Shuang Peng

Also published as:


FlattenQuant: Breaking through the Inference Compute-bound for Large Language Models with Per-tensor Quantization
Yi Zhang | Fei Yang | Shuang Peng | Fangyu Wang | Aimin Pan
Proceedings of the 2024 Joint International Conference on Computational Linguistics, Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC-COLING 2024)

Large language models (LLMs) have demonstrated state-of-the-art accuracies across various tasks. However, the latency of inference and the large GPU memory consumption of LLMs restrict their deployment performance. Recently, there have been some efficient attempts to quantize LLMs, yet inference with large batch size or long sequence still has the issue of being compute-bound. Fine-grained quantization methods have showcased their proficiency in achieving low-bit quantization for LLMs, while requiring FP16 data type for linear layer computations, which is time-consuming when dealing with large batch size or long sequence. In this paper, we introduce a method called FlattenQuant, which significantly reduces the maximum value of the tensor by flattening the larger channels in the tensor, to achieve low bit per-tensor quantization with minimal accuracy loss. Our experiments show that FlattenQuant can directly use 4 bits to achieve 48.29% of the linear layer calculation in LLMs, with the remaining layer using 8 bits. The 4-bit matrix multiplication introduced in the FlattenQuant method can effectively address the compute-bound caused by large matrix calculation. Our work achieves up to 2× speedup and 2.3× memory reduction for LLMs with negligible loss in accuracy.


基于RoBERTa的中文仇恨言论侦测方法研究(Chinese Hate Speech detection method Based on RoBERTa-WWM)
Xiaojun Rao | Yangsen Zhang | Qilong Jia | Xueyang Liu | 晓俊 饶 | 仰森 张 | 爽 彭 | 启龙 贾 | 雪阳 刘
Proceedings of the 22nd Chinese National Conference on Computational Linguistics



A Dialogue-based Information Extraction System for Medical Insurance Assessment
Shuang Peng | Mengdi Zhou | Minghui Yang | Haitao Mi | Shaosheng Cao | Zujie Wen | Teng Xu | Hongbin Wang | Lei Liu
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: ACL-IJCNLP 2021