Tomek Strzalkowski
Also published as: T. Strzalkowski, Tomek Strzalkowskl
Adapting Emotion Detection to Analyze Influence Campaigns on Social Media
Ankita Bhaumik
Andy Bernhardt
Gregorios Katsios
Ning Sa
Tomek Strzalkowski
Proceedings of the 13th Workshop on Computational Approaches to Subjectivity, Sentiment, & Social Media Analysis
Towards a Progression-Aware Autonomous Dialogue Agent
Abraham Sanders
Tomek Strzalkowski
Mei Si
Albert Chang
Deepanshu Dey
Jonas Braasch
Dakuo Wang
Proceedings of the 2022 Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies
BeSt: The Belief and Sentiment Corpus
Jennifer Tracey
Owen Rambow
Claire Cardie
Adam Dalton
Hoa Trang Dang
Mona Diab
Bonnie Dorr
Louise Guthrie
Magdalena Markowska
Smaranda Muresan
Vinodkumar Prabhakaran
Samira Shaikh
Tomek Strzalkowski
Proceedings of the Thirteenth Language Resources and Evaluation Conference
Active Defense Against Social Engineering: The Case for Human Language Technology
Adam Dalton
Ehsan Aghaei
Ehab Al-Shaer
Archna Bhatia
Esteban Castillo
Zhuo Cheng
Sreekar Dhaduvai
Qi Duan
Bryanna Hebenstreit
Md Mazharul Islam
Younes Karimi
Amir Masoumzadeh
Brodie Mather
Sashank Santhanam
Samira Shaikh
Alan Zemel
Tomek Strzalkowski
Bonnie J. Dorr
Proceedings for the First International Workshop on Social Threats in Online Conversations: Understanding and Management
Adaptation of a Lexical Organization for Social Engineering Detection and Response Generation
Archna Bhatia
Adam Dalton
Brodie Mather
Sashank Santhanam
Samira Shaikh
Alan Zemel
Tomek Strzalkowski
Bonnie J. Dorr
Proceedings for the First International Workshop on Social Threats in Online Conversations: Understanding and Management
Email Threat Detection Using Distinct Neural Network Approaches
Esteban Castillo
Sreekar Dhaduvai
Peng Liu
Kartik-Singh Thakur
Adam Dalton
Tomek Strzalkowski
Proceedings for the First International Workshop on Social Threats in Online Conversations: Understanding and Management
Generating Ethnographic Models from Communities’ Online Data
Tomek Strzalkowski
Anna Newheiser
Nathan Kemper
Ning Sa
Bharvee Acharya
Gregorios Katsios
Proceedings of the Second Workshop on Figurative Language Processing
Learning to Plan and Realize Separately for Open-Ended Dialogue Systems
Sashank Santhanam
Zhuo Cheng
Brodie Mather
Bonnie Dorr
Archna Bhatia
Bryanna Hebenstreit
Alan Zemel
Adam Dalton
Tomek Strzalkowski
Samira Shaikh
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: EMNLP 2020
Gaining and Losing Influence in Online Conversation
Arun Sharma
Tomek Strzalkowski
Proceedings of the Eleventh International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC 2018)
ANEW+: Automatic Expansion and Validation of Affective Norms of Words Lexicons in Multiple Languages
Samira Shaikh
Kit Cho
Tomek Strzalkowski
Laurie Feldman
John Lien
Ting Liu
George Aaron Broadwell
Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC'16)
The Validation of MRCPD Cross-language Expansions on Imageability Ratings
Ting Liu
Kit Cho
Tomek Strzalkowski
Samira Shaikh
Mehrdad Mirzaei
Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC'16)
Understanding Cultural Conflicts using Metaphors and Sociolinguistic Measures of Influence
Samira Shaikh
Tomek Strzalkowski
Sarah Taylor
John Lien
Ting Liu
George Aaron Broadwell
Laurie Feldman
Boris Yamrom
Kit Cho
Yuliya Peshkova
Proceedings of the Third Workshop on Metaphor in NLP
A New Dataset and Evaluation for Belief/Factuality
Vinodkumar Prabhakaran
Tomas By
Julia Hirschberg
Owen Rambow
Samira Shaikh
Tomek Strzalkowski
Jennifer Tracey
Michael Arrigo
Rupayan Basu
Micah Clark
Adam Dalton
Mona Diab
Louise Guthrie
Anna Prokofieva
Stephanie Strassel
Gregory Werner
Yorick Wilks
Janyce Wiebe
Proceedings of the Fourth Joint Conference on Lexical and Computational Semantics
Computing Affect in Metaphors
Tomek Strzalkowski
Samira Shaikh
Kit Cho
George Aaron Broadwell
Laurie Feldman
Sarah Taylor
Boris Yamrom
Ting Liu
Ignacio Cases
Yuliya Peshkova
Kyle Elliot
Proceedings of the Second Workshop on Metaphor in NLP
Discovering Conceptual Metaphors using Source Domain Spaces
Samira Shaikh
Tomek Strzalkowski
Kit Cho
Ting Liu
George Aaron Broadwell
Laurie Feldman
Sarah Taylor
Boris Yamrom
Ching-Sheng Lin
Ning Sa
Ignacio Cases
Yuliya Peshkova
Kyle Elliot
Proceedings of the 4th Workshop on Cognitive Aspects of the Lexicon (CogALex)
Automatic Expansion of the MRC Psycholinguistic Database Imageability Ratings
Ting Liu
Kit Cho
G. Aaron Broadwell
Samira Shaikh
Tomek Strzalkowski
John Lien
Sarah Taylor
Laurie Feldman
Boris Yamrom
Nick Webb
Umit Boz
Ignacio Cases
Ching-sheng Lin
Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC'14)
A Multi-Cultural Repository of Automatically Discovered Linguistic and Conceptual Metaphors
Samira Shaikh
Tomek Strzalkowski
Ting Liu
George Aaron Broadwell
Boris Yamrom
Sarah Taylor
Laurie Feldman
Kit Cho
Umit Boz
Ignacio Cases
Yuliya Peshkova
Ching-Sheng Lin
Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC'14)
Robust Extraction of Metaphor from Novel Data
Tomek Strzalkowski
George Aaron Broadwell
Sarah Taylor
Laurie Feldman
Samira Shaikh
Ting Liu
Boris Yamrom
Kit Cho
Umit Boz
Ignacio Cases
Kyle Elliot
Proceedings of the First Workshop on Metaphor in NLP
Topical Positioning: A New Method for Predicting Opinion Changes in Conversation
Ching-Sheng Lin
Samira Shaikh
Jennifer Stromer-Galley
Jennifer Crowley
Tomek Strzalkowski
Veena Ravishankar
Proceedings of the Workshop on Language Analysis in Social Media
Revealing Contentious Concepts Across Social Groups
Ching-Sheng Lin
Zumrut Akcam
Samira Shaikh
Sharon Small
Ken Stahl
Tomek Strzalkowski
Nick Webb
Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC'12)
Extending the MPC corpus to Chinese and Urdu - A Multiparty Multi-Lingual Chat Corpus for Modeling Social Phenomena in Language
Ting Liu
Samira Shaikh
Tomek Strzalkowski
Aaron Broadwell
Jennifer Stromer-Galley
Sarah Taylor
Umit Boz
Xiaoai Ren
Jingsi Wu
Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC'12)
Modeling Leadership and Influence in Multi-party Online Discourse
Tomek Strzalkowski
Samira Shaikh
Ting Liu
George Aaron Broadwell
Jenny Stromer-Galley
Sarah Taylor
Umit Boz
Veena Ravishankar
Xiaoai Ren
Proceedings of COLING 2012
Bootstrapping Events and Relations from Text
Ting Liu
Tomek Strzalkowski
Proceedings of the 13th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics
Multi-Modal Annotation of Quest Games in Second Life
Sharon Gower Small
Jennifer Strommer-Galley
Tomek Strzalkowski
Proceedings of the 49th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies
Modeling Socio-Cultural Phenomena in Discourse
Tomek Strzalkowski
George Aaron Broadwell
Jennifer Stromer-Galley
Samira Shaikh
Sarah Taylor
Nick Webb
Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on Computational Linguistics (Coling 2010)
Proceedings of the ACL 2010 Student Research Workshop
Seniz Demir
Jan Raab
Nils Reiter
Marketa Lopatkova
Tomek Strzalkowski
Proceedings of the ACL 2010 Student Research Workshop
VCA: An Experiment with a Multiparty Virtual Chat Agent
Samira Shaikh
Tomek Strzalkowski
Sarah Taylor
Nick Webb
Proceedings of the 2010 Workshop on Companionable Dialogue Systems
MPC: A Multi-Party Chat Corpus for Modeling Social Phenomena in Discourse
Samira Shaikh
Tomek Strzalkowski
Aaron Broadwell
Jennifer Stromer-Galley
Sarah Taylor
Nick Webb
Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC'10)
Utilizing Co-Occurrence of Answers in Question Answering
Min Wu
Tomek Strzalkowski
Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Computational Linguistics and 44th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics
HITIQA: Towards Analytical Question Answering
Sharon Small
Tomek Strzalkowski
Ting Liu
Sean Ryan
Robert Salkin
Nobuyuki Shimizu
Paul Kantor
Diane Kelly
Robert Rittman
Nina Wacholder
COLING 2004: Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Computational Linguistics
HITIQA: A Data Driven Approach to Interactive Analytical Question Answering
Sharon Small
Tomek Strzalkowski
Proceedings of HLT-NAACL 2004: Short Papers
Designing a Realistic Evaluation of an End-to-end Interactive Question Answering System
Nina Wacholder
Sharon Small
Bing Bai
Diane Kelly
Robert Rittman
Sean Ryan
Robert Salkin
Peng Song
Ying Sun
Ting Liu
Paul Kantor
Tomek Strzalkowski
Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC’04)
HITIQA: Scenario Based Question Answering
Sharon Small
Tomek Strzalkowski
Ting Liu
Sean Ryan
Robert Salkin
Nobuyuki Shimizu
Paul Kantor
Diane Kelly
Robert Rittman
Nina Wacholder
Boris Yamrom
Proceedings of the Workshop on Pragmatics of Question Answering at HLT-NAACL 2004
Data-Driven Strategies for an Automated Dialogue System
Hilda Hardy
Tomek Strzalkowski
Min Wu
Cristian Ursu
Nick Webb
Alan Biermann
R. Bryce Inouye
Ashley McKenzie
Proceedings of the 42nd Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL-04)
Dialogue Management for an Automated Multilingual Call Center
Hilda Hardy
Tomek Strzalkowski
Min Wu
Proceedings of the HLT-NAACL 2003 Workshop on Research Directions in Dialogue Processing
HITIQA: An Interactive Question Answering System: A Preliminary Report
Sharon Small
Ting Liu
Nobuyuki Shimizu
Tomek Strzalkowski
Proceedings of the ACL 2003 Workshop on Multilingual Summarization and Question Answering
Automatically Predicting Information Quality in News Documents
Rong Tang
Kwong Bor Ng
Tomek Strzalkowski
Paul B. Kantor
Companion Volume of the Proceedings of HLT-NAACL 2003 - Short Papers
Evaluating Summaries for Multiple Documents in an Interactive Environment
Gees C. Stein
Tomek Strzalkowski
G. Bowden Wise
Amit Bagga
Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC’00)
PartsID: A Dialogue-Based System for Identifying Parts for Medical Systems
Amit Bagga
Tomek Strzalkowski
G. Bowden Wise
Sixth Applied Natural Language Processing Conference
Summarization-based Query Expansion in Information Retrieval
Tomek Strzalkowski
Jin Wang
Bowden Wise
36th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics and 17th International Conference on Computational Linguistics, Volume 2
Enhancing Detection through Linguistic Indexing and Topic Expansion
Tomek Strzalkowski
Gees C. Stein
G. Bowden Wise
TIPSTER TEXT PROGRAM PHASE III: Proceedings of a Workshop held at Baltimore, Maryland, October 13-15, 1998
A Text-Extraction Based Summarizer
Tomek Strzalkowski
Gees C. Stein
G. Bowden Wise
TIPSTER TEXT PROGRAM PHASE III: Proceedings of a Workshop held at Baltimore, Maryland, October 13-15, 1998
Summarization-based Query Expansion in Information Retrieval
Tomek Strzalkowski
Jin Wang
Bowden Wise
COLING 1998 Volume 2: The 17th International Conference on Computational Linguistics
Building Effective Queries In Natural Language Information Retrieval
Tomek Strzalkowski
Fang Lin
Jose Perez-Carballo
Jin Wang
Fifth Conference on Applied Natural Language Processing
A Natural Language Correction Model for Continuous Speech Recognition
Tomek Strzalkowski
Ronald Brandow
Fifth Workshop on Very Large Corpora
Natural Language Information Retrieval: TIPSTER-2 Final Report
Tomek Strzalkowski
TIPSTER TEXT PROGRAM PHASE II: Proceedings of a Workshop held at Vienna, Virginia, May 6-8, 1996
Integration of Document Detection and Information Extraction
Louise Guthrie
Tomek Strzalkowski
Jin Wang
Fang Lin
TIPSTER TEXT PROGRAM PHASE II: Proceedings of a Workshop held at Vienna, Virginia, May 6-8, 1996
A Self-Learning Universal Concept Spotter
Tomek Strzalkowski
Jin Wang
COLING 1996 Volume 2: The 16th International Conference on Computational Linguistics
Robust Text Processing in Automated Information Retrieval
Tomek Strzalkowski
Fourth Conference on Applied Natural Language Processing
Document Representation in Natural Language Text Retrieval
Tomek Strzalkowski
Human Language Technology: Proceedings of a Workshop held at Plainsboro, New Jersey, March 8-11, 1994
Robust Text Processing and Information Retrieval
Tomek Strzalkowski
Human Language Technology: Proceedings of a Workshop held at Plainsboro, New Jersey, March 8-11, 1994
Building a Lexical Domain Map From Text Corpora
Tomek Strzalkowski
COLING 1994 Volume 1: The 15th International Conference on Computational Linguistics
Evaluation of TTP Parser: A Preliminary Report
Tomek Strzalkowski
Peter G. N. Scheyen
Proceedings of the Third International Workshop on Parsing Technologies
Robust Text Processing in Automated Information Retrieval
Tomek Strzalkowski
Very Large Corpora: Academic and Industrial Perspectives
Robust Text Processing and Information Retrieval
Tomek Strzalkowski
Human Language Technology: Proceedings of a Workshop Held at Plainsboro, New Jersey, March 21-24, 1993
TTP: A Fast and Robust Parser for Natural Language
Tomek Strzalkowski
COLING 1992 Volume 1: The 14th International Conference on Computational Linguistics
Information Retrieval Using Robust Natural Language Processing
Tomek Strzalkowski
Speech and Natural Language: Proceedings of a Workshop Held at Harriman, New York, February 23-26, 1992
Comparing Two Grammar-Based Generation Algorithms: A Case Study
Miroslav Martinovic
Tomek Strzalkowski
30th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics
Information Retrieval Using Robust Natural Language Processing
Tomek Strzalkowski
Barbara Vauthey
30th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics
A General Computational Method for Grammar Inversion
Tomek Strzalkowski
Reversible Grammar in Natural Language Processing
A Procedure for Quantitatively Comparing the Syntactic Coverage of English Grammars
E. Black
S. Abney
D. Flickenger
C. Gdaniec
R. Grishman
P. Harrison
D. Hindle
R. Ingria
F. Jelinek
J. Klavans
M. Liberman
M. Marcus
S. Roukos
B. Santorini
T. Strzalkowski
Speech and Natural Language: Proceedings of a Workshop Held at Pacific Grove, California, February 19-22, 1991
Fast Text Processing for Information Retrieval
Tomek Strzalkowski
Barbara Vauthey
Speech and Natural Language: Proceedings of a Workshop Held at Pacific Grove, California, February 19-22, 1991
How to Invert a Natural Language Parser Into an Efficient Generator: An Algorithm for Logic Grammars
Tomek Strzalkowskl
COLING 1990 Volume 2: Papers presented to the 13th International Conference on Computational Linguistics
Automated Inversion of Logic Grammars for Generation
Tomek Strzalkowski
Ping Peng
28th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics
Non-singular Concepts in Natural Language Discourse
Tomek Strzalkowski
Nick Cercone
Computational Linguistics, Volume 15, Number 3, September 1989
An Approach to Non-Singular Terms in Discourse
Tomek Strzalkowski
Coling 1986 Volume 1: The 11th International Conference on Computational Linguistics
Natural Language Information Retrieval System Dialog
L. Bole
K. Kochut
A. Lesniewski
T. Strzalkowski
First Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics
- Samira Shaikh 20
- Ting Liu 15
- George Aaron Broadwell 11
- Sarah Taylor 11
- Kit Cho 8
- show all...
- Sharon Small 7
- Laurie Feldman 7
- Boris Yamrom 7
- Adam Dalton 6
- G. Bowden Wise 6
- Nick Webb 6
- Jin Wang 5
- Ching-sheng Lin 5
- Jennifer Stromer-Galley 5
- Umit Boz 5
- Ignacio Cases 5
- Bonnie Dorr 4
- Yuliya Peshkova 4
- Paul Kantor 4
- Archna Bhatia 3
- Brodie Mather 3
- Sashank Santhanam 3
- Alan Zemel 3
- Min Wu 3
- Nobuyuki Shimizu 3
- John Lien 3
- Gees C. Stein 3
- Ning Sa 3
- Louise Guthrie 3
- Sean Ryan 3
- Robert Salkin 3
- Diane Kelly 3
- Robert Rittman 3
- Nina Wacholder 3
- Kyle Elliot 3
- Esteban Castillo 2
- Zhuo Cheng 2
- Sreekar Dhaduvai 2
- Bryanna Hebenstreit 2
- Hilda Hardy 2
- Gregorios Katsios 2
- Xiaoai Ren 2
- Vinodkumar Prabhakaran 2
- Owen Rambow 2
- Jennifer Tracey 2
- Mona Diab 2
- Amit Bagga 2
- Veena Ravishankar 2
- Fang Lin 2
- Barbara Vauthey 2
- Ehsan Aghaei 1
- Ehab Al-Shaer 1
- Qi Duan 1
- Md Mazharul Islam 1
- Younes Karimi 1
- Amir Masoumzadeh 1
- Peng Liu 1
- Kartik-Singh Thakur 1
- Peter G. N. Scheyen 1
- Mehrdad Mirzaei 1
- Nick Cercone 1
- Ankita Bhaumik 1
- Andy Bernhardt 1
- Zumrut Akcam 1
- Ken Stahl 1
- Jingsi Wu 1
- Ping Peng 1
- Tomas By 1
- Julia Hirschberg 1
- Michael Arrigo 1
- Rupayan Basu 1
- Micah Clark 1
- Anna Prokofieva 1
- Stephanie Strassel 1
- Gregory Werner 1
- Yorick Wilks 1
- Janyce Wiebe 1
- Rong Tang 1
- Kwong Bor Ng 1
- Abraham Sanders 1
- Mei Si 1
- Albert Chang 1
- Deepanshu Dey 1
- Jonas Braasch 1
- Dakuo Wang 1
- Arun Sharma 1
- Jennifer Crowley 1
- Bing Bai 1
- Peng Song 1
- Ying Sun 1
- Seniz Demir 1
- Jan Raab 1
- Nils Reiter 1
- Marketa Lopatkova 1
- Ezra Black 1
- Steven Abney 1
- Dan Flickinger 1
- Claudia Gdaniec 1
- Ralph Grishman 1
- Phil Harrison 1
- Donald Hindle 1
- Robert Ingria 1
- Frederick Jelinek 1
- Judith L. Klavans 1
- Mark Liberman 1
- Mitch Marcus 1
- Salim Roukos 1
- Beatrice Santorini 1
- L. Bole 1
- Krzysztof Kochut 1
- A. Lesniewski 1
- Anna Newheiser 1
- Nathan Kemper 1
- Bharvee Acharya 1
- Jenny Stromer-Galley 1
- Claire Cardie 1
- Hoa Trang Dang 1
- Magdalena Markowska 1
- Smaranda Muresan 1
- Jose Perez-Carballo 1
- Cristian Ursu 1
- Alan W. Biermann 1
- R. Bryce Inouye 1
- Ashley McKenzie 1
- Miroslav Martinović 1
- Ronald Brandow 1