Shunhao Li


TAM of SCNU at SemEval-2023 Task 1: FCLL: A Fine-grained Contrastive Language-Image Learning Model for Cross-language Visual Word Sense Disambiguation
Qihao Yang | Yong Li | Xuelin Wang | Shunhao Li | Tianyong Hao
Proceedings of the The 17th International Workshop on Semantic Evaluation (SemEval-2023)

Visual Word Sense Disambiguation (WSD), as a fine-grained image-text retrieval task, aims to identify the images that are relevant to ambiguous target words or phrases. However, the difficulties of limited contextual information and cross-linguistic background knowledge in text processing make this task challenging. To alleviate this issue, we propose a Fine-grained Contrastive Language-Image Learning (FCLL) model, which learns fine-grained image-text knowledge by employing a new fine-grained contrastive learning mechanism and enriches contextual information by establishing relationship between concepts and sentences. In addition, a new multimodal-multilingual knowledge base involving ambiguous target words is constructed for visual WSD. Experiment results on the benchmark datasets from SemEval-2023 Task 1 show that our FCLL ranks at the first in overall evaluation with an average H@1 of 72.56\% and an average MRR of 82.22\%. The results demonstrate that FCLL is effective in inference on fine-grained language-vision knowledge. Source codes and the knowledge base are publicly available at