José Antonio García-Díaz

Also published as: Jose Antonio Garcia-Diaz


Overview of Second Shared Task on Homophobia and Transphobia Detection in Social Media Comments
Bharathi Raja Chakravarthi | Rahul Ponnusamy | Malliga S | Paul Buitelaar | Miguel Ángel García-Cumbreras | Salud María Jimenez-Zafra | Jose Antonio Garcia-Diaz | Rafael Valencia-Garcia | Nitesh Jindal
Proceedings of the Third Workshop on Language Technology for Equality, Diversity and Inclusion

We present an overview of the second shared task on homophobia/transphobia Detection in social media comments. Given a comment, a system must predict whether or not it contains any form of homophobia/transphobia. The shared task included five languages: English, Spanish, Tamil, Hindi, and Malayalam. The data was given for two tasks. Task A was given three labels, and Task B fine-grained seven labels. In total, 75 teams enrolled for the shared task in Codalab. For task A, 12 teams submitted systems for English, eight teams for Tamil, eight teams for Spanish, and seven teams for Hindi. For task B, nine teams submitted for English, 7 teams for Tamil, 6 teams for Malayalam. We present and analyze all submissions in this paper.

Overview of the Shared Task on Hope Speech Detection for Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion
Prasanna Kumar Kumaresan | Bharathi Raja Chakravarthi | Subalalitha Cn | Miguel Ángel García-Cumbreras | Salud María Jiménez Zafra | José Antonio García-Díaz | Rafael Valencia-García | Momchil Hardalov | Ivan Koychev | Preslav Nakov | Daniel García-Baena | Kishore Kumar Ponnusamy
Proceedings of the Third Workshop on Language Technology for Equality, Diversity and Inclusion

Hope serves as a powerful driving force that encourages individuals to persevere in the face of the unpredictable nature of human existence. It instills motivation within us to remain steadfast in our pursuit of important goals, regardless of the uncertainties that lie ahead. In today’s digital age, platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube have emerged as prominent social media outlets where people freely express their views and opinions. These platforms have also become crucial for marginalized individuals seeking online assistance and support[1][2][3]. The outbreak of the pandemic has exacerbated people’s fears around the world, as they grapple with the possibility of losing loved ones and the lack of access to essential services such as schools, hospitals, and mental health facilities.

UMUTeam at SemEval-2023 Task 12: Ensemble Learning of LLMs applied to Sentiment Analysis for Low-resource African Languages
José Antonio García-Díaz | Camilo Caparros-laiz | Ángela Almela | Gema Alcaráz-Mármol | María José Marín-Pérez | Rafael Valencia-García
Proceedings of the 17th International Workshop on Semantic Evaluation (SemEval-2023)

These working notes summarize the participation of the UMUTeam in the SemEval 2023 shared task: AfriSenti, focused on Sentiment Analysis in several African languages. Two subtasks are proposed, one in which each language is considered separately and another one in which all languages are merged. Our proposal to solve both subtasks is grounded on the combination of features extracted from several multilingual Large Language Models and a subset of language-independent linguistic features. Our best results are achieved with the African languages less represented in the training set: Xitsonga, a Mozambique dialect, with a weighted f1-score of 54.89\%; Algerian Arabic, with a weighted f1-score of 68.52\%; Swahili, with a weighted f1-score of 60.52\%; and Twi, with a weighted f1-score of 71.14%.

UMUTeam and SINAI at SemEval-2023 Task 9: Multilingual Tweet Intimacy Analysis using Multilingual Large Language Models and Data Augmentation
José Antonio García-Díaz | Ronghao Pan | Salud María Jiménez Zafra | María-Teresa Martn-Valdivia | L. Alfonso Ureña-López | Rafael Valencia-García
Proceedings of the 17th International Workshop on Semantic Evaluation (SemEval-2023)

This work presents the participation of the UMUTeam and the SINAI research groups in the SemEval-2023 Task 9: Multilingual Tweet Intimacy Analysis. The goal of this task is to predict the intimacy of a set of tweets in 10 languages: English, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, French, Chinese, Hindi, Arabic, Dutch and Korean, of which, the last 4 are not in the training data. Our approach to address this task is based on data augmentation and the use of three multilingual Large Language Models (multilingual BERT, XLM and mDeBERTA) by ensemble learning. Our team ranked 30th out of 45 participants. Our best results were achieved with two unseen languages: Korean (16th) and Hindi (19th).

UMUTeam at SemEval-2023 Task 10: Fine-grained detection of sexism in English
Ronghao Pan | José Antonio García-Díaz | Salud María Jiménez Zafra | Rafael Valencia-García
Proceedings of the 17th International Workshop on Semantic Evaluation (SemEval-2023)

In this manuscript, we describe the participation of UMUTeam in the Explainable Detection of Online Sexism shared task proposed at SemEval 2023. This task concerns the precise and explainable detection of sexist content on Gab and Reddit, i.e., developing detailed classifiers that not only identify what is sexist, but also explain why it is sexism. Our participation in the three EDOS subtasks is based on extending new unlabeled sexism data in the Masked Language Model task of a pre-trained model, such as RoBERTa-large to improve its generalization capacity and its performance on classification tasks. Once the model has been pre-trained with the new data, fine-tuning of this model is performed for different specific sexism classification tasks. Our system has achieved excellent results in this competitive task, reaching top 24 (84) in Task A, top 23 (69) in Task B, and top 13 (63) in Task C.

UMUTeam at SemEval-2023 Task 3: Multilingual transformer-based model for detecting the Genre, the Framing, and the Persuasion Techniques in Online News
Ronghao Pan | José Antonio García-Díaz | Miguel Ángel Rodríguez-García | Rafael Valencia-García
Proceedings of the 17th International Workshop on Semantic Evaluation (SemEval-2023)

In this manuscript, we describe the participation of the UMUTeam in SemEval-2023 Task 3, a shared task on detecting different aspects of news articles and other web documents, such as document category, framing dimensions, and persuasion technique in a multilingual setup. The task has been organized into three related subtasks, and we have been involved in the first two. Our approach is based on a fine-tuned multilingual transformer-based model that uses the dataset of all languages at once and a sentence transformer model to extract the most relevant chunk of a text for subtasks 1 and 2. The input data was truncated to 200 tokens with 50 overlaps using the sentence-transformer model to obtain the subset of text most related to the articles’ titles. Our system has performed good results in subtask 1 in most languages, and in some cases, such as French and German, we have archived first place in the official leader board. As for task 2, our system has also performed very well in all languages, ranking in all the top 10.

Chick Adams at SemEval-2023 Task 5: Using RoBERTa and DeBERTa to Extract Post and Document-based Features for Clickbait Spoiling
Ronghao Pan | José Antonio García-Díaz | Franciso García-Sánchez | Rafael Valencia-García
Proceedings of the 17th International Workshop on Semantic Evaluation (SemEval-2023)

In this manuscript, we describe the participation of the UMUTeam in SemEval-2023 Task 5, namely, Clickbait Spoiling, a shared task on identifying spoiler type (i.e., a phrase or a passage) and generating short texts that satisfy curiosity induced by a clickbait post, i.e. generating spoilers for the clickbait post. Our participation in Task 1 is based on fine-tuning pre-trained models, which consists in taking a pre-trained model and tuning it to fit the spoiler classification task. Our system has obtained excellent results in Task 1: we outperformed all proposed baselines, being within the Top 10 for most measures. Foremost, we reached Top 3 in F1 score in the passage spoiler ranking.

UMUTeam at SemEval-2023 Task 11: Ensemble Learning applied to Binary Supervised Classifiers with disagreements
José Antonio García-Díaz | Ronghao Pan | Gema Alcaráz-Mármol | María José Marín-Pérez | Rafael Valencia-García
Proceedings of the 17th International Workshop on Semantic Evaluation (SemEval-2023)

This paper describes the participation of the UMUTeam in the Learning With Disagreements (Le-Wi-Di) shared task proposed at SemEval 2023, which objective is the development of supervised automatic classifiers that consider, during training, the agreements and disagreements among the annotators of the datasets. Specifically, this edition includes a multilingual dataset. Our proposal is grounded on the development of ensemble learning classifiers that combine the outputs of several Large Language Models. Our proposal ranked position 18 of a total of 30 participants. However, our proposal did not incorporate the information about the disagreements. In contrast, we compare the performance of building several classifiers for each dataset separately with a merged dataset.


UMUTextStats: A linguistic feature extraction tool for Spanish
José Antonio García-Díaz | Pedro José Vivancos-Vicente | Ángela Almela | Rafael Valencia-García
Proceedings of the Thirteenth Language Resources and Evaluation Conference

Feature Engineering consists in the application of domain knowledge to select and transform relevant features to build efficient machine learning models. In the Natural Language Processing field, the state of the art concerning automatic document classification tasks relies on word and sentence embeddings built upon deep learning models based on transformers that have outperformed the competition in several tasks. However, the models built from these embeddings are usually difficult to interpret. On the contrary, linguistic features are easy to understand, they result in simpler models, and they usually achieve encouraging results. Moreover, both linguistic features and embeddings can be combined with different strategies which result in more reliable machine-learning models. The de facto tool for extracting linguistic features in Spanish is LIWC. However, this software does not consider specific linguistic phenomena of Spanish such as grammatical gender and lacks certain verb tenses. In order to solve these drawbacks, we have developed UMUTextStats, a linguistic extraction tool designed from scratch for Spanish. Furthermore, this tool has been validated to conduct different experiments in areas such as infodemiology, hate-speech detection, author profiling, authorship verification, humour or irony detection, among others. The results indicate that the combination of linguistic features and embeddings based on transformers are beneficial in automatic document classification.


UMUTeam at SemEval-2021 Task 7: Detecting and Rating Humor and Offense with Linguistic Features and Word Embeddings
José Antonio García-Díaz | Rafael Valencia-García
Proceedings of the 15th International Workshop on Semantic Evaluation (SemEval-2021)

In writing, humor is mainly based on figurative language in which words and expressions change their conventional meaning to refer to something without saying it directly. This flip in the meaning of the words prevents Natural Language Processing from revealing the real intention of a communication and, therefore, reduces the effectiveness of tasks such as Sentiment Analysis or Emotion Detection. In this manuscript we describe the participation of the UMUTeam in HaHackathon 2021, whose objective is to detect and rate humorous and controversial content. Our proposal is based on the combination of linguistic features with contextual and non-contextual word embeddings. We participate in all the proposed subtasks achieving our best result in the controversial humor subtask.