Wenbin Zhang


Fine-Grained Legal Argument-Pair Extraction via Coarse-Grained Pre-training
Chaojun Xiao | Yutao Sun | Yuan Yao | Xu Han | Wenbin Zhang | Zhiyuan Liu | Maosong Sun
Proceedings of the 2024 Joint International Conference on Computational Linguistics, Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC-COLING 2024)

Legal Argument-Pair Extraction (LAE) is dedicated to the identification of interactive arguments targeting the same subject matter within legal complaints and corresponding defenses. This process serves as a foundation for automatically recognizing the focal points of disputes. Current methodologies predominantly conceptualize LAE as a supervised sentence-pair classification problem and usually necessitate extensive manual annotations, thereby constraining their scalability and general applicability. To this end, we present an innovative approach to LAE that focuses on fine-grained alignment of argument pairs, building upon coarse-grained complaint-defense pairs. This strategy stems from two key observations: 1) In general, every argument presented in a legal complaint is likely to be addressed by at least one corresponding argument in the defense. 2) It’s rare for multiple complaint arguments to be addressed by a single defense argument; rather, each complaint argument usually corresponds to a unique defense argument. Motivated by these insights, we develop a specialized pre-training framework. Our model employs pre-training objectives designed to exploit the coarse-grained supervision signals. This enables expressive representations of legal arguments for LAE, even when working with a limited amount of labeled data. To verify the effectiveness of our model, we construct the largest LAE datasets from two representative causes, private lending, and contract dispute. The experimental results demonstrate that our model can effectively capture informative argument knowledge from unlabeled complaint-defense pairs and outperform the unsupervised and supervised baselines by 3.7 and 2.4 points on average respectively. Besides, our model can reach superior accuracy with only half manually annotated data. The datasets and code can be found in https://github.com/thunlp/LAE.


Variator: Accelerating Pre-trained Models with Plug-and-Play Compression Modules
Chaojun Xiao | Yuqi Luo | Wenbin Zhang | Pengle Zhang | Xu Han | Yankai Lin | Zhengyan Zhang | Ruobing Xie | Zhiyuan Liu | Maosong Sun | Jie Zhou
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: EMNLP 2023

Large language models (LLMs) have achieved remarkable results on NLP tasks but at the expense of huge parameter sizes and the consequent computational costs. In this paper, we propose Variator, a parameter-efficient acceleration method that enhances computational efficiency through plug-and-play compression plugins. Compression plugins are designed to reduce the sequence length via compressing multiple hidden vectors into one and trained with original LLMs frozen. Different from traditional model acceleration methods, which compress LLMs to smaller sizes, Variator offers two distinct advantages: (1) In real-world applications, the plug-and-play nature of our compression plugins enables dynamic selection of different compression plugins with varying acceleration ratios based on the current workload. (2) The compression plugin comprises a few compact neural network layers with minimal parameters, significantly saving storage and memory overhead, particularly in scenarios with a growing number of tasks. We validate the effectiveness of Variator on seven datasets. Experimental results show that Variator can save 53% computational costs using only 0.9% additional parameters with a performance drop of less than 2%. Moreover, when the model scales to billions of parameters, Variator matches the strong performance of uncompressed LLMs. Our code and checkpoints will be released to facilitate future work.