Anni Zou


AuRoRA: A One-for-all Platform for Augmented Reasoning and Refining with Task-Adaptive Chain-of-Thought Prompting
Anni Zou | Zhuosheng Zhang | Hai Zhao
Proceedings of the 2024 Joint International Conference on Computational Linguistics, Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC-COLING 2024)

Large language models (LLMs) empowered by chain-of-thought (CoT) prompting have yielded remarkable prowess in reasoning tasks. Nevertheless, current methods predominantly lean on handcrafted or task-specific demonstrations, lack reliable knowledge basis and thus struggle for trustworthy responses in an automated pattern. While recent works endeavor to improve upon one certain aspect, they ignore the importance and necessity of establishing an integrated and interpretable reasoning system. To address these drawbacks and provide a universal solution, we propose AuRoRA: a one-for-all platform for augmented reasoning and refining based on CoT prompting that excels in adaptability, reliability, integrity, and interpretability. The system exhibits superior performances across six reasoning tasks and offers real-time visual analysis, which has pivotal academic and application value in the era of LLMs. The AuRoRA platform is available at


Decker: Double Check with Heterogeneous Knowledge for Commonsense Fact Verification
Anni Zou | Zhuosheng Zhang | Hai Zhao
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: ACL 2023

Commonsense fact verification, as a challenging branch of commonsense question-answering (QA), aims to verify through facts whether a given commonsense claim is correct or not. Answering commonsense questions necessitates a combination of knowledge from various levels. However, existing studies primarily rest on grasping either unstructured evidence or potential reasoning paths from structured knowledge bases, yet failing to exploit the benefits of heterogeneous knowledge simultaneously. In light of this, we propose Decker, a commonsense fact verification model that is capable of bridging heterogeneous knowledge by uncovering latent relationships between structured and unstructured knowledge. Experimental results on two commonsense fact verification benchmark datasets, CSQA2.0 and CREAK demonstrate the effectiveness of our Decker and further analysis verifies its capability to seize more precious information through reasoning. The official implementation of Decker is available at