Proceedings of the 1st Nordic Conference of Computational Linguistics (NODALIDA 1977)
Sture Allén, Rolf Gavare, Martin Gellerstam (Editors)
- Anthology ID:
- W77-01
- Month:
- October
- Year:
- 1977
- Address:
- Gothenburg, Sweden
- Venue:
- NoDaLiDa
- SIG:
- Publisher:
- Språkdata, University of Gothenburg, Sweden
- URL:
- DOI:
- PDF:
Proceedings of the 1st Nordic Conference of Computational Linguistics (NODALIDA 1977)
Sture Allén
Rolf Gavare
Martin Gellerstam
Noen problemer ved opbygging av et datamaskinelt morfem-lexikon (Some problems in the construction of a computerized morpheme lexicon) [In Norwegian]
Gulbrand Alhaug
Computergenerering af lydskrevet dansk ud fra en quasiortografisk notation ved hjælp af generative fonologiske regler (Computer generation of Danish phonetic script from a quasi orthographic notation using generative phonological rules) [In Danish]
Hans Basbøll
Kjeld Kristensen
BETA-systemet: En sammanfattning (The BETA system: A summary) [In Swedish]
Benny Brodda
Algoritmisk textanalys – en presentation (Algorithmic text analysis – A presentation) [In Swedish]
Mats Eeg-Olofsson
EDB i ordboksproduksjon: Tillrettelegging av Norsk Landbruksordbok for trykking (EDB in dictionary production: Adaptation of the Norwegian Agricultural Dictionary for printing) [In Norwegian]
Ivar Fonnes
Experiments with odd languages
Eric Grinstead
Nyord-registrering i database (Registration of new words in databases) [In Norwegian]
Kolbjørn Heggstad
Harald Solevåg
Implementering av en metode for syntaktisk analyse av norsk (Implementation of a method for syntactic analysis of Norwegian) [In Norwegian]
Knut Hofland
DANwORD – Hyppighedsundersøgelser i moderne dansk (DANwORD – Frequency surveys in modern Danish) [In Danish]
Bente Maegaard
Hanne Ruus
Function words in Hákonar saga [In Norwegian]
Marina Mundt
Projektet Lexikalisk databas (The Lexical Database project) [In Swedish]
Bo Ralph
CHITAB – a “poor man’s” shortcut to computer processing of linguistic data
Jussi Salmela
Viljo Kohonen
Chartanalys och morfologi (Chart analysis and morphology) [In Swedish]
Anna Sågvall Hein