Tsz Kin Lam


Prosody in Cascade and Direct Speech-to-Text Translation: a case study on Korean Wh-Phrases
Giulio Zhou | Tsz Kin Lam | Alexandra Birch | Barry Haddow
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: EACL 2024

Speech-to-Text Translation (S2TT) has typically been addressed with cascade systems, where speech recognition systems generate a transcription that is subsequently passed to a translation model. While there has been a growing interest in developing direct speech translation systems to avoid propagating errors and losing non-verbal content, prior work in direct S2TT has struggled to conclusively establish the advantages of integrating the acoustic signal directly into the translation process. This work proposes using contrastive evaluation to quantitatively measure the ability of direct S2TT systems to disambiguate utterances where prosody plays a crucial role. Specifically, we evaluated Korean-English translation systems on a test set containing wh-phrases, for which prosodic features are necessary to produce translations with the correct intent, whether it’s a statement, a yes/no question, a wh-question, and more. Our results clearly demonstrate the value of direct translation systems over cascade translation models, with a notable 12.9% improvement in overall accuracy in ambiguous cases, along with up to a 15.6% increase in F1 scores for one of the major intent categories. To the best of our knowledge, this work stands as the first to provide quantitative evidence that direct S2TT models can effectively leverage prosody. The code for our evaluation is openly accessible and freely available for review and utilisation.


Sample, Translate, Recombine: Leveraging Audio Alignments for Data Augmentation in End-to-end Speech Translation
Tsz Kin Lam | Shigehiko Schamoni | Stefan Riezler
Proceedings of the 60th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 2: Short Papers)

End-to-end speech translation relies on data that pair source-language speech inputs with corresponding translations into a target language. Such data are notoriously scarce, making synthetic data augmentation by back-translation or knowledge distillation a necessary ingredient of end-to-end training. In this paper, we present a novel approach to data augmentation that leverages audio alignments, linguistic properties, and translation. First, we augment a transcription by sampling from a suffix memory that stores text and audio data. Second, we translate the augmented transcript. Finally, we recombine concatenated audio segments and the generated translation. Our method delivers consistent improvements of up to 0.9 and 1.1 BLEU points on top of augmentation with knowledge distillation on five language pairs on CoVoST 2 and on two language pairs on Europarl-ST, respectively.

Analyzing the Use of Influence Functions for Instance-Specific Data Filtering in Neural Machine Translation
Tsz Kin Lam | Eva Hasler | Felix Hieber
Proceedings of the Seventh Conference on Machine Translation (WMT)

Customer feedback can be an important signal for improving commercial machine translation systems. One solution for fixing specific translation errors is to remove the related erroneous training instances followed by re-training of the machine translation system, which we refer to as instance-specific data filtering. Influence functions (IF) have been shown to be effective in finding such relevant training examples for classification tasks such as image classification, toxic speech detection and entailment task. Given a probing instance, IF find influential training examples by measuring the similarity of the probing instance with a set of training examples in gradient space. In this work, we examine the use of influence functions for Neural Machine Translation (NMT). We propose two effective extensions to a state of the art influence function and demonstrate on the sub-problem of copied training examples that IF can be applied more generally than hand-crafted regular expressions.


Interactive-Predictive Neural Machine Translation through Reinforcement and Imitation
Tsz Kin Lam | Shigehiko Schamoni | Stefan Riezler
Proceedings of Machine Translation Summit XVII: Research Track


A Reinforcement Learning Approach to Interactive-Predictive Neural Machine Translation
Tsz Kin Lam | Julia Kreutzer | Stefan Riezler
Proceedings of the 21st Annual Conference of the European Association for Machine Translation

We present an approach to interactivepredictive neural machine translation that attempts to reduce human effort from three directions: Firstly, instead of requiring humans to select, correct, or delete segments, we employ the idea of learning from human reinforcements in form of judgments on the quality of partial translations. Secondly, human effort is further reduced by using the entropy of word predictions as uncertainty criterion to trigger feedback requests. Lastly, online updates of the model parameters after every interaction allow the model to adapt quickly. We show in simulation experiments that reward signals on partial translations significantly improve character F-score and BLEU compared to feedback on full translations only, while human effort can be reduced to an average number of 5 feedback requests for every input.