Pratyusha Sharma


Grokking of Hierarchical Structure in Vanilla Transformers
Shikhar Murty | Pratyusha Sharma | Jacob Andreas | Christopher Manning
Proceedings of the 61st Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 2: Short Papers)

For humans, language production and comprehension is sensitive to the hierarchical structure of sentences. In natural language processing, past work has questioned how effectively neural sequence models like transformers capture this hierarchical structure when generalizing to structurally novel inputs. We show that transformer language models can learn to generalize hierarchically after training for extremely long periods—far beyond the point when in-domain accuracy has saturated. We call this phenomenon structural grokking. On multiple datasets, structural grokking exhibits inverted U-shaped scaling in model depth: intermediate-depth models generalize better than both very deep and very shallow transformers. When analyzing the relationship between model-internal properties and grokking, we find that optimal depth for grokking can be identified using the tree-structuredness metric of CITATION. Overall, our work provides strong evidence that, with extended training, vanilla transformers discover and use hierarchical structure.


Skill Induction and Planning with Latent Language
Pratyusha Sharma | Antonio Torralba | Jacob Andreas
Proceedings of the 60th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers)

We present a framework for learning hierarchical policies from demonstrations, using sparse natural language annotations to guide the discovery of reusable skills for autonomous decision-making. We formulate a generative model of action sequences in which goals generate sequences of high-level subtask descriptions, and these descriptions generate sequences of low-level actions. We describe how to train this model using primarily unannotated demonstrations by parsing demonstrations into sequences of named high-level sub-tasks, using only a small number of seed annotations to ground language in action. In trained models, natural language commands index a combinatorial library of skills; agents can use these skills to plan by generating high-level instruction sequences tailored to novel goals. We evaluate this approach in the ALFRED household simulation environment, providing natural language annotations for only 10% of demonstrations. It achieves performance comparable state-of-the-art models on ALFRED success rate, outperforming several recent methods with access to ground-truth plans during training and evaluation.