with Human Edits
Zonghai Yao | Benjamin Schloss | Sai Selvaraj
Proceedings of the 2023 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing

Recent work has shown the promise of learning with human feedback paradigms to produce human-determined high-quality text. Existing works use human feedback to train large language models (LLMs) in general domain abstractive summarization and have obtained summary quality exceeding traditional likelihood training. In this paper, we focus on a less explored form of human feedback – Human Edits. We propose Sequence Alignment (un)Likelihood Training (SALT), a novel technique to use both the human-edited and model-generated data together in the training loop. In addition, we demonstrate simulating Human Edits with ground truth summaries coming from existing training data – Imitation edits, along with the model-generated summaries obtained after the training, to reduce the need for expensive human-edit data. In our experiments, we extend human feedback exploration from general domain summarization to medical domain summarization. Our results demonstrate the effectiveness of SALT in improving the summary quality with Human and Imitation Edits. Through additional experiments, we show that SALT outperforms the conventional RLHF method (designed for human preferences) – DPO, when applied to human-edit data. We hope the evidence in our paper prompts researchers to explore, collect, and better use different human feedback approaches scalably.

UMASS_BioNLP at MEDIQA-Chat 2023: Can LLMs generate high-quality synthetic note-oriented doctor-patient conversations?
Junda Wang | Zonghai Yao | Avijit Mitra | Samuel Osebe | Zhichao Yang | Hong Yu
Proceedings of the 5th Clinical Natural Language Processing Workshop

This paper presents UMASS_BioNLP team participation in the MEDIQA-Chat 2023 shared task for Task-A and Task-C. We focus especially on Task-C and propose a novel LLMs cooperation system named a doctor-patient loop to generate high-quality conversation data sets. The experiment results demonstrate that our approaches yield reasonable performance as evaluated by automatic metrics such as ROUGE, medical concept recall, BLEU, and Self-BLEU. Furthermore, we conducted a comparative analysis between our proposed method and ChatGPT and GPT-4. This analysis also investigates the potential of utilizing cooperation LLMs to generate high-quality datasets.


MedJEx: A Medical Jargon Extraction Model with Wiki’s Hyperlink Span and Contextualized Masked Language Model Score
Sunjae Kwon | Zonghai Yao | Harmon Jordan | David Levy | Brian Corner | Hong Yu
Proceedings of the 2022 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing

This paper proposes a new natural language processing (NLP) application for identifying medical jargon terms potentially difficult for patients to comprehend from electronic health record (EHR) notes. We first present a novel and publicly available dataset with expert-annotated medical jargon terms from 18K+ EHR note sentences (MedJ). Then, we introduce a novel medical jargon extraction (MedJEx) model which has been shown to outperform existing state-of-the-art NLP models. First, MedJEx improved the overall performance when it was trained on an auxiliary Wikipedia hyperlink span dataset, where hyperlink spans provide additional Wikipedia articles to explain the spans (or terms), and then fine-tuned on the annotated MedJ data. Secondly, we found that a contextualized masked language model score was beneficial for detecting domain-specific unfamiliar jargon terms. Moreover, our results show that training on the auxiliary Wikipedia hyperlink span datasets improved six out of eight biomedical named entity recognition benchmark datasets. MedJEx is publicly available.


Improving Formality Style Transfer with Context-Aware Rule Injection
Zonghai Yao | Hong Yu
Proceedings of the 59th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics and the 11th International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing (Volume 1: Long Papers)

Models pre-trained on large-scale regular text corpora often do not work well for user-generated data where the language styles differ significantly from the mainstream text. Here we present Context-Aware Rule Injection (CARI), an innovative method for formality style transfer (FST) by injecting multiple rules into an end-to-end BERT-based encoder and decoder model. CARI is able to learn to select optimal rules based on context. The intrinsic evaluation showed that CARI achieved the new highest performance on the FST benchmark dataset. Our extrinsic evaluation showed that CARI can greatly improve the regular pre-trained models’ performance on several tweet sentiment analysis tasks. Our contributions are as follows: 1.We propose a new method, CARI, to integrate rules for pre-trained language models. CARI is context-aware and can trained end-to-end with the downstream NLP applications. 2.We have achieved new state-of-the-art results for FST on the benchmark GYAFC dataset. 3.We are the first to evaluate FST methods with extrinsic evaluation and specifically on sentiment classification tasks. We show that CARI outperformed existing rule-based FST approaches for sentiment classification.


The impact of preprint servers in the formation of novel ideas
Swarup Satish | Zonghai Yao | Andrew Drozdov | Boris Veytsman
Proceedings of the First Workshop on Scholarly Document Processing

We study whether novel ideas in biomedical literature appear first in preprints or traditional journals. We develop a Bayesian method to estimate the time of appearance for a phrase in the literature, and apply it to a number of phrases, both automatically extracted and suggested by experts. We see that presently most phrases appear first in the traditional journals, but there is a number of phrases with the first appearance on preprint servers. A comparison of the general composition of texts from bioRxiv and traditional journals shows a growing trend of bioRxiv being predictive of traditional journals. We discuss the application of the method for related problems.

Zero-shot Entity Linking with Efficient Long Range Sequence Modeling
Zonghai Yao | Liangliang Cao | Huapu Pan
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: EMNLP 2020

This paper considers the problem of zero-shot entity linking, in which a link in the test time may not present in training. Following the prevailing BERT-based research efforts, we find a simple yet effective way is to expand the long-range sequence modeling. Unlike many previous methods, our method does not require expensive pre-training of BERT with long position embeddings. Instead, we propose an efficient position embeddings initialization method called Embedding-repeat, which initializes larger position embeddings based on BERT-Base. On the zero-shot entity linking dataset, our method improves the STOA from 76.06% to 79.08%, and for its long data, the corresponding improvement is from 74.57% to 82.14%. Our experiments suggest the effectiveness of long-range sequence modeling without retraining the BERT model.