Lihu Chen


GLADIS: A General and Large Acronym Disambiguation Benchmark
Lihu Chen | Gael Varoquaux | Fabian M. Suchanek
Proceedings of the 17th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics

Acronym Disambiguation (AD) is crucial for natural language understanding on various sources, including biomedical reports, scientific papers, and search engine queries. However, existing acronym disambiguationbenchmarks and tools are limited to specific domains, and the size of prior benchmarks is rather small. To accelerate the research on acronym disambiguation, we construct a new benchmark with three components: (1) a much larger acronym dictionary with 1.5M acronyms and 6.4M long forms; (2) a pre-training corpus with 160 million sentences;(3) three datasets that cover thegeneral, scientific, and biomedical domains.We then pre-train a language model, AcroBERT, on our constructed corpus for general acronym disambiguation, and show the challenges and values of our new benchmark.

Knowledge Base Completion for Long-Tail Entities
Lihu Chen | Simon Razniewski | Gerhard Weikum
Proceedings of the First Workshop on Matching From Unstructured and Structured Data (MATCHING 2023)

Despite their impressive scale, knowledge bases (KBs), such as Wikidata, still contain significant gaps. Language models (LMs) have been proposed as a source for filling these gaps. However, prior works have focused on prominent entities with rich coverage by LMs, neglecting the crucial case of long-tail entities. In this paper, we present a novel method for LM-based-KB completion that is specifically geared for facts about long-tail entities. The method leverages two different LMs in two stages: for candidate retrieval and for candidate verification and disambiguation. To evaluate our method and various baselines, we introduce a novel dataset, called MALT, rooted in Wikidata. Our method outperforms all baselines in F1, with major gains especially in recall.


Imputing Out-of-Vocabulary Embeddings with LOVE Makes LanguageModels Robust with Little Cost
Lihu Chen | Gael Varoquaux | Fabian Suchanek
Proceedings of the 60th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers)

State-of-the-art NLP systems represent inputs with word embeddings, but these are brittle when faced with Out-of-Vocabulary (OOV) words.To address this issue, we follow the principle of mimick-like models to generate vectors for unseen words, by learning the behavior of pre-trained embeddings using only the surface form of words.We present a simple contrastive learning framework, LOVE, which extends the word representation of an existing pre-trained language model (such as BERT) and makes it robust to OOV with few additional parameters.Extensive evaluations demonstrate that our lightweight model achieves similar or even better performances than prior competitors, both on original datasets and on corrupted variants. Moreover, it can be used in a plug-and-play fashion with FastText and BERT, where it significantly improves their robustness.