Susann Boy
Emoji-Based Transfer Learning for Sentiment Tasks
Susann Boy
Dana Ruiter
Dietrich Klakow
Proceedings of the 16th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Student Research Workshop
Sentiment tasks such as hate speech detection and sentiment analysis, especially when performed on languages other than English, are often low-resource. In this study, we exploit the emotional information encoded in emojis to enhance the performance on a variety of sentiment tasks. This is done using a transfer learning approach, where the parameters learned by an emoji-based source task are transferred to a sentiment target task. We analyse the efficacy of the transfer under three conditions, i.e. i) the emoji content and ii) label distribution of the target task as well as iii) the difference between monolingually and multilingually learned source tasks. We find i.a. that the transfer is most beneficial if the target task is balanced with high emoji content. Monolingually learned source tasks have the benefit of taking into account the culturally specific use of emojis and gain up to F1 +0.280 over the baseline.
Apple Core-dination: Linguistic Feedback and Learning in a Speech-to-Action Shared World Game
Susann Boy
AriaRay Brown
Morgan Wixted
Proceedings of the First Workshop on Interactive Learning for Natural Language Processing
We investigate the question of how adaptive feedback from a virtual agent impacts the linguistic input of the user in a shared world game environment. To do so, we carry out an exploratory pilot study to observe how individualized linguistic feedback affects the user’s speech input. We introduce a speech-controlled game, Apple Core-dination, in which an agent learns complex tasks using a base knowledge of simple actions. The agent is equipped with a learning mechanism for mapping new commands to sequences of simple actions, as well as the ability to incorporate user input into written responses. The agent repeatedly shares its internal knowledge state by responding to what it knows and does not know about language meaning and the shared environment. Our paper focuses on the linguistic feedback loop in order to analyze the nature of user input. Feedback from the agent is provided in the form of visual movement and written linguistic responses. Particular attention is given to incorporating user input into agent responses and updating the speech-to-action mappings based on commands provided by the user. Through our pilot study, we analyze task success and compare the lexical features of user input. Results show variation in input length and lexical variety across users, suggesting a correlation between the two that can be studied further.