Zheng Zhao


Edinburgh at SemEval-2022 Task 1: Jointly Fishing for Word Embeddings and Definitions
Pinzhen Chen | Zheng Zhao
Proceedings of the 16th International Workshop on Semantic Evaluation (SemEval-2022)

This paper presents a winning submission to the SemEval 2022 Task 1 on two sub-tasks: reverse dictionary and definition modelling. We leverage a recently proposed unified model with multi-task training. It utilizes data symmetrically and learns to tackle both tracks concurrently. Analysis shows that our system performs consistently on diverse languages, and works the best with sgns embeddings. Yet, char and electra carry intriguing properties. The two tracks’ best results are always in differing subsets grouped by linguistic annotations. In this task, the quality of definition generation lags behind, and BLEU scores might be misleading.

Understanding Domain Learning in Language Models Through Subpopulation Analysis
Zheng Zhao | Yftah Ziser | Shay Cohen
Proceedings of the Fifth BlackboxNLP Workshop on Analyzing and Interpreting Neural Networks for NLP

We investigate how different domains are encoded in modern neural network architectures. We analyze the relationship between natural language domains, model size, and the amount of training data used. The primary analysis tool we develop is based on subpopulation analysis with Singular Vector Canonical Correlation Analysis (SVCCA), which we apply to Transformer-based language models (LMs). We compare the latent representations of such a language model at its different layers from a pair of models: a model trained on multiple domains (an experimental model) and a model trained on a single domain (a control model). Through our method, we find that increasing the model capacity impacts how domain information is stored in upper and lower layers differently. In addition, we show that larger experimental models simultaneously embed domain-specific information as if they were conjoined control models. These findings are confirmed qualitatively, demonstrating the validity of our method.

To Adapt or to Fine-tune: A Case Study on Abstractive Summarization
Zheng Zhao | Pinzhen Chen
Proceedings of the 21st Chinese National Conference on Computational Linguistics

“Recent advances in the field of abstractive summarization leverage pre-trained language models rather than train a model from scratch. However, such models are sluggish to train and accompanied by a massive overhead. Researchers have proposed a few lightweight alternatives such as smaller adapters to mitigate the drawbacks. Nonetheless, it remains uncertain whether using adapters benefits the task of summarization, in terms of improved efficiency without an unpleasant sacrifice in performance. In this work, we carry out multifaceted investigations on fine-tuning and adapters for summarization tasks with varying complexity: language, domain, and task transfer. In our experiments, fine-tuning a pre-trained language model generally attains a better performance than using adapters; the performance gap positively correlates with the amount of training data used. Notably, adapters exceed fine-tuning under extremely low-resource conditions. We further provide insights on multilinguality, model convergence, and robustness, hoping to shed light on the pragmatic choice of fine-tuning or adapters in abstractive summarization.”

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A Unified Model for Reverse Dictionary and Definition Modelling
Pinzhen Chen | Zheng Zhao
Proceedings of the 2nd Conference of the Asia-Pacific Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics and the 12th International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing (Volume 2: Short Papers)

We build a dual-way neural dictionary to retrieve words given definitions, and produce definitions for queried words. The model learns the two tasks simultaneously and handles unknown words via embeddings. It casts a word or a definition to the same representation space through a shared layer, then generates the other form in a multi-task fashion. Our method achieves promising automatic scores on previous benchmarks without extra resources. Human annotators prefer the model’s outputs in both reference-less and reference-based evaluation, indicating its practicality. Analysis suggests that multiple objectives benefit learning.


Revisiting Shallow Discourse Parsing in the PDTB-3: Handling Intra-sentential Implicits
Zheng Zhao | Bonnie Webber
Proceedings of the 2nd Workshop on Computational Approaches to Discourse

In the PDTB-3, several thousand implicit discourse relations were newly annotated within individual sentences, adding to the over 15,000 implicit relations annotated across adjacent sentences in the PDTB-2. Given that the position of the arguments to these intra-sentential implicits is no longer as well-defined as with inter-sentential implicits, a discourse parser must identify both their location and their sense. That is the focus of the current work. The paper provides a comprehensive analysis of our results, showcasing model performance under different scenarios, pointing out limitations and noting future directions.


Reducing Quantity Hallucinations in Abstractive Summarization
Zheng Zhao | Shay B. Cohen | Bonnie Webber
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: EMNLP 2020

It is well-known that abstractive summaries are subject to hallucination—including material that is not supported by the original text. While summaries can be made hallucination-free by limiting them to general phrases, such summaries would fail to be very informative. Alternatively, one can try to avoid hallucinations by verifying that any specific entities in the summary appear in the original text in a similar context. This is the approach taken by our system, Herman. The system learns to recognize and verify quantity entities (dates, numbers, sums of money, etc.) in a beam-worth of abstractive summaries produced by state-of-the-art models, in order to up-rank those summaries whose quantity terms are supported by the original text. Experimental results demonstrate that the ROUGE scores of such up-ranked summaries have a higher Precision than summaries that have not been up-ranked, without a comparable loss in Recall, resulting in higher F1. Preliminary human evaluation of up-ranked vs. original summaries shows people’s preference for the former.

Extending Implicit Discourse Relation Recognition to the PDTB-3
Li Liang | Zheng Zhao | Bonnie Webber
Proceedings of the First Workshop on Computational Approaches to Discourse

The PDTB-3 contains many more Implicit discourse relations than the previous PDTB-2. This is in part because implicit relations have now been annotated within sentences as well as between them. In addition, some now co-occur with explicit discourse relations, instead of standing on their own. Here we show that while this can complicate the problem of identifying the location of implicit discourse relations, it can in turn simplify the problem of identifying their senses. We present data to support this claim, as well as methods that can serve as a non-trivial baseline for future state-of-the-art recognizers for implicit discourse relations.