Gokmen Oz


Towards Equitable Natural Language Understanding Systems for Dialectal Cohorts: Debiasing Training Data
Khadige Abboud | Gokmen Oz
Proceedings of the 2024 Joint International Conference on Computational Linguistics, Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC-COLING 2024)

Despite being widely spoken, dialectal variants of languages are frequently considered low in resources due to lack of writing standards and orthographic inconsistencies. As a result, training natural language understanding (NLU) systems relies primarily on standard language resources leading to biased and inequitable NLU technology that underserves dialectal speakers. In this paper, we propose to address this problem through a framework composed of a dialect identification model that is used to obtain targeted training data augmentation for under-represented dialects, in an effort to debias NLU model for dialectal cohorts in NLU systems. We conduct experiments on two dialect rich non-English languages: Arabic and German, using large-scale commercial NLU datasets as well as open-source datasets. Results show that such framework can provide insights on dialect disparity in real-world NLU systems and targeted data argumentation can help narrow the model’s performance gap between standard language speakers and dialect speakers.


Knowledge Distillation Transfer Sets and their Impact on Downstream NLU Tasks
Charith Peris | Lizhen Tan | Thomas Gueudre | Turan Gojayev | Pan Wei | Gokmen Oz
Proceedings of the 2022 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing: Industry Track

Teacher-student knowledge distillation is a popular technique for compressing today’s prevailing large language models into manageable sizes that fit low-latency downstream applications. Both the teacher and the choice of transfer set used for distillation are crucial ingredients in creating a high quality student. Yet, the generic corpora used to pretrain the teacher and the corpora associated with the downstream target domain are often significantly different, which raises a natural question: should the student be distilled over the generic corpora, so as to learn from high-quality teacher predictions, or over the downstream task corpora to align with finetuning? Our study investigates this trade-off using Domain Classification (DC) and Intent Classification/Named Entity Recognition (ICNER) as downstream tasks. We distill several multilingual students from a larger multilingual LM with varying proportions of generic and task-specific datasets, and report their performance after finetuning on DC and ICNER. We observe significant improvements across tasks and test sets when only task-specific corpora is used. We also report on how the impact of adding task-specific data to the transfer set correlates with the similarity between generic and task-specific data. Our results clearly indicate that, while distillation from a generic LM benefits downstream tasks, students learn better using target domain data even if it comes at the price of noisier teacher predictions. In other words, target domain data still trumps teacher knowledge.


Using multiple ASR hypotheses to boost i18n NLU performance
Charith Peris | Gokmen Oz | Khadige Abboud | Venkata sai Varada Varada | Prashan Wanigasekara | Haidar Khan
Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Natural Language Processing (ICON)

Current voice assistants typically use the best hypothesis yielded by their Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) module as input to their Natural Language Understanding (NLU) module, thereby losing helpful information that might be stored in lower-ranked ASR hypotheses. We explore the change in performance of NLU associated tasks when utilizing five-best ASR hypotheses when compared to status quo for two language datasets, German and Portuguese. To harvest information from the ASR five-best, we leverage extractive summarization and joint extractive-abstractive summarization models for Domain Classification (DC) experiments while using a sequence-to-sequence model with a pointer generator network for Intent Classification (IC) and Named Entity Recognition (NER) multi-task experiments. For the DC full test set, we observe significant improvements of up to 7.2% and 15.5% in micro-averaged F1 scores, for German and Portuguese, respectively. In cases where the best ASR hypothesis was not an exact match to the transcribed utterance (mismatched test set), we see improvements of up to 6.7% and 8.8% micro-averaged F1 scores, for German and Portuguese, respectively. For IC and NER multi-task experiments, when evaluating on the mismatched test set, we see improvements across all domains in German and in 17 out of 19 domains in Portuguese (improvements based on change in SeMER scores). Our results suggest that the use of multiple ASR hypotheses, as opposed to one, can lead to significant performance improvements in the DC task for these non-English datasets. In addition, it could lead to significant improvement in the performance of IC and NER tasks in cases where the ASR model makes mistakes.