Xingtai Lv


Parameter-efficient Weight Ensembling Facilitates Task-level Knowledge Transfer
Xingtai Lv | Ning Ding | Yujia Qin | Zhiyuan Liu | Maosong Sun
Proceedings of the 61st Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 2: Short Papers)

Recent studies show that large-scale pre-trained language models could be efficaciously adapted to particular tasks in a parameter-efficient manner. The trained lightweight set of parameters, such as adapters, can be easily stored and shared as a capability equipped with the corresponding models. Owning many lightweight parameters, we focus on transferring them between tasks to acquire an improvement in performance of new tasks, the key point of which is to obtain the similarity between tasks. In this paper, we explore 5 parameter-efficient weight ensembling methods to achieve such transferability and verify the effectiveness of them. These methods extract the information of datasets and trained lightweight parameters from different perspectives to obtain the similarity between tasks, and weight the existing lightweight parameters according to the comparability to acquire a suitable module for the initialization of new tasks. We apply them to three parameter-efficient tuning methods and test them on a wide set of downstream tasks. Experimental results show that our methods show an improvement of 5%~8% over baselines and could largely facilitate task-level knowledge transfer.

OpenDelta: A Plug-and-play Library for Parameter-efficient Adaptation of Pre-trained Models
Shengding Hu | Ning Ding | Weilin Zhao | Xingtai Lv | Zhen Zhang | Zhiyuan Liu | Maosong Sun
Proceedings of the 61st Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 3: System Demonstrations)

The scale of large pre-trained models (PTMs) poses significant challenges in adapting to downstream tasks due to the high optimization overhead and storage costs associated with full-parameter fine-tuning. To address this, many studies explore parameter-efficient tuning methods, also framed as “delta tuning” in Ding et al. (2022), which updates only a small subset of parameters, known as “delta modules”, while keeping the backbone model’s parameters fixed. However, the practicality and flexibility of delta tuning have been limited due to existing implementations that directly modify the code of the backbone PTMs and hard-code specific delta tuning methods for each PTM. In this paper, we present OpenDelta, an open-source library that overcomes these limitations by providing a plug-and-play implementation of various delta tuning methods. Our novel techniques eliminate the need to modify the backbone PTMs’ code, making OpenDelta compatible with different, even novel PTMs. OpenDelta is designed to be simple, modular, and extensible, providing a comprehensive platform for researchers and practitioners to adapt large PTMs efficiently.