Rohan Sanda


Francis Bacon at SemEval-2023 Task 4: Ensembling BERT and GloVe for Value Identification in Arguments
Kenan Hasanaliyev | Kevin Li | Saanvi Chawla | Michael Nath | Rohan Sanda | Justin Wu | William Huang | Daniel Yang | Shane Mion | Kiran Bhat
Proceedings of the The 17th International Workshop on Semantic Evaluation (SemEval-2023)

In this paper, we discuss our efforts on SemEval-2023 Task4, a task to classify the human value categoriesthat an argument draws on. Arguments consist of a premise, conclusion,and the premise’s stance on the conclusion. Our team experimented with GloVe embeddings and fine-tuning BERT. We found that an ensembling of BERT and GloVe with RidgeRegression worked the best.