Ádám Kovács


BMEAUT at SemEval-2020 Task 2: Lexical Entailment with Semantic Graphs
Ádám Kovács | Kinga Gémes | Andras Kornai | Gábor Recski
Proceedings of the Fourteenth Workshop on Semantic Evaluation

In this paper we present a novel rule-based, language independent method for determining lexical entailment relations using semantic representations built from Wiktionary definitions. Combined with a simple WordNet-based method our system achieves top scores on the English and Italian datasets of the Semeval-2020 task “Predicting Multilingual and Cross-lingual (graded) Lexical Entailment” (Glavaš et al., 2020). A detailed error analysis of our output uncovers future di- rections for improving both the semantic parsing method and the inference process on semantic graphs.

Better Together: Modern Methods Plus Traditional Thinking in NP Alignment
Ádám Kovács | Judit Ács | Andras Kornai | Gábor Recski
Proceedings of the Twelfth Language Resources and Evaluation Conference

We study a typical intermediary task to Machine Translation, the alignment of NPs in the bitext. After arguing that the task remains relevant even in an end-to-end paradigm, we present simple, dictionary- and word vector-based baselines and a BERT-based system. Our results make clear that even state of the art systems relying on the best end-to-end methods can be improved by bringing in old-fashioned methods such as stopword removal, lemmatization, and dictionaries

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BME-TUW at SR’20: Lexical grammar induction for surface realization
Gábor Recski | Ádám Kovács | Kinga Gémes | Judit Ács | Andras Kornai
Proceedings of the Third Workshop on Multilingual Surface Realisation

We present a system for mapping Universal Dependency structures to raw text which learns to restore word order by training an Interpreted Regular Tree Grammar (IRTG) that establishes a mapping between string and graph operations. The reinflection step is handled by a standard sequence-to-sequence architecture with a biLSTM encoder and an LSTM decoder with attention. We modify our 2019 system (Kovács et al., 2019) with a new grammar induction mechanism that allows IRTG rules to operate on lemmata in addition to part-of-speech tags and ensures that each word and its dependents are reordered using the most specific set of learned patterns. We also introduce a hierarchical approach to word order restoration that independently determines the word order of each clause in a sentence before arranging them with respect to the main clause, thereby improving overall readability and also making the IRTG parsing task tractable. We participated in the 2020 Surface Realization Shared task, subtrack T1a (shallow, closed). Human evaluation shows we achieve significant improvements on two of the three out-of-domain datasets compared to the 2019 system we modified. Both components of our system are available on GitHub under an MIT license.


BME-UW at SRST-2019: Surface realization with Interpreted Regular Tree Grammars
Ádám Kovács | Evelin Ács | Judit Ács | Andras Kornai | Gábor Recski
Proceedings of the 2nd Workshop on Multilingual Surface Realisation (MSR 2019)

The Surface Realization Shared Task involves mapping Universal Dependency graphs to raw text, i.e. restoring word order and inflection from a graph of typed, directed dependencies between lemmas. Interpreted Regular Tree Grammars (IRTGs) encode the correspondence between generations in multiple algebras, and have previously been used for semantic parsing from raw text. Our system induces an IRTG for simultaneously building pairs of surface forms and UD graphs in the SRST training data, then prunes this grammar for each UD graph in the test data for efficient parsing and generation of the surface ordering of lemmas. For the inflection step we use a standard sequence-to-sequence model with a biLSTM encoder and an LSTM decoder with attention. Both components of our system are available on GitHub under an MIT license.